data localizedData { # Localized messages; culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData @' CannotFindFilePathError = Cannot find path '{0}' because it does not exist. FileAlreadyExistsError = File or directory '{0}' already exists. NoSessionEstablishedError = No RES ONE Service Store session established or session has expired. InputObjectTypeMismatchError = InputObject is not a '{0}' type. UnsupportedDbConnectionType = Unsupported database connection type '{0}'. UnsupportedOperationWarning = The '{0}' cmdlet is an unsupported operation. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. ShouldProcessImport = Import ShouldProcessSet = Set ShouldProcessUpdate = Update ShouldProcessEnable = Enable ShouldProcessDisable = Disable ShouldProcessDelete = Delete NoMatchingWorkflowActionsFound = No matching workflow actions found on service '{0}'. InvokingSQLQuery = Invoking SQL query "{0}". '@ } $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent; $moduleSrcPath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Src'; Get-ChildItem -Path $moduleSrcPath -Include '*.ps1' -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message ('Importing library\source file ''{0}''.' -f $_.FullName); . $_.FullName; } $customProperties = @{ ## Custom RES ONE Service Store property map 'VirtualEngine.ROSS.DataSource' = @{ Type = @{ DataSourceColumn = 'SpecificFlags'; ValueMap = @{ 1 = 'CSV'; 2 = 'ActiveDirectory'; 3 = 'ODBC'; } } } 'VirtualEngine.ROSS.DataConnection' = @{ Type = @{ DataSourceColumn = 'Type'; ValueMap = @{ 1 = 'People'; 2 = 'Organization'; 3 = 'Classification'; 4 = 'Attribute'; } } Errors = @{ DataSourceColumn = 'SyncErrors'; } LastSyncDate = @{ DataSourceColumn = 'SyncEndDate'; } } 'VirtualEngine.ROSS.Organization' = @{ } } #end customProperties ## Import the \DSCResources\ROSSCommon common library functions Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResources\ROSSCommon') -Force -Verbose:$false; |