function New-RdsGwCap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [bool] $Enable = $true, [bool] $Password = $true, [bool] $Smartcard = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $UserGroupNames, [uint32] $SessionTimeout = 0 ) $CapArgs = @{ AllowOnlySDRServers = $false ClipboardDisabled = $false ComputerGroupNames = [string]::Empty CookieAuthentication = $true DeviceRedirectionType = [uint32]0 DiskDrivesDisabled = $false Enabled = $Enable IdleTimeout = [uint32]0 Name = $Name Password = $Password PlugAndPlayDevicesDisabled = $false PrintersDisabled = $false SecureId = $false SerialPortsDisabled = $false SessionTimeout = $SessionTimeout SessionTimeoutAction = [uint32]0 Smartcard = $Smartcard UserGroupNames = $UserGroupNames } try { $Invoke = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayConnectionAuthorizationPolicy -MethodName Create -Arguments $CapArgs if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed creating CAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } else { Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayConnectionAuthorizationPolicy -Filter ('Name = "{0}"' -f $Name) } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } } function New-RdsGwRap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Name, [String] $Description = [String]::Empty, [bool] $Enabled = $true, [ValidateSet('RG','CG','ALL')] [string] $ResourceGroupType = 'ALL', [string] $ResourceGroupName = [string]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $UserGroupNames, [ValidateSet('3389','*')] [string] $PortNumbers = '3389' ) $RapArgs = @{ Name = $Name Description = $Description Enabled = $Enabled ResourceGroupType = $ResourceGroupType ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName UserGroupNames = $UserGroupNames ProtocolNames = 'RDP' PortNumbers = $PortNumbers } try { $Invoke = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayResourceAuthorizationPolicy -MethodName Create -Arguments $RapArgs if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed creating RAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } else { Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayResourceAuthorizationPolicy -Filter ('Name = "{0}"' -f $Name) } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } } function Get-RdsGwCap { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='list')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Named')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) $QueryParams = @{ Namespace = 'root/CIMV2/TerminalServices' ClassName = 'Win32_TSGatewayConnectionAuthorizationPolicy' } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Named') { $QueryParams.Add('Filter',('Name = "{0}"' -f $Name)) } Get-CimInstance @QueryParams } function Get-RdsGwRap { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='list')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Named')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) $QueryParams = @{ Namespace = 'root/CIMV2/TerminalServices' ClassName = 'Win32_TSGatewayResourceAuthorizationPolicy' } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Named') { $QueryParams.Add('Filter',('Name = "{0}"' -f $Name)) } Get-CimInstance @QueryParams } function Remove-RdsGwRap { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwRap ) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RdsGwRap)) { $Invoke = $RdsGwRap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Delete if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed removing CAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } } function Remove-RdsGwCap { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ciminstance] $RdsGwCap ) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RdsGwCap)) { $Invoke = $RdsGwCap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Delete if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed removing CAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } } function Enable-RdsGwCap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwCap ) $Invoke = $RdsGwCap | SetRdsGwCap -Enable $true if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed enabling CAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } function Disable-RdsGwCap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwCap ) $Invoke = $RdsGwCap | SetRdsGwCap -Enable $false if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed disabling CAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } function SetRdsGwCap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwCap, [bool] $Enable ) $RdsGwCap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName SetEnabled -Arguments @{Enabled = $Enable} } function Enable-RdsGwRap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwRap ) $Invoke = $RdsGwRap | SetRdsGwRap -Enable $true if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed enabling RAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } function Disable-RdsGwRap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwRap ) $Invoke = $RdsGwRap | SetRdsGwRap -Enable $false if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed disabling RAP Policy. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } } function SetRdsGwRap { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $RdsGwRap, [bool] $Enable ) $RdsGwRap | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName SetEnabled -Arguments @{Enabled = $Enable} } function New-RdsGwSelfSignedCertificate { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SubjectName ) try { $Invoke = Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServer -MethodName CreateSelfSignedCertificate -Arguments @{SubjectName = $SubjectName} if ($Invoke.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed Certificate creation. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Invoke.ReturnValue) } $Invoke | Set-RdsGwCertificate } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } } function Set-RdsGwCertificate { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Thumbprint')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='CertHash', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [byte[]]$CertHash, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='Thumbprint', ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Thumbprint ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Thumbprint') { if ($Cert = Get-Item -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$Thumbprint -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $CertHash = $Cert.GetCertHash() } else { throw ('Certificate matching thumbprint {0} was not found' -f $Thumbprint) } } #remove current SSL configuration if exists and restart if (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\SslBindingInfo\ -Name SslCertHash -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\SslBindingInfo\ -Name SslCertHash Restart-Service -Name TSGateway -Force } $SSLConfigure = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServerSettings | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName SetCertificate -Arguments @{CertHash = $CertHash} if ($SSLConfigure.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed assigning generated Certificate. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $SSLConfigure.ReturnValue) } $SSLACLConfigure = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServerSettings | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName SetCertificateACL -Arguments @{CertHash = $CertHash} if ($SSLACLConfigure.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed assigning ACL to generated Certificate. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $SSLACLConfigure.ReturnValue) } $SSLContextConfigure = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServerSettings | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName RefreshCertContext -Arguments @{CertHash = $CertHash} if ($SSLContextConfigure.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed refreshing context for generated Certificate. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $SSLContextConfigure.ReturnValue) } } } function Enable-RdsGwServer { $Configure = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServerSettings | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Configure if ($Configure.ReturnValue -ne 0) { throw ('Failed configuring Rds GW. Returnvalue: {0}' -f $Configure.ReturnValue) } } function Get-RdsGwServerConfiguration { Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CIMV2/TerminalServices -ClassName Win32_TSGatewayServerSettings } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-RdsGw* |