Author:Roger Cormier Company:Microsoft Description: This cmdlet will produce a manifest of objects and properties that can be used to validate the success of a migration to Office 365 DependsOn: Get-SPWebMigrationManifestInfo, Get-SPListMigrationManifestInfo, Get-SiteMigrationManifestInfo, Get-SPWebRolesMigrationManifestInfo #> function New-SourceSiteMigrationManifest { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$True, position=0, HelpMessage="This should be a CSV file that contains a Source URL and a Destination URL for all site collections included in this manifest")] [ValidateScript({ if($_.localpath.endswith("csv")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'InputFile`' must be a csv file"} if(test-path $_.localpath){$True}else{throw "`r`nFile $($_.localpath) does not exist"} })] [URI]$InputFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, position=1, HelpMessage="Use the -AppDomainNamespaceExclusionFile parameter to specify a text file containing a list of app domain namespaces that should be escluded.")] [ValidateScript({ if($_.localpath.endswith("txt")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'InputFile`' must be a txt file"} if(test-path $_.localpath){$True}else{throw "`r`nFile $($_.localpath) does not exist"} })] [URI]$AppDomainNamespaceExclusionFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, position=2, HelpMessage="Use the -GroupExclusionFile parameter to specify a text file containing a list groups that should be evaluated for exclusion.")] [ValidateScript({ if($_.localpath.endswith("txt")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'InputFile`' must be a txt file"} if(test-path $_.localpath){$True}else{throw "`r`nFile $($_.localpath) does not exist"} })] [URI]$GroupExclusionFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, position=3, HelpMessage="Use the -Force switch to overwrite the existing output file")] [switch]$Force, [parameter(Mandatory=$False, position=4, HelpMessage="Use the -IncludeHiddenLists switch to include hidden lists in the report")] [switch]$IncludeHidddenLists ) DynamicParam { $ParameterName = 'OutputFile' $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $False $ParameterAttribute.Position = 1 $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttribute) $ValidateScriptAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute({ if($_.localpath.endswith("json")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'OutputFile`' must be a JSON file"} if(!(Test-Path $_.localpath)){$True}elseif((Test-Path $_.localpath) -and ($Force)){$True}else{throw "`r`nFile $($_.localpath) already exists. Use the -Force switch"} }) $AttributeCollection.Add($ValidateScriptAttribute) $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [URI], $AttributeCollection) $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter) return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } begin { $AllParameters = $PSBoundParameters if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AllParameters["OutputFile"].localpath)) { [URI]$AllParameters["OutputFile"] = $InputFile.LocalPath.Replace(".csv",".json") } [URI]$AllParameters["OutputFile"] = $AllParameters["OutputFile"].localpath.Replace(".json", "_$(Get-Date -Format MMddyyyy-HH_mm_ss).json") } Process { $SitesList = Import-Csv -Path $InputFile.LocalPath | Where-Object {$_."Source Site URL".length -gt 0} $ReportInformation = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist foreach($Site in $SitesList) { $SPSite = Get-SPSite $Site."Source Site URL".Trimend("/") $SiteEntry = Get-SPSiteMigrationManifestInfo $SPSite $SiteEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SPSite."URL" $SiteEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -value $Site."Destination Site URL" if($AppDomainNameSpaceExclusionFile) { [Array]$Exclusions = Get-Content $AppDomainNameSpaceExclusionFile.LocalPath $ExcludedWebs = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist $WebsToProcess = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach($Exclusion in $Exclusions) { [Array]$ExclusionMatches = $SPSite.AllWebs | ? {$_.url -match $Exclusion} if($ExclusionMatches) { foreach($Match in $ExclusionMatches) { $ExcludedWebs.Add($Match.url) | Out-Null } } } foreach($Web in $SPSite.AllWebs) { if($ExcludedWebs -match $Web.url) { Write-Verbose "Web `'$($Web.url)`' has been excluded" } else { $WebsToProcess.Add($Web) | Out-Null } } $SiteEntry.'Number of webs' = $WebsToProcess.Count } else { $WebsToProcess = $SPSite.AllWebs $SiteEntry.'Number of webs' = $WebsToProcess.Count } $ReportInformation.Add($SiteEntry) | Out-Null foreach ($Web in $WebsToProcess) { if($IncludeHidddenLists) { $WebEntry = Get-SPWebMigrationManifestInfo $Web -IncludeHiddenLists } else { $WebEntry = Get-SPWebmigrationManifestInfo $Web } $WebEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $WebEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $ReportInformation.Add($WebEntry) | Out-Null if($WebEntry.'Has Unique Permissions' -eq "True") { if($Web.IsRootWeb) { $WebRolesEntries = Get-SPWebRolesMigrationManifestInfo -SPWeb $Web foreach($WebRole in $WebRolesEntries) { $WebRole | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $WebRole | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $ReportInformation.Add($WebRole) | Out-Null } } if($GroupExclusionFile) { $WebGroupEntries = Get-SPWebGroupsMigrationManifestInfo -SPWeb $Web -GroupExclusionFile $GroupExclusionFile } else { $WebGroupEntries = Get-SPWebGroupsMigrationManifestInfo -SPWeb $Web } foreach($WebGroup in $WebGroupEntries) { $WebGroup | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $WebGroup | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $ReportInformation.Add($WebGroup) | Out-Null } $AllGroups = $web.SiteGroups foreach($Group in $AllGroups) { $GroupEntry = New-Object System.Object $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type of Entry" -Value "Group Mapping" $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $GroupEntry | add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Web URL" -Value $web.URL $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Group Name" -Value $Group.Name if($Group.Roles.count -gt 0) { $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Roles Assigned" -Value ([String]::Join(",", ($Group.Roles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))) } else { $GroupEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Roles Assigned" -Value "None" } $ReportInformation.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null } } if($IncludeHidddenLists) { foreach($list in $web.lists) { $ListEntry = Get-SPListMigrationManifestInfo $list $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Web URL" -value $WebEntry."Web URL" $ReportInformation.Add($ListEntry) | Out-Null } } else { foreach($list in $web.lists | Where-Object {-not $_.hidden}) { $ListEntry = Get-SPListMigrationManifestInfo $list $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Source Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Source Site URL" $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Destination Site URL" -Value $SiteEntry."Destination Site URL" $ListEntry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Web URL" -value $WebEntry."Web URL" $ReportInformation.Add($ListEntry) | Out-Null } } } } } end { $ReportInformation | ConvertTo-Json | out-file $AllParameters["OutputFile"].localpath -Force write-host "Source Site Migration Manifest created at: $($AllParameters["OutputFile"].localpath)" -ForegroundColor Green } } |