Author:Roger Cormier Company:Microsoft Description: This cmdlet will set the version configuration of each library listed in the input file to the values provided to the cmdlet #> function Set-SPLibraryVersionConfiguration { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$True, position=0, HelpMessage="Specify the path to the csv file containing all lists for which you would like to set version information" )] [ValidateScript({if($_.localpath.endswith("csv")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'InputFile`' must be a csv file"}})] [URI]$InputFile, [parameter(mandatory=$False, Position=1, HelpMessage="Use this switch to identify whether or not Versions are enabled")] [switch]$VersionsEnabled, [parameter(mandatory=$False, Position=2, HelpMessage="Specify the maximum number of major versions to retain")] [ValidateScript({if($_ -gt 0 -and $_ -le 500){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'MaxMajorVersions`' must be between 0 and 500"}})] [int32]$MaxMajorVersions, [parameter(mandatory=$False, position=3, HelpMessage="Use this switch to identify whether or not minor versions are enabled")] [switch]$MinorVersionsEnabled, [parameter(mandatory=$False, Position=4, HelpMessage="Specify the number of major versions for which we will retain minor versions")] [ValidateScript({if($_ -gt 0 -and $_ -le 500){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions`' must be between 0 and 500"}})] [int32]$MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions, [parameter(mandatory=$False, Position=5, HelpMessage="Specify whether or not to update all list items, forcing versions to be trimmed if necessary")] [Switch]$UpdateAllItems=$False ) if(!(Test-Path -Path $InputFile.LocalPath)) { Write-Host "Could not find file at path `'$($Inputfile.LocalPath)`'" -ForegroundColor Red Exit } $Lists = Import-Csv $InputFile.LocalPath $Webs = $lists | Select-Object weburl -Unique foreach($Web in $Webs) { $SPWeb = get-spweb $web.weburl write-host $SPWeb.url foreach($List in ($Lists | Where-Object {$_.weburl -eq $web.weburl})) { $SPList = $SPWeb.Lists[$Lists.ListTitle] if($VersionsEnabled -or $MaxMajorVersions -or $MinorVersionsEnabled -or $MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions) { $SPList.EnableVersioning = $True write-host $SPList.title if($MinorVersionsEnabled) { $SPList.EnableMinorVersions = $True } if($MaxMajorVersions) { $SPList.MajorVersionLimit = $MaxMajorVersions } if($MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions) { if($MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions -ge $MaxMajorVersions) { $SPList.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = $MaxMajorVersions } else { $SPList.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit = $MaxMajorVersionsToRetainMinorVersions } } } else { $SPList.EnableVersioning = $False } $SPlist.update() if($UpdateAllItems) { Save-SPLibraryVersionConfiguration $SPList } } $SPWeb.Dispose() } } |