Function Get-RemedyInterface { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the list of Remedy API interfaces that can be interrogated. .EXAMPLE Get-RemedyInterfaces #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( #Optional: Name of an interface to see the properties of that interface. Exclude to list all interfaces. [String]$Interface, #An encoded string representing your Remedy Credentials as generated by the Set-RemedyApiConfig cmdlet. [String]$EncodedCredentials = (Get-RemedyApiConfig).Credentials, #The Remedy API URL. E.g: https://<localhost>:<port>/api [String]$APIURL = (Get-RemedyApiConfig).APIURL ) If (-not (Test-RemedyApiConfig)) { Throw 'Remedy API Test failed. Ensure the config has been set correctly via Set-RemedyApiConfig.' } $Headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $EncodedCredentials" } $URL = "$APIURL/$Interface" Try { Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URL -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Throw $_ } } |