function Resolve-ROSSPackagePath { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves the latest RES ONE Identity Director/Service Store/IT Store installation package. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ## The literal file path or root search path [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Path, ## Required RES ONE Service Store component ## MobileGateway added/separated from the WebPortal in v10 onwards [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Console','CatalogServices','TransactionEngine','ManagementPortal','WebPortal','Client','MobileGateway')] [System.String] $Component, ## RES ONE Service Store component version to be installed, i.e. 9, 8.2 or [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Version, ## The specified Path is a literal file reference (bypasses the Version check). [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsLiteralPath ) if (([System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Version)) -and (-not $IsLiteralPath)) { throw ($localizedData.VersionNumberRequiredError); } elseif ($IsLiteralPath) { if ($Path -notmatch '\.msi$') { throw ($localizedData.SpecifedPathTypeError -f $Path, 'MSI'); } } elseif ($Version -notmatch '^\d\d?(\.\d\d?|\.\d\d?\.\d\d?|\.\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?)?$') { throw ($localizedData.InvalidVersionNumberFormatError -f $Version); } else { $versionMajor = $Version.Split('.')[0] -as [System.Int32]; if (($Component -eq 'MobileGateway') -and ($versionMajor -lt 10)) { throw ($localizedData.InvalidComponentVersionError -f 'MobileGateway', 10); } } if ($IsLiteralPath) { $packagePath = $Path; } else { ## [System.Version] does not support just a major number and therefore, we have to roll our own.. $versionSplit = $Version.Split('.'); $productVersion = [PSCustomObject] @{ Major = $versionSplit[0] -as [System.Int32]; Minor = if ($versionSplit[1]) { $versionSplit[1] -as [System.Int32] } else { -1 } Build = if ($versionSplit[2]) { $versionSplit[2] -as [System.Int32] } else { -1 } Revision = if ($versionSplit[3]) { $versionSplit[3] -as [System.Int32] } else { -1 } } switch ($productVersion.Major) { 7 { $packageName = 'RES-ITS'; $webPortalPackageName = 'Web-Portal'; $consolePackageName = 'Console' } 8 { $packageName = 'RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015'; $webPortalPackageName = 'WebPortal-MobileGateway'; $consolePackageName = 'Setup-Sync-Tool'; } 9 { $packageName = 'RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016'; $webPortalPackageName = 'WebPortal-MobileGateway'; $consolePackageName = 'Setup-Sync-Tool'; } 10 { $packageName = 'RES ONE Identity Director'; $webPortalPackageName = 'Web Portal'; $mobileGatewayPackageName = 'Mobile Gateway'; $consolePackageName = 'Setup Sync Tool'; } Default { throw ($localizedData.UnsupportedVersionError -f $productVersion.ToString()); } } #end switch version major ## Calculate the version search Regex if (($productVersion.Minor -eq -1) -and ($productVersion.Build -eq -1) -and ($productVersion.Revision -eq -1)) { ## We only have 'Major' $versionRegex = '{0}.\S+' -f $productVersion.Major; } elseif (($productVersion.Build -eq -1) -and ($productVersion.Revision -eq -1)) { ## We only have 'Major.Minor' $versionRegex = '{0}.{1}.\S+' -f $productVersion.Major, $productVersion.Minor; } elseif ($productVersion.Revision -eq -1) { ## We have 'Major.Minor.Build' $versionRegex = '{0}.{1}.{2}.\S+' -f $productVersion.Major, $productVersion.Minor, $productVersion.Build; } else { ## We have explicit version. $versionRegex = '{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}' -f $productVersion.Major, $productVersion.Minor, $productVersion.Build, $productVersion.Revision; } $systemArchitecture = 'x86'; if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { $systemArchitecture = 'x64'; } switch ($Component) { 'TransactionEngine' { ## RES-ITS-Transaction-Engine(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Transaction-Engine(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016-Transaction-Engine(x64)- ## RES ONE Identity Director Transaction Engine (x64) $regex = '{0}-Transaction-Engine\({1}\)-{2}.msi' -f $packageName, $systemArchitecture, $versionRegex; } 'CatalogServices' { ## RES-ITS-Catalog-Services(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Catalog-Services(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Catalog-Services(x64)- ## RES ONE Identity Director Catalog Services (x64) $regex = '{0}-Catalog-Services\({1}\)-{2}.msi' -f $packageName, $systemArchitecture, $versionRegex; } 'ManagementPortal' { ## Not applicable to IT Store 2014 ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Management-Portal- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016-Management-Portal- ## RES ONE Identity Director Management Portal $regex = '{0}-Management-Portal-{1}.msi' -f $packageName, $versionRegex; } 'WebPortal' { ## RES-ITS-Web-Portal- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-WebPortal-MobileGateway- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016-WebPortal-MobileGateway- $regex = '{0}-{1}-{2}.msi' -f $packageName, $webPortalPackageName, $versionRegex; } 'Client' { ## RES-ITS-Client(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Client(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016-Client(x64)- ## RES ONE Identity Director Client (x86) $regex = '{0}-Client\({1}\)-{2}.msi' -f $packageName, $systemArchitecture, $versionRegex; } 'MobileGateway' { ## Version 10 only! ## RES ONE Identity Director Mobile Gateway $regex = '{0} {1} {2}' -f $packageName, $mobileGatewayPackageName, $versionRegex; } Default { ## RES-ITS-Console(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2015-Setup-Sync-Tool(x64)- ## RES-ONE-ServiceStore-2016-Setup-Sync-Tool(x64)- ## RES ONE Identity Director Setup Sync Tool (x64) $regex = '{0}-{1}\({2}\)-{3}.msi' -f $packageName, $consolePackageName, $systemArchitecture, $versionRegex; } } #end switch component if ($productVersion.Major -ge 10) { ## Version 10 products have no hypens, only spaces.. ## Version 10 products have a space before the architecture.. $regex = $regex.Replace('-',' ').Replace('\(', ' \('); } Write-Verbose -Message ($localizedData.SearchFilePatternMatch -f $regex); $packagePath = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch $regex } | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1; if ((-not $IsLiteralPath) -and (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($packagePath))) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.LocatedPackagePath -f $packagePath); return $packagePath; } elseif ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($packagePath)) { throw ($localizedData.UnableToLocatePackageError -f $Component); } } #end if } #end function Resolve-ROSSPackagePath |