<# .SYNOPSIS Creates a barcode and saves it as an image file. .DESCRIPTION Uses the ZXing.Net library to create barcodes and save them as image files. .PARAMETER Content The contents of the barcode. This needs to be valid content for the BarcodeFormat you are writing. .PARAMETER BarcodeFormat One of the barcode formats supported by ZXing.Net .PARAMETER Options Barcode encoding options. .PARAMETER Path The output file to create. .PARAMETER ImageFormat One of the image formats supported by System.Drawing.Imaging .PARAMETER Width The width in pixels of the image file. .PARAMETER Height The height in pixels of the image file. .PARAMETER Passthrough Indicates that the output path should be passed along in the pipeline. #> function Out-BarcodeImage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Content, [ZXing.BarcodeFormat]$BarcodeFormat = [ZXing.BarcodeFormat]::QR_Code, [ZXing.Common.EncodingOptions]$Options, [String]$Path, [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]$ImageFormat = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png, [int]$Width, [int]$Height, [switch]$Passthrough ) $Writer = New-Object ZXing.BarcodeWriter -Property @{ Format = $BarcodeFormat; Options = $Options } if($Width) { $Writer.Options.Width = $Width } if($Height) { $Writer.Options.Height = $Height } try { $Bitmap = $Writer.Write($Content) $Bitmap.Save($Path, $ImageFormat) if($Passthrough) { $Path } } catch { Write-Error -Message "Error creating barcode: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Exception $_.Exception } finally { if($Bitmap) { $Bitmap.Dispose() } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-BarcodeImage |