import-module ..\QuickForms.psd1 $demo = New-QuickForm -Title "Demo Form" -LabelWidth 200 -ControlWidth 400 # add ExitCode property to the form $demo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ExitCode -NotePropertyValue 0 # pipeline form $MyFirstName = $demo | Add-TextBox -Label "First name:" -Callback { if (!$MyUserID.Enabled) { # only update locked UserID $MyUserID.Text = "$($MyFirstName.Text[0]).$($MySurname.Text)" } } $MySurName = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "Surname:" -Callback { if (!$MyUserID.Enabled) { # only update locked UserID $MyUserID.Text = "$($MyFirstName.Text[0]).$($MySurname.Text)" } } $MyUserID = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "User ID:" -Lockable -Disabled $MyPassword = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "Password:" -Password $MyConfirmPassword = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "Confirm Password:" $MyDateTime = Add-DateTimePicker -Form $demo -Label "Date Time:" -Type DateTime $MyDate = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "Date:" -Mask "00/00/0000" ` $MySex = Add-CheckBox -Form $demo -Label "Male" -Callback { if ( $this.Checked ) { $MyOptions.SelectedItem = "Male" $MyRadios.Controls | %{ if ($_.Text -eq "Male") { $_.PerformClick() } } } else { $MyOptions.SelectedItem = "Female" $MyRadios.Controls | %{ if ($_.Text -eq "Female") { $_.PerformClick() } } } } $MyOptions = Add-ComboBox -Form $demo -Label "Sex:" -Options @("Male", "Female") -Callback { $MySex.Checked = if ($this.SelectedItem -eq "Male") {$true} else {$false} $MyRadios.Controls | %{ if ($_.Text -eq $this.SelectedItem) { $_.PerformClick() } } } $MyRadios = Add-RadioBox -Form $demo -Label "Gender:" -Options @("Male", "Female") -Callback { if ($this.Checked) { $MyOptions.SelectedItem = $this.Text $MySex.Checked = if ($this.Text -eq "Male") {$true} else {$false} } } $MyList = Add-ListBox -Form $demo -Label "List:" -Rows 3 ` -Options @("Item the first", "Item the second") ` -Buttons @( @{ name = "Add"; callback = { $MyList.Items.Add("Item another") } } @{ name = "Remove"; callback = { if ( $MyList.SelectedIndex -ne -1 ) { $MyList.Items.RemoveAt( $MyList.SelectedIndex ) } } } ) $MySaveFile = Add-FileBox -Form $demo -Label "Save as:" -Type "SaveAs" ` -FileFilter "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" $MyNotes = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "Notes:" -Rows 2 Add-Action -Form $demo -Callback { if ($MyPassword.Text -eq $MyConfirmPassword.Text) { $demo.ExitCode = 1 $this.parent.close() } else { Write-Host "Password & Confirm Password do not match!" } } $demo.Show() if ( $demo.ExitCode -eq 1 ) { Write-Host "Create $($MyUserID.Text) ..." } else { Write-Host "Form cancelled" } |