
. "$PSScriptRoot/SessionHelper.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot/RunPowerShellScriptJob.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot/JobHelper.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot/RemoteDeployer.Utility.ps1"
Import-VstsLocStrings "$PSScriptRoot\module.json"

#Invoke a script remotely on a set of machines. 2 types of script execution are supported:
# 1. Script File (should be already present on Target Machine)
# 2. Inline Script
#Long description
#.PARAMETER targetMachineNames
# array of target machine names. target machine names can be of the form <fqdn>:<port>, <fqdn>, <ip>:<port>, <ip>
#.PARAMETER credential
# credential to be used to connect to remote machines. The username specified should be a part of
# the administrators or Windows Remote Management Users group. If no credential is specified, then the
# the account with which the agent is running is picked
#.PARAMETER protocol
# can be http or https
#.PARAMETER authentication
# can be 'Default' or 'Credssp'. If Credssp is specified, credential is mandatory.
# credssp setup on client and server needs to be done beforehand.
#.PARAMETER sessionName
# name of the pssession that connects to target machines
#.PARAMETER remoteScriptJobArgumentsByName
# a hashtable with the following fields:
# 1. scriptPath
# 2. scriptArguments
# 3. inlineScript
# 4. [bool] inline
# 5. workingDirectory
# 6. errorActionPreference
# 7. [bool] ignoreLASTEXITCODE
# 8. [bool] failOnStdErr
# 9. initializationScriptPath
# 10. sessionVariables
#.PARAMETER sessionOption
# the session option object to be used for creating sessions.
# eg. for skipping ca check, create a new session option object ( New-PSSession -SkipCACheck ) and pass as an argument.
#.PARAMETER outputHandler
# a scriptblock that is called with: output stream data coming from remote machine and the computer.
# #.PARAMETER errorHandler
# a scriptblock that is called with: error stream data coming from remote machine and the computer.
#An example
#General notes

function Invoke-RemoteScript {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]] $targetMachineNames,

        [pscredential] $credential,

        [ValidateSet("http", "https")]
        [string] $protocol = "http",

        [ValidateSet("Default", "Credssp")]
        [string] $authentication = "Default",

        [string] $sessionConfigurationName = "microsoft.powershell",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [hashtable] $remoteScriptJobArgumentsByName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [psobject] $sessionOption,

        [scriptblock] $outputHandler = $defaultOutputHandler,

        [scriptblock] $errorHandler = $defaultErrorHandler,

        [switch] $uploadLogFiles
    Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -Parameter 'targetMachineNames'
    $PSSessionOption = $sessionOption
    try {
        $sessionName = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
        $sessions = @()
        $useSsl = ($protocol -eq 'https')
        $targetMachines = Get-TargetMachines -targetMachineNames $targetMachineNames `
                                             -credential $credential `
                                             -authentication $authentication `
                                             -sessionConfigurationName $sessionConfigurationName `

        foreach($targetMachine in $targetMachines) {
            $sessions += Get-WinRmConnectionToTargetMachine -computerName $targetMachine.ComputerName `
                                                            -port $targetMachine.WSManPort `
                                                            -credential $targetMachine.Credential `
                                                            -authentication $targetMachine.Authentication `
                                                            -sessionName $sessionName `
                                                            -sessionConfigurationName $targetMachine.sessionConfigurationName `

        if($uploadLogFiles -eq $true) {
            $tempLogsFolder = Get-TemporaryLogsFolder

        $jobResults = Run-RemoteScriptJobs -sessions $sessions `
                                           -script $ExecutePsScript `
                                           -sessionName $sessionName `
                                           -scriptArgumentsByName $remoteScriptJobArgumentsByName `
                                           -targetMachines $targetMachines `
                                           -sessionOption $sessionOption `
                                           -outputHandler $outputHandler `
                                           -errorHandler $errorHandler `
                                           -logsFolder $tempLogsFolder

        if(($jobResults -ne $null) -and ($jobResults.Length -gt 0)) {
            Publish-Telemetry -jobResults $jobResults
        if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tempLogsFolder)) {
            Upload-TargetMachineLogs -logsFolder $tempLogsFolder

        Set-TaskResult -jobResults $jobResults -machinesCount $targetMachines.Length
        Write-Verbose "Job results are: "
        foreach($jr in $jobResults) {
            Write-Verbose ($jr | Out-String)
        return $jobResults
    } finally {
        Disconnect-WinRmConnectionToTargetMachines -targetMachines $targetMachines -sessionName $sessionName -sessionOption $sessionOption
        Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-RemoteScript