#CREATE [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` "lpszEntityType", ` "lpszEntityKey", ` "lpszEntityDescription", ` "lpszEntityLocation", ` "lpszEntityUniqueKey", ` 0, ` "lpszFaultType", ` 0, ` "lpszTitle", ` "lpszDescription", ` "lpszActions", ` 0) [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyRelationship( "lpszEntityType", ` "lpszEntityKey", ` "lpszEntityDescription", ` "lpszEntityLocation" , ` "lpszEntityUniqueKey", ` 0, ` $entityTypeSubSystem, ` #lpszParentEntityType $subsystemId, ` # lpszParentEntityKey "lpszParentEntityDescription", ` "lpszParentEntityLocation", ` $subsystemId, ` #lpszParentEntityUniqueKey "lpszGroupKey", ` 2, ` 3, ` 0) $FaultingObjectUniqueId = "lpszEntityKey" [bool] $done = 0 do { $f = Get-SDNHealthFault -FaultingObjectUniqueId $FaultingObjectUniqueId if($f -eq $Null) { Write-Host "Fault $FaultingObjectUniqueId is NOT available.." } else { Write-Host "Fault $FaultingObjectUniqueId available." } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }until($done) #DELETE [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` "lpszEntityType", ` "lpszEntityKey", ` "lpszEntityDescription", ` "lpszEntityLocation", ` "lpszEntityUniqueKey", ` 0, ` "lpszFaultType", ` 2, ` "lpszTitle", ` "lpszDescription", ` "lpszActions", ` 0) [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` "lpszEntityType", ` # NOT-OPT for DELETE "lpszEntityKey", ` # NOT-OPT for DELETE "", ` "", ` "", ` 1, ` "lpszFaultType", ` 2, ` "", ` "", ` "", ` 0) ----------------------- PSShowComputerName : True PerceivedSeverity : Critical failure FaultId : {07a7c41d-5b17-4563-a5bb-3a955fe66549} FaultingObjectDescription : Communication failure when establishing connection with host. Please check that only self-signed certificates are present in the trusted root of the host. FaultingObjectLocation : 0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449 FaultingObjectType : servers FaultingObjectUniqueId : servers\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449 FaultTime : 9/27/2024 2:27:28 PM FaultType : restapiFaultTypeId Reason : Communication failure when establishing connection with host. Please check that only self-signed certificates are present in the trusted root of the host. RecommendedActions : {Please contact system administrator} PSComputerName : CimClass : root/mscluster:MSCluster_HealthFault CimInstanceProperties : {FaultId, FaultingObjectDescription, FaultingObjectLocation, FaultingObjectType...} CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties $entityType = "SDN-servers" $entityId = "SDN-servers\\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449" $faultType = "restapiFaultTypeId" $subsystemId = (get-storagesubsystem Cluster*).UniqueId $entityTypeSubSystem = "Microsoft.Health.EntityType.Subsystem" $entityLocation = "0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449" [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` $entityType, ` $entityId, ` "E Desc", ` $entityLocation, ` $entityId, ` 1, ` $faultType, ` 2, ` "TF Title", ` "TF Desc", ` "TFA", ` 0) [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyRelationship( $entityType, ` $entityId, ` $entityLocation, ` $null, ` $entityId, ` 1, ` $entityTypeSubSystem, ` $subsystemId, ` $null, ` $null, ` $subsystemId, ` "TestGroupKey", ` 2, ` 3, ` 0) $entityType = "SDN-servers" $entityId = "SDN-servers\\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449" $faultType = "restapiFaultTypeId" $subsystemId = (get-storagesubsystem Cluster*).UniqueId $entityTypeSubSystem = "Microsoft.Health.EntityType.Subsystem" $entityLocation = "0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449" # CREATE FAULT [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` $entityType, ` $entityId, ` "E Desc", ` $entityLocation, ` $entityId, ` 0, ` $faultType, ` 2, ` "TF Title", ` "TF Desc", ` "TFA", ` 0) # CREATE RELATIONSHIP [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyRelationship( $entityType, ` $entityId, ` $entityLocation, ` $null, ` $entityId, ` 0, ` $entityTypeSubSystem, ` $subsystemId, ` $null, ` $null, ` $subsystemId, ` "TestGroupKey", ` 2, ` 3, ` 0) # DELETE FAULT [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` $entityType, ` $entityId, ` "", ` $entityLocation, ` $entityId, ` 1, ` $faultType, ` 2, ` "", ` "", ` "", ` 0) # delete SDN One (WORKING) [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` "networkInterfaces", ` "51a8398b-GW1.CFDEV.NTTEST.MICROSOFT.COM_BackEnd", ` "", ` "51a8398b-GW1.CFDEV.NTTEST.MICROSOFT.COM_BackEnd", ` "51a8398b-GW1.CFDEV.NTTEST.MICROSOFT.COM_BackEnd", ` 1, ` "restapiFaultTypeId", ` 2, ` "", ` "", ` "", ` 0) [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyFault( ` "servers", ` "servers\\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449", ` "", ` "servers\\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449", ` "servers\\0dcc0704-df95-4a50-8b87-aff998dfe449", ` 1, ` "restapiFaultTypeId", ` 2, ` "", ` "", ` "", ` 0) # DELETE RELATIONSHIP [Microsoft.NetworkHud.FunctionalTests.Module.HciHealthUtils]::HciModifyRelationship( $entityType, ` $entityId, ` $entityLocation, ` $null, ` $entityId, ` 1, ` $entityTypeSubSystem, ` $subsystemId, ` $null, ` $null, ` $subsystemId, ` "TestGroupKey", ` 2, ` 3, ` 0) |