
Function Test-RemedyApiConfig {
    Tests credentials and URL for use with the Remedy API.
    Use this cmdlet to validate your Remedy API credentials.
    Uses the Remedy API config in your userprofile to test the credentials are valid.

        #Path to your Remedy API config file.
        $Path = "$env:USERPROFILE\$env:USERNAME-RemedyApi.xml"
    Try {
        $Config = Get-RemedyApiConfig -Path $Path
        Try {

            $Headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $($Config.Credentials)" }
            $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$($Config.APIURL)/Home Page" -Headers $Headers

            Write-Verbose "$($Result.Content)"

            If ($Result.Content -like 'ARException: ERROR (623): Authentication failed;*'){ 

            Try {
                $ResultObj = ConvertFrom-Json $Result.Content -ErrorAction Stop
                $validJson = $true
            } Catch {
                $validJson = $false
                Write-Verbose 'Result was not JSON'

            If ($validJson -and $Result.Content -notlike 'ARException: ERROR*'){ $True } Else { $False } 
        } Catch {
            Write-Verbose $_

    } Catch {
        Write-Verbose "Remedy API config not set. Use Set-RemedyApiConfig first."