function Get-TargetMachines { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string[]] $targetMachineNames, [pscredential] $credential, [string] $authentication, [string] $sessionConfigurationName, [switch] $useSsl ) Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -Parameter '' try { Write-Verbose "Target Machines: $($targetMachineNames -join ',')" $targetMachines = @(); foreach($targetMachineName in $targetMachineNames) { $targetMachine = @{ ComputerName = ""; WSManPort = ""; Credential = $credential; Authentication = $authentication; SessionConfigurationName = $sessionConfigurationName; UseSsl = $useSsl } # if port if provided with machine name, use it, else default it based on protocol $computerName, $port = $targetMachineName.Split(':'); if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($port)) { if($useSsl) { $port = "5986" } else { $port = "5985" } } $targetMachine.ComputerName = $computerName.Trim() $targetMachine.WSManPort = $port.Trim() Write-Verbose "ComputerName = $($targetMachine.ComputerName)" Write-Verbose "WSManPort = $($targetMachine.WSManPort)" Write-Verbose "Authentication = $($targetMachine.Authentication)" Write-Verbose "SessionConfigurationName = $($targetMachine.SessionConfigurationName)" Write-Verbose "UseSSL = $($targetMachine.UseSsl)" $targetMachines += $targetMachine } Write-Verbose "Total target machines are: $($targetMachines.Length)" return $targetMachines } finally { Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation } } function Publish-Telemetry { Param([hashtable[]] $jobResults) Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -Parameter '' try { $buildOrReleaseJobId = Get-VstsTaskVariable -Name 'System.JobId' foreach($jobResult in $jobResults) { $telemetryData = @{ "IsAzureVm" = $jobResult.IsAzureVM; "VmUuidHash" = $jobResult.MachineGuidHash; # field name 'TelemetryError' is misleading here. TelemetryError is only the type of the Telemetry exception. "TelemetryError" = $jobResult.TelemetryError; "JobId" = $buildOrReleaseJobId; } $telemetryDataJson = ConvertTo-Json $telemetryData $telemetryDataJson = $telemetryDataJson.Replace([environment]::NewLine, '').Trim() Write-Verbose "Telemetry Data is: $telemetryDataJson" $telemetry = "##vso[telemetry.publish area=TaskHub;feature=PowerShellOnTargetMachines]$telemetryDataJson" Write-Host $telemetry } } catch { Write-Verbose "Unable to publish telemetry data. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } finally { Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation } } function Get-TemporaryLogsFolder { Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation $MyInvocation try { $agentTempDirectory = Get-VstsTaskVariable -Name 'Agent.TempDirectory' $tempFolderName = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $tempLogsFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($agentTempDirectory, $tempFolderName) if((Test-Path -LiteralPath $tempLogsFolder -PathType 'Container') -eq $true) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempLogsFolder -Recurse -Force } $tempLogsFolder = (New-Item -Path $agentTempDirectory -Name $tempFolderName -ItemType 'Container').FullName Write-Verbose "Created temporary logs folder: $tempLogsFolder" return $tempLogsFolder } finally { Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation } } function Upload-TargetMachineLogs { Param( [string] $logsFolder ) Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation if((Test-Path -LiteralPath $logsFolder -PathType 'Container') -eq $true) { try { $logFiles = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $logsFolder -Filter "*.log" foreach($logFile in $logFiles) { Write-Host "##vso[task.uploadfile]$($logFile.FullName)" } } catch { Write-Error (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_UnableToUploadTargetMachineLogs" -ArgumentList $logsFolder, $_.Exception.Message) } } Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation } function Set-TaskResult { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [hashtable[]] $jobResults, [int] $machinesCount ) Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -Parameter "" try { $errCodes = @() $failed = $false if(($jobResults -eq $null) -or ($jobResults.Length -ne $machinesCount)) { $failed = $true Write-Error (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_UnableToGetRemoteJobResults") $errCodes += "RemoteDeployer_UnableToGetRemoteJobResults" } ForEach($jobResult in $jobResults) { if ($jobResult.Status -eq "Failed") { $failed = $true Write-Error (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_ScriptJobFailed" -ArgumentList $jobResult.ComputerName, $jobResult.Message) $errCodes += "RemoteDeployer_ScriptJobFailed" } elseif ($jobResult.Status -eq "Passed") { Write-Verbose "Remote script execution completed for machine: $($jobResult.ComputerName)" if($jobResult.ExitCode -ne 0) { $failed = $true Write-Error (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_NonZeroExitCode" -ArgumentList $jobResult.ComputerName, $jobResult.ExitCode) $errCodes += "RemoteDeployer_NonZeroExitCode" } else { Write-Host $(Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_ScriptExecutionSucceeded" -ArgumentList $($jobResult.ComputerName)) } } else { $failed = $true Write-Error (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_UnknownStatus" -ArgumentList $jobResult.Status) $errCodes += "RemoteDeployer_UnknownStatus" } } if(!$failed) { Write-VstsSetResult -Result 'Succeeded' } else { $errMessage = $errCodes -join ',' throw (Get-VstsLocString -Key "RemoteDeployer_JobResultEvaluationFailure" -ArgumentList $errMessage) } } finally { Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation } } $defaultErrorHandler = { Param($object, $computerName) Write-Host ($object | Out-String) } $defaultOutputHandler = { Param($object, $computerName) Write-Host ($object | Out-String) } |