"$schema": "https://aka.ms/PowerShell/Crescendo/Schemas/2021-11", "Examples": [ { "Command": "Get-LoggedOnUser", "Description": "Display session information about user(s) logged on to the local system.", "OriginalCommand": "quser" }, { "Command": "Get-LoggedOnUser -Identity 'testuser'", "Description": "Display session information on 'testuser'.", "OriginalCommand": "quser testuser" }, { "Command": "Get-LoggedOnUser -ComputerName 'REMOTEPC'", "Description": "Display session information about user(s) logged on to remote system.", "OriginalCommand": "quser /SERVER:REMOTEPC" } ], "Commands": [ { "Verb": "Get", "Noun": "LoggedOnuser", "Platform": ["Windows"], "OriginalName": "$env:windir/System32/quser.exe", "DefaultParameterSetName": "Default", "Usage": { "Synopsis": "Display information about users logged on to the system." }, "Parameters": [ { "Description": "Name of local or remote computer", "ParameterSetName": ["Default"], "Name": "ComputerName", "Mandatory": false, "ValueFromPipeline": true, "ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName":true, "Position": 1, "NoGap": true, "OriginalName": "/SERVER:", "ParameterType": "string" }, { "Name": "Identity", "ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName":true, "ParameterSetName": ["Default"], "OriginalName": null, "Mandatory": false, "Position": 0, "Description": "This value can be username, sessionname or sessionID.", "ParameterType": "string" } ], "OutputHandlers": [ { "Handler": "param([object[]]$Lines,$Skip = 1) $Lines | Select-Object -Skip $skip | ForEach-Object { $columns = $_ -split '\\s{2,}' | Where-Object {$_ } if($columns.count -eq 5) { [pscustomobject]@{ UserName = [String]($columns[0] -replace '>').trim() SessionName = $null ID = [String]$columns[1] State = [String]$columns[2] IdleTime = [String]$columns[3] LogonTime = Get-Date $columns[4] } }else{ [pscustomobject]@{ UserName = [String]($columns[0] -replace '>').Trim() SessionName = [String]$columns[1] ID = [String]$columns[2] State = [String]$columns[3] IdleTime = [String]$columns[4] LogonTime = Get-Date $columns[5] } } }", "ParameterSetName": "Default" } ], "OriginalText":"Display information about users logged on to the system." } ] } |