
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession">
            The "Initialize-PartnerSession" PwSh cmdlet returns an Access Token to be used by other Partner-related PwSh cmdlets.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Tenant ID: the Tenant ID where the Partner Enterprise Application is hosted.</item>
            <item>Client ID: the ID of the Enterprise Application that will execute the On-Behalf-Of auth flow.</item>
            <item>Redirect URI: the URI that will be used by the MSAL client to listen for the Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of auth flow.</item>
            <item>Scope(s): the scopes that will be used on for the On-Behalf-Of auth flow.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
            This PwSh Cmdlet initializes the on-behalf-of auth flow for the partner. The Access Token returned by the Cmdlet should be saved to a temporary variable, like this:
                <code>$token = Initialize-PartnerSession</code>
            This will capture the Access Token (which is a long Guid) in the $token variable, for later usage.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.TenantID">
            Parameter 1: Tenant ID
            The tenant ID for the registered partner enterprise application.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.ClientID">
            Parameter 2: Client ID
            The client ID for the registered partner enterprise application.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.RedirectURI">
            Parameter 3: Redirect URI
            This parameter is optional and is received from the user.
            It represents the Redirect URI used by the MSAL client to listen for the access token received from the OBO auth.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.Scopes">
            Parameter 3: Scopes
            This parameter is mandatory and is received from the user.
            The scopes should most of the time end with the route ".default"
               <code>Scopes[0] = "https://www.microsoft.com/api/.default"</code>
               <code>Scopes[1] = "https://www.contoso.com/api/.default"</code>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.Force">
            Parameter 4: Force
            This parameter is optional and skips the user confirmation prompt.
            (Useful for automation)
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.ProcessRecord">
            ProcessRecord method.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.InitializePartnerSession.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores">
            The List-AvailableDatastores cmdlet is used to list the datastores that are available to the partner.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Datastores URI: the URI where the partner wishes to see available datastores.</item>
            <item>Access Token: The Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow being ran.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.ResourceURI">
            Parameter 1: The URI for the datastores location.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.AccessToken">
            Parameter 2: The Access Token to query the available data stores.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.Force">
            Parameter 3: The Force parameter.
            This parameter is optional and skips the confirmation prompt.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.ProcessRecord">
            This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListAvailableDatastores.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables">
            The List-DatastoreTables cmdlet is used to list the tables in a datastore availabe for the partner.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Internal Resource ID: The specified datastore internal resource ID that will be interrogated.</item>
            <item>Datastores URI: the URI where the dataset is located.</item>
            <item>Access Token: The Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow being ran.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.InternalResourceID">
            Parameter 1: The specified datastore internal resource ID.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.ResourceURI">
            Parameter 2: The URI for the datastores location.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.AccessToken">
            Parameter 3: The Access Token to query the dataset tables.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.Force">
            Parameter 4: Force.
            This parameter is optional and skips the confirmation prompt.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.ProcessRecord">
            This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.ListDatastoreTables.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset">
            The Promote-PartnerDataset cmdlet is used to promote a partner dataset to another environment.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Access Token: The Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow being ran.</item>
            <item>Environments URI: the URI where the other environments are located.</item>
            <item>Dataset ID: The ID of the dataset that will be promoted onto the environments endpoint.</item>
            <item>TargetEnvironments: a list of environments where the dataset should be promoted onto.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.DatasetId">
            Parameter 1: The ID of the dataset that will be promoted.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.TargetEnvironments">
            Parameter 2: The list of visible environments that the dataset should be promoted onto.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.EnvironmentsURI">
            Parameter 3: The environments URI where the dataset will be promoted to.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.AccessToken">
            Parameter 4: The Access Token that will be used in order to promote the partner dataset.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.Force">
            Parameter 5: This parameter is optional and skips the confirmation prompt.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.ProcessRecord">
            This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.PromotePartnerDataset.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset">
            The Promote-PartnerDataset cmdlet is used to register a dataset to the datastores location.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Access Token: The Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow being ran.</item>
            <item>Datastores URI: the URI where the dataset should be registered onto.</item>
            <item>Dataset name: The name of the dataset that will be registered.</item>
            <item>Dataset expression: The expression that will be ran in order to register the dataset.</item>
            <item>Internal resource ID: The internal ID of the datastore that will be used for registering the dataset.</item>
            <item>Dataset description: A short description about the dataset's offerings.</item>
            <item>Dataset Environments: A list of enviornments where the dataset will be registered onto.</item>
            <item>Is Writeable?: A true/false flag to register the dataset as read-only or not, in the datastore.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.DatasetName">
            Parameter 1: The name of the dataset to be registered.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.DatasetExpression">
            Parameter 2: The expression that will be used to generate the dataset.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.InternalResourceID">
            Parameter 3: The internal datastore resource ID.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.DatasetDescription">
            Parameter 4: The dataset description.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.DatasetEnvironments">
            Parameter 5: A comma separated list that contains the environments where the dataset will be registered on.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.DatasetURI">
            Parameter 6: The Dataset URI where the dataset will be registered to.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.IsWriteable">
            Parameter 7: Is the dataset writeable or read-only?
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.AccessToken">
            Parameter 8: The Access Token that will be used to register the dataset.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.Force">
            Parameter 9: This parameter is optional and skips the confirmation prompt.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.ProcessRecord">
            This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RegisterPartnerDataset.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion">
            The Revoke-DatasetPromotion cmdlet is used to revoke the promotion of a dataset.
            <list type="number">
            <item>Access Token: The Access Token received from the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow being ran.</item>
            <item>Dataset ID: The ID of the dataset that will be revoked-promoted.</item>
            <item>Environments URI: the URI where the dataset was previously promoted on.</item>
            <c>There is also a -Force parameter to skip interactive validation (for automation purposes)</c>
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.DatasetID">
            Parameter 1: The ID of the dataset that will be revoked from promotion.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.EnvironmentsURI">
            Parameter 2: The URI for the environment where the dataset will be demoted the previous promotion(s).
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.AccessToken">
            Parameter 3: The Access Token that will be used to revoke the promotion of the dataset.
        <member name="P:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.Force">
            Parameter 4: This parameter is optional and skips the confirmation prompt.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.BeginProcessing">
            This method gets called once for each cmdlet in the pipeline when the pipeline starts executing
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.ProcessRecord">
            This method will be called for each input received from the pipeline to this cmdlet; if no input is received, this method is not called.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Cmdlets.RevokeDatasetPromotion.EndProcessing">
            This method will be called once at the end of pipeline execution; if no input is received, this method is not called
        <member name="T:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Engine.OnBehalfOfAuthEngine">
            This class represents the On-Behalf-Of Auth flow. It will be mostly used by partners when they want to use the Data Platform PowerShell Cmdlets.
        <member name="M:RTDP.CLI.PartnerCmdlets.Engine.OnBehalfOfAuthEngine.Auth(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String[])">
            The Auth method will use the Microsoft.Identity.Client package and return the AuthenticationResult (that contains the Access Token) object.
            Instruction set:
            <list type="number">
            <item> Create the Public Client Application builder object, passing the Client ID of the enterprise application. </item>
            <item> Prepare and build the Public Client Application that will trigger OBO auth flow. </item>
            <item> Call the AcquireTokenInteractive() method for the Public Client Application, and retrieve the AuthenticationResult object. </item>
            <param name="clientID">The client ID for the registered enterprise application.</param>
            <param name="tenantID">The tenant ID where the registered enterprise application is hosted.</param>
            <param name="redirectURI">The redirect URI that will be used by the MSAL client to listen for the access token received from the OBO auth.</param>
            <param name="scopes">The scopes for the authentication and authorization flow.</param>
            <returns> The AuthenticationResult object after trying to authorize the partner.</returns>