enum Ensure { Absent Present } [DscResource()] class RancherOnboarding { [DscProperty(Key)] [String]$RancherUrl [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [String]$OnboardingState [DscProperty(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Ensure = 'Present' [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [PSCredential]$TokenCredential [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [String]$ConfiguredRancherAgentVersion [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [String]$DesiredRancherAgentVersion [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [String]$CaChecksum # Gets the resource's current state. [RancherOnboarding] Get() { try { get-command docker } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { Write-Warning "Missing Docker" $this.OnboardingState = 'Absent' return $this } $rancherAgentImageArr = docker images | Where-Object {$_ -match "^rancher/rancher-agent*"} if ($rancherAgentImageArr) { $this.OnboardingState = "Present" $this.ConfiguredRancherAgentVersion = ($rancherAgentImageArr[0]-split "\s+")[1] -replace "^v" } else { $this.OnboardingState = "Absent" } return $this } # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { Write-Verbose "Desired State is: $($this.Ensure)" switch ($this.Ensure) { "Absent" { throw "Not yet implemented" } "Present" { Write-Verbose "Will add node to rancher" $cmdLine = "docker run -v c:\:c:\host rancher/rancher-agent:v$($this.DesiredRancherAgentVersion) bootstrap --server $($this.RancherUrl) --token $($this.TokenCredential.Password) --ca-checksum $($this.CaChecksum) --worker | iex" Write-Verbose "Rancher Onboarding Command will be: $cmdLine" Invoke-Expression -Command $cmdLine } } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { try { $rancherAgentState = $this.Get() } catch { Write-Warning "$($error[0].exception.Message)" return $false } if ($rancherAgentState.OnboardingState -eq $this.Ensure) { Write-Verbose "Rancher is configured correctly" return $true } else { return $false } } } |