# # QuickForms.psm1 # =============== # Quick and dirty 2 column powershell forms # [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() class QuickForm { # properties [System.Windows.Forms.Form]$Form hidden [int32]$slot = 0 hidden [int32]$label_width = 200 hidden [int32]$control_width = 400 hidden [int32]$width = $label_width + $control_width + (2 * $margin) hidden [int32]$row_height = 25 hidden [int32]$margin = 5 # constructor QuickForm( [string]$Title, [int32]$LabelWidth = 200, [int32]$ControlWidth = 400 ) { $this.Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $this.label_width = $LabelWidth $this.control_width = $ControlWidth $this.width = $LabelWidth + $ControlWidth + (2 * $this.margin) $this.Form.ClientSize = "$($this.width), 0" $this.Form.text = $Title $this.Form.BackColor = "#ffffff" $this.Form.TopMost = $false } # show the dialog Show() { $this.Form.ShowDialog() } # hide the dialog Hide() { $this.Form.Hide() } } function New-QuickForm { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new simple 2 column form .DESCRIPTION Returns a QuickForm object having a single method: .Show() Display the form .EXAMPLE import-module QuickForms $demo = New-QuickForm -Title "Demo Form" -LabelWidth 200 -ControlWidth 400 $myFirstName = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "First Name:" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Text }) $demo.Show() Write-Host $MyFirstName.Text .PARAMETER Title Title of the form, displayed in the title bar along with standard form controls. .PARAMETER LabelWidth Width of the labels column in pixels. Default - 200 pixels. .PARAMETER ControlWidth Width of the controls column in pixels. Default - 400 pixels. #> param ( [string]$Title = "My Form", [int32]$LabelWidth = 200, [int32]$ControlWidth = 400 ) $form = New-Object QuickForm($Title, $LabelWidth, $ControlWidth) return $form } # # Internal - Add Row panel, to contain label(s) and control(s) # function Add-Panel { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Rows = 1 ) $Panel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel $Panel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( ($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot) ) $Panel.width = $Form.Width - (2 * $Form.margin) $Panel.Height = $Form.row_height * $Rows $Form.slot += $Rows $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $Rows))" $Form.Form.Controls.Add($Panel) return $Panel } # # Internal - add Label to panel # function Add-Label { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][object]$Panel, [string]$Label ) $LabelControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $LabelControl.text = $label $LabelControl.AutoSize = $false $LabelControl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) $LabelControl.Width = $Form.label_width $LabelControl.Height = $Form.row_height $Panel.Controls.Add($LabelControl) } # # External - add panel containing title row (form width label) # function Add-Title { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a title row, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a Label object. .EXAMPLE Add-Title -Form $demo -Label "A new section of the form" | Out-Null .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to, accepted on the pipeline. .PARAMETER Label Optional label text. .PARAMETER Bold Optionally render the label text as Bold. .PARAMETER Italic Optionally render the label text as Italic. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [Switch]$Bold, [Switch]$Italic ) $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows 1 $LabelControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $LabelControl.AutoSize = $false $LabelControl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) $LabelControl.Width = $Panel.Width $LabelControl.Height = $Panel.Height $LabelControl.text = $label if ($Bold -or $Italic) { if ($Bold) { $Style += [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold } if ($Italic) { $Style += [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Italic } $LabelControl.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new( $LabelControl.Font.FontFamily, $LabelControl.Font.Size, $Style ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($LabelControl) return $LabelControl } # # External - add panel containing label & textbox # function Add-TextBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a TextBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a TextBox object. .EXAMPLE $myFirstName = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "First Name:" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Text } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to, accepted on the pipeline. .PARAMETER Label Label for the control. .PARAMETER Mask Optional text input mask refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.maskedtextbox.mask?view=windowsdesktop-6.0 for syntax. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the TextChanged event occurs. .PARAMETER Text Optionally set initial TextBox Text value. .PARAMETER Disabled Optional switch to disable control. .PARAMETER Lockable Optionally allow the textbox to be locked/unlocked via an accompanying checkbox, to allow overriding a normally calculated value. .PARAMETER Rows Optionally add a multiLine text box with specified number of rows. .PARAMETER Text Optionally initialise the controls .Text value. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [string]$Mask, [switch]$Password, [int32]$Rows = 1, [scriptblock]$Callback, [Switch]$Disabled, [string]$Text, [Switch]$Lockable ) if ($Mask) { $Rows = 1 } # multiline ignored with mask param $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows $Rows $TextBoxOffset = 0 if ($Lockable) { $Lock = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.CheckBox $Lock.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) if (!$Disabled) { $Lock.Checked = $true } $Lock.AutoSize = $true $Panel.Controls.Add($Lock) $TextBoxOffset = $Lock.Width $Lock.Add_CheckedChanged({ $TextBox = $this.parent.Controls | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq "TextBox" -or $_.GetType().Name -eq "MaskedTextBox" } $TextBox.Enabled = !$TextBox.Enabled }) } if ($Mask) { $Control = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox $Control.Mask = $Mask } else { $Control = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox } $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $TextBoxOffset), 0) $Control.width = $Form.control_width - $TextBoxOffset if ($Rows -gt 1 -and -not $Mask) { $Control.Multiline = $true } else { $Control.Multiline = $false } $Control.Height = $Form.row_height * $Rows if ($Password) { $Control.PasswordChar = "*" } if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($Text) { $Control.Text = $Text } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_TextChanged($callback) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } return $Control } # # External - add panel containing checkbox # function Add-CheckBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a CheckBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a CheckBox object. .EXAMPLE $myCheckBox = Add-CheckBox -Form $demo -Label "Male?" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Checked } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the control (in the right-hand controls column, unlike other control types). .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the CheckedChanged event occurs. .PARAMETER Disabled Optional switch to disable control. .PARAMETER Checked Optionally set the initial state of the checkBox to Checked (default state: Unchecked) #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Label, [scriptblock]$Callback, [Switch]$Disabled, [Switch]$Checked ) $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows 1 $Control = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.CheckBox $Control.Width = $Form.control_width $Control.Height = $Form.row_height $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) $Control.text = $label if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($Checked) { $Control.Checked = $true } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_CheckedChanged($callback) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) return $Control } # # External - add panel containing combobox # function Add-ComboBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a ComboBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a ComboBox object. .EXAMPLE $myCombo = Add-ComboBox -Form $demo -Label "Gender" -Options @("Male", "Female") -Callback { Write-Host $this.SelectedItem } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the control. .PARAMETER Options Optional Array of options to populate the combo box with. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the SelectedValueChanged event occurs. .PARAMETER Disabled Optional switch to disable control. .PARAMETER SelectedItem Optionally set the selected item by name/text. .PARAMETER SelectedIndex Optionally set the selected item by index, takes precedence over .SelectedItem if both set. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [array]$Options = @(), [scriptblock]$Callback, [Switch]$Disabled, [string]$SelectedItem, [int32]$SelectedIndex = -1 ) $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows 1 $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox $Control.width = $Form.control_width $Control.Height = $Form.row_height $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) $options | ForEach-Object{ [void] $Control.Items.Add($_) } if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($SelectedItem) { $Control.SelectedItem = $SelectedItem } if ($SelectedIndex -gt -1) { $Control.SelectedIndex = $SelectedIndex } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_SelectedValueChanged( $callback ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } return $Control } # # External - add panel containing radiobuttons # function Add-RadioBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a group of RadioButton controls, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns the Panel object that contains the RadioButtons - access RadioButton's through its .Controls property. .EXAMPLE $myRadioButtons = Add-RadioBox -Form $demo -Label "Radios:" -Options @("Male","Female") -Horizontal -Callback { if ($this.Checked) { Write-Host $this.Text } } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the panel, controls and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the panel. .PARAMETER Options Array of options - one RadioButton is added to the Panel for each option. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the CheckedChange event occurs. This will be called for all RadioButtons in the set/Panel hence you must inspect the $this.Checked property to determine whether any particular RadioButton is currently selected. .PARAMETER Horizontal Layout the RadioButton's horizontally in a single control row, but may overflow form width. Default is vertical, one RadioButton form row per specified Option. .PARAMETER Disabled Optional switch to disable control. .PARAMETER SelectedItem Optionally set the selected item by name/text. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][array]$Options, [switch]$Horizontal, [scriptblock]$Callback, [Switch]$Disabled, [string]$SelectedItem ) if ($Horizontal) { $Rows = 1 } else { $Rows = $Options.Count } $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows $Rows if ($Horizontal) { $x = $Form.label_width $options | ForEach-Object { $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($x, 0) $Control.height = $Form.row_height # sets own width to maximise horizontal space utilisation $Control.Text = $_ if ($SelectedItem) { if ($_ -eq $SelectedItem) { $Control.Checked = $true } } if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_CheckedChanged( $callback ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) $x += $Control.width } } else { # default vertical layout $index = 0 $options | ForEach-Object { $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( $Form.label_width, ($Form.row_height * $index) ) $Control.width = $Form.control_width $Control.height = $Form.row_height $Control.Text = $_ if ($SelectedItem) { if ($_ -eq $SelectedItem) { $Control.Checked = $true } } if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_CheckedChanged( $callback ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) $index += 1 } } if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } return $Panel } # # External - add panel containing listbox # function Add-ListBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a ListBox control, label and optionally buttons, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a ListBox object, or CheckedListBox if -Checkable option specified. .EXAMPLE $myList = Add-ListBox -Form $demo -Label "List:" -Rows 4 -Options @("First item") -Callback { Write-Host $this.SelectedItem } -Buttons @( @{name="Add"; callback={}}, @{name="Remove"; callback={}}) .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the control. .PARAMETER Options Optional Array of options to populate the list box with. .PARAMETER Rows Optional number of list rows to display (Default = 3). .PARAMETER Checkable Optionally show checkboxes next to each item. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the SelectedValueChanged event occurs. .PARAMETER Buttons Optional array of buttons to display below the list e.g. @( @{name="Add"; callback={}}, @{name="Remove"; callback={}}) .PARAMETER SelectedItem Optionally set the selected item by name/text. .PARAMETER SelectedIndex Optionally set the selected item by index, takes precedence over .SelectedItem if both set. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [int]$Rows = 3, [array]$Options = @(), [switch]$Checkable, [scriptblock]$Callback, [array]$Buttons, [string]$SelectedItem, [int32]$SelectedIndex = -1 ) if ($Buttons) { $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows ($Rows + 1) } else { $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows $Rows } if ($Checkable) { $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox $Control.CheckOnClick = $true } else { $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox } $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) $Control.width = $Form.control_width $Control.Height = $Form.row_height * $Rows $options | ForEach-Object{ [void] $Control.Items.Add($_) } if ($SelectedItem) { $Control.SelectedItem = $SelectedItem } if ($SelectedIndex -gt -1) { $Control.SelectedIndex = $SelectedIndex } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_SelectedValueChanged( $callback ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } if ($buttons) { $x = $Form.label_width $buttons | ForEach-Object{ $ButtonControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $ButtonControl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( $x, ($Form.row_height * $Rows) ) $ButtonControl.Height = $Form.row_height $ButtonControl.Text = $_.name if ($null -ne $_.callback) { $ButtonControl.Add_Click( $_.callback ) } $Panel.Controls.Add($ButtonControl) $x += $ButtonControl.Size.Width } } return $Control } # # External - add panel containing date time picker # function Add-DateTimePicker { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a DateTimePicker control, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns a DateTimePicker object. .EXAMPLE $MyDateTime = Add-DateTimePicker -Form $demo -Label "Date:" -Type Date -DateTime (Get-Date -Year 1999 -Month 12 -Day 3) -Callback { Write-Host $this.Value } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the control and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the control. .PARAMETER Type Date (default), Time or DateTime. .PARAMETER DateTime Initial DateTime for the control, via Get-Date. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the ValueChanged event occurs. .PARAMETER Disabled Optional switch to disable control. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateSet('Date','Time','DateTime')][string]$Type = "Date", [datetime]$DateTime, [scriptblock]$Callback, [Switch]$Disabled ) $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows 1 $Control = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) $Control.Height = $Form.row_height if ( $Type -eq "Time" ) { $Control.Format = "Custom" $Control.CustomFormat = (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern $Control.ShowUpDown = $true } elseif ( $Type -eq "DateTime" ) { $Control.Format = "Custom" $Control.CustomFormat = (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern # setting width appears only required for long date-time format $Control.width = $Form.control_width } # Date is control default if ( $DateTime ) { $Control.Value = $DateTime } if ($Disabled) { $Control.Enabled = $false } if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_ValueChanged($callback) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } return $Control } # # External - add panel containing disabled filename text box and button for file dialog # function Add-FileBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a File Open or SaveAs control, and label, to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns the TextBox object that is populated with selected file path & name when the corresponding Dialog boxes OK button is clicked. .EXAMPLE $myFileOpen = Add-FileBox -Form $demo -Label "Open file:" -Type "Open" -FileFilter "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" -Callback { Write-Host $MyFileOpen.Text } .PARAMETER Form Form to add the panel, controls and label to. .PARAMETER Label Label for the panel. .PARAMETER Type Either "Open" (default) or "SaveAs" .PARAMETER FileFilter Optional FileFilter string as required by the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog widgets. e.g. "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the TextBox's TextChanged event occurs. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [string]$Label, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateSet('Open','SaveAs')][string]$Type = "Open", [String]$FileFilter, [scriptblock]$Callback ) $Panel = Add-Panel -Form $Form -Rows 1 $ButtonControl = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $Panel.Controls.Add($ButtonControl) # autosize can't calc width unless added $ButtonControl.AutoSize = $true $ButtonControl.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink" $ButtonControl.Height = $Form.row_height $ButtonControl.Text = "..." $ButtonControl.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( ($Panel.Width - $ButtonControl.Width), 0 ) $ButtonControl | Add-Member -NotePropertyName FileFilter -NotePropertyValue $FileFilter if ($Type -eq "Open") { $ButtonControl.Add_Click({ $Dialog = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog if ($this.FileFilter -ne "") { $Dialog.Filter = $this.FileFilter } if ( $Dialog.ShowDialog() -eq "OK" ) { $TextBox = $this.parent.Controls | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq "TextBox"} $TextBox.Text = $Dialog.FileName } }) } else { # SaveAs $ButtonControl.Add_Click({ $Dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog if ($this.FileFilter -ne "") { $Dialog.Filter = $this.FileFilter } if ( $Dialog.ShowDialog() -eq "OK" ) { $TextBox = $this.parent.Controls | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq "TextBox"} $TextBox.Text = $Dialog.FileName } }) } $Control = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $Control.Enabled = $false $Control.Multiline = $false $Control.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($Form.label_width, 0) $Control.Height = $Form.row_height $Control.width = $Panel.Width - $ButtonControl.Width if ($null -ne $callback) { $Control.Add_TextChanged($callback) } $Panel.Controls.Add($Control) if ($Label) { $Form | Add-Label -Panel $Panel -Label $Label } return $Control } # # External - std Ok Cancel buttons (no panel so $this.parent.close makes sense) # function Add-Action { <# .SYNOPSIS Add OK & Cancel buttons to an existing QuickForm. .DESCRIPTION Returns nothing. .EXAMPLE Add-Action -Form $demo -Callback {Write-Host "OK pressed"} .PARAMETER Form Form to add the controls to. .PARAMETER Callback Optional Scriptblock to call when the OK button is clicked. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form, [scriptblock]$Callback ) # $Form.slot += 1 $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + $Form.row_height)" $ok = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $ok.text = "OK" $ok.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( ($Form.width - 120 - ($Form.margin * 2)), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot) ) $ok.Width = 60 $ok.Height = $Form.row_height if ($null -ne $callback) { $ok.Add_Click($callback) } else { $ok.Add_Click({ $this.parent.Close() }) } $Form.Form.Controls.Add($ok) $cancel = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $cancel.text = "Cancel" $cancel.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( ($Form.width - 60 - $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot) ) $cancel.Width = 60 $cancel.Height = $Form.row_height $cancel.Add_Click({ $this.parent.Close() }) $Form.Form.Controls.Add($cancel) } |