#region Invoke-Connect-NPrinting_ps1 <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Authenticated Session Token .DESCRIPTION Connect-NPrinting creates the NPEnv Script Variable used to Authenticate Requests $Script:NPEnv .PARAMETER Prefix A description of the Prefix parameter. .PARAMETER Computer A description of the Computer parameter. .PARAMETER Port A description of the Port parameter. .PARAMETER Return A description of the Return parameter. .PARAMETER Credentials A description of the Credentials parameter. .PARAMETER TrustAllCerts A description of the TrustAllCerts parameter. .PARAMETER AuthScheme A description of the AuthScheme parameter. .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> function Connect-NPrinting { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [ValidateSet('http', 'https')] [string]$Prefix = 'https', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 0)] [string]$Computer = $($env:computername), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1)] [string]$Port = '4993', [switch]$Return, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Creds')] [pscredential]$Credentials, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [switch]$TrustAllCerts, [ValidateSet('ntlm', 'NPrinting')] [string]$AuthScheme = "ntlm" ) $APIPath = "api" $APIVersion = "v1" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 -and $TrustAllCerts.IsPresent -eq $true) { $Script:SplatRest.Add("SkipCertificateCheck", $TrustAllCerts) } else { if ($TrustAllCerts.IsPresent -eq $true) { if (-not ("CTrustAllCerts" -as [type])) { add-type -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public static class CTrustAllCerts { public static bool ReturnTrue(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; } public static RemoteCertificateValidationCallback GetDelegate() { return new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CTrustAllCerts.ReturnTrue); } } "@ Write-Verbose -Message "Added Cert Ignore Type" } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = [CTrustAllCerts]::GetDelegate() [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Write-Verbose -Message "Server Certificate Validation Bypass" } } if ($Computer -eq $($env:computername)) { $NPService = Get-Service -Name 'QlikNPrintingWebEngine' if ($null -eq $NPService) { Write-Error -Message "Local Computer Name used and Service in not running locally" break } } if ($Computer -match ":") { If ($Computer.ToLower().StartsWith("http")) { $Prefix, $Computer = $Computer -split "://" } if ($Computer -match ":") { $Computer, $Port = $Computer -split ":" } } $CookieMonster = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer $script:NPEnv = @{ TrustAllCerts = $TrustAllCerts.IsPresent Prefix = $Prefix Computer = $Computer Port = $Port API = $APIPath APIVersion = $APIVersion URLServerAPI = "" URLServerNPE = "" URLServerBase = "" WebRequestSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession } if ($null -ne $Credentials) { $NPEnv.Add("Credentials", $Credentials) } $NPEnv.URLServerBase = "$($NPEnv.Prefix)://$($NPEnv.Computer):$($NPEnv.Port)" $NPEnv.URLServerAPI = "$($NPEnv.URLServerBase)/$($NPEnv.API)/$($NPEnv.APIVersion)" $NPEnv.URLServerNPE = "$($NPEnv.URLServerBase)/npe" $WRS = $NPEnv.WebRequestSession $WRS.UserAgent = "Windows" $WRS.Cookies = $CookieMonster switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Default' { $WRS.UseDefaultCredentials = $true $APIAuthScheme = "ntlm" break } 'Creds' { $WRS.Credentials = $Credentials $APIAuthScheme = "ntlm" break } 'Certificate' { <# #Certificate Base Authentication does not currently work as the APIs cannot handle it. #Leaving this here in case this is added in the future. #Cert $NPrintCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My\ | ?{ $_.Issuer -eq "CN=NPrinting-CA" } $UserCert = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My -Eku "Client Authentication" $CertificateCollection = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection]::new() $CertificateCollection.Add($NPrintCert) $CertificateCollection.Add($UserCert) $WebRequestSession.Certificates = $CertificateCollection #> } } if ($AuthScheme -eq "Nprinting") { $URLServerLogin = "$($NPEnv.URLServerBase)" } else { $URLServerLogin = "$($NPEnv.URLServerAPI)/login/$($APIAuthScheme)" } Write-Verbose -Message $URLServerLogin $paramInvokeNPRequest = @{ Path = $URLServerLogin method = 'get' } if ($PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) { $paramInvokeNPRequest.Debug = $true } $AuthToken = Invoke-NPRequest @paramInvokeNPRequest if ($AuthScheme -eq "NPrinting") { #With NPrinting Auth, we first have to get the X-XSRF-Token #then submit the credentials. $body = @{ username = $Credentials.UserName password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password } | ConvertTo-Json $URLServerLogin = "$($NPEnv.URLServerBase)/login" $paramInvokeNPRequest = @{ Path = $URLServerLogin method = 'post' Data = $body } if ($PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) { $paramInvokeNPRequest.Debug = $true } $AuthToken = Invoke-NPRequest @paramInvokeNPRequest $body = $null } if ($PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) { $Global:NPEnv = $script:NPEnv } if ($Return -eq $true) { $AuthToken } } #Compatibility Alias Prior to renaming #Set-Alias -Name Get-NPSession -Value Connect-NPrinting #endregion #region Invoke-Invoke-NPRequest_ps1 function Invoke-NPRequest { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$Path, [ValidateSet('Get', 'Post', 'Patch', 'Delete', 'Put')] [string]$method = 'Get', $Data, [switch]$NPE ) $NPEnv = $script:NPEnv if ($null -eq $NPEnv) { Write-Warning "Attempting to establish Default connection" Connect-NPrinting } if ([uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($path, [System.UriKind]::Absolute)) { $URI = $path } else { if ($NPE.IsPresent -eq $true) { $URI = "$($NPEnv.URLServerNPE)/$($path)" } else { $URI = "$($NPEnv.URLServerAPI)/$($path)" } } $Script:SplatRest = @{ URI = $URI WebSession = $($NPEnv.WebRequestSession) Method = $method ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8" Headers = Get-XSRFToken } if ("" -eq $NPEnv.WebRequestSession.Cookies.GetCookies($NPEnv.URLServerAPI) -and ($null -ne $NPEnv.Credentials)) { $SplatRest.Add("Credential", $NPEnv.Credentials) } #Convert Data to Json and add to body of request if ($null -ne $data) { if ($Data.GetType().name -like "Array*") { $jsondata = Convertto-Json @($Data) } elseif ($Data.GetType().name -ne "string") { $jsondata = Convertto-Json $Data } else { $jsondata = $Data } #Catch All if (!(($jsondata.StartsWith('{') -and $jsondata.EndsWith('}')) -or ($jsondata.StartsWith('[') -and $jsondata.EndsWith(']')))) { $jsondata = $Data | Convertto-Json } $SplatRest.Add("Body", $jsondata) } if ($PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) { $Global:NPSplat = $SplatRest } try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @SplatRest } catch [System.Net.WebException]{ $EXCEPTION = $_.Exception $EXCEPTION Write-Warning -Message "From: $($Exception.Response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri) `nResponse: $($Exception.Response.StatusDescription)" break } if ($PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) { Write-Warning "Session XSRF Token: $(Get-XSRFToken -Raw)" } if ($Null -ne $Result) { if ($NPE.IsPresent -eq $true -or $null -ne $Result.result){ $Result = $Result.Result} if ((($Result | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).count -eq 1 -and ($null -ne $Result.data))) { if ($null -ne $Result.data.items) { $Result.data.items } else { $Result.data } } else { $Result } } else { Write-Error -Message "no Results received" } } #endregion #region Invoke-GetNPFilter_ps1 Function GetNPFilter ($Property, $Value, $Filter) { if ($null -ne $Property) { $Value = $Value.replace('*', '%') if ($Filter.StartsWith("?")) { $qt = "&" } else { $qt = "?" } $Filter = "$($Filter)$($qt)$($Property)=$($Value)" } $Filter } #endregion #region Invoke-Add-NPProperty_ps1 Function Add-NPProperty ($Property,$NPObject,$path) { $PropertyValues = Get-Variable -Name "NP$($Property)" -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $NPObject | ForEach-Object{ $Object = $_ $ObjPath = "$($path)/$($Object.ID)/$Property" $NPObjProperties = $(Invoke-NPRequest -Path $ObjPath -method Get) $LookupProperties = $NPObjProperties | ForEach-Object{ $ObjProperty = $_; $ObjectProperty = $PropertyValues | Where-Object{ $_.id -eq $ObjProperty } if ($Null -eq $ObjectProperty) { Write-Verbose "$($ObjProperty) Missing from Internal $($Property) List: Updating" & "Get-NP$($Property)" -update $PropertyValues = Get-Variable -Name "NP$($Property)" -ValueOnly $ObjectProperty = $PropertyValues | Where-Object{ $_.id -eq $ObjProperty } } $ObjectProperty } Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $LookupProperties } } #endregion #region Invoke-Get-NPFilters_ps1 function Get-NPFilters { param ( [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $Script:NPFilters = Invoke-NPRequest -Path "Filters" -method Get #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPFilters } } #endregion #region Invoke-Get-NPGroups_ps1 Function Get-NPGroups { param ( [int32]$limit, [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $filter = "" if ("limit" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys){ $Filter = GetNPFilter -Filter $Filter -Property "limit" -Value $limit.ToString() } $Script:NPGroups = Invoke-NPRequest -Path "groups$Filter" -method Get #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPGroups } } #endregion #region Invoke-Get-NPRoles_ps1 function Get-NPRoles { param ( [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $Script:NPRoles = Invoke-NPRequest -Path "roles" -method Get #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPRoles } } #endregion #region Invoke-Get-NPTasks_ps1 function Get-NPTasks { param ( $ID, [string]$Name, [switch]$Executions, [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $BasePath = "tasks" if ($Null -ne $ID) { $Path = "$BasePath/$($ID)" } else { $Path = "$BasePath" } $Path = "$($Path)$($Filter)" Write-Verbose $Path #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received $Script:NPTasks = Invoke-NPRequest -Path $Path -method Get if ($Executions.IsPresent) { $NPTasks | ForEach-Object{ $ExecutionPath = "tasks/$($_.id)/Executions" $NPTaskExecutions = Invoke-NPRequest -Path $ExecutionPath -method Get Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Executions" -Value $NPTaskExecutions } } if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPTasks } } #endregion #region Invoke-NPUsers_ps1 <# #Avaliable APIs Get-NPUsers get /users get /users/{id} get /users/{id}/filters get /users/{id}/groups get /users/{id}/roles Update-NPUser put /users/{id}/filters put /users/{id}/groups put /users/{id} put /users/{id}/roles New-NPUser post /users Remove-NPUser delete /users/{id} #> <# #Implemented APIS Get-NPUsers get /users get /users/{id} get /users/{id}/filters get /users/{id}/groups get /users/{id}/roles #> <# .SYNOPSIS Gets details of the Users in NPrinting .DESCRIPTION A detailed description of the Get-NPUsers function. .PARAMETER ID ID of object to get. .PARAMETER UserName Username of object to get. .PARAMETER Email Email address of object to get. .PARAMETER roles Include Role. .PARAMETER groups Inlcude Groups. .PARAMETER filters Include Filters. .PARAMETER limit number of objects to return (default is 50). .EXAMPLE Get-NPUsers -roles -groups -filters Get-NPUsers -UserName Marc -roles -groups -filters .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> function Get-NPUsers { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$ID, [string]$UserName, [string]$Email, [switch]$roles, [switch]$groups, [switch]$filters, [int32]$limit ) $BasePath = "Users" $Filter = "" if ("limit" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $Filter = GetNPFilter -Filter $Filter -Property "limit" -Value $limit.ToString() } if ("UserName" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $Filter = GetNPFilter -Filter $Filter -Property "UserName" -Value $UserName } if ("EMail" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $Filter = GetNPFilter -Filter $Filter -Property "EMail" -Value $EMail } if ("ID" -in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $Path = "$BasePath/$($ID)" } else { $Path = "$BasePath" } $Path = "$($Path)$($Filter)" $NPUsers = Invoke-NPRequest -Path $Path -method Get if ($roles.IsPresent) { AddNPProperty -Property "Roles" -NPObject $NPUsers -path $BasePath } if ($groups.IsPresent) { AddNPProperty -Property "Groups" -NPObject $NPUsers -path $BasePath } if ($filters.IsPresent) { AddNPProperty -Property "Filters" -NPObject $NPUsers -path $BasePath } $NPUsers } #endregion #region Invoke-NPReports_ps1 #This Function is a mess, it kinda works, but there will be filter scenarios where it is broken. #WIP function Get-NPReports{ param ( $ID, [string]$Name, [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $BasePath = "Reports" if ($Null -ne $ID) { $Path = "$BasePath/$($ID)" } else { $Path = "$BasePath" } $Path = "$($Path)$($Filter)" Write-Verbose $Path #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received $Script:NPReports = Invoke-NPRequest -Path $Path -method Get if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPReports } } #endregion #region Invoke-NPApps_ps1 #This Function is a mess, it kinda works, but there will be filter scenarios where it is broken. #WIP function Get-NPApps { param ( $ID, [string]$Name, [parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$Update ) $BasePath = "Apps" if ($Null -ne $ID) { $Path = "$BasePath/$($ID)" } else { $Path = "$BasePath" } $FilterApps = $Script:NPapps switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { name{ if ($Name -match '\*') { $FilterApps = $FilterApps | Where-Object { $_.name -like $Name } } else { $FilterApps = $FilterApps | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Name } } } ID{ $Path = "$BasePath/$($ID)" } Update{ $Path = "$BasePath" } Default { $Path = "$BasePath" } } $Path = "$($Path)$($Filter)" Write-Verbose $Path #The Update Switch is used to refresh the Internal List only #It is used when Called from Get-NPUsers and a Property is missing from the Internal List #The Internal List is used to speed up operations, by minimizing requests for data we have already received if ($Null -eq $FilterApps) { $Script:NPapps = Invoke-NPRequest -Path $Path -method Get if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $Script:NPapps } } else { if ($Update.IsPresent -eq $false) { $FilterApps } } } #endregion #region Invoke-GetXSRFToken_ps1 <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2020 v5.7.179 Created on: 2020-08-03 2:51 PM Created by: Marc Organization: Filename: GetXSRFToken.ps1 =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION A description of the file. #> function Get-XSRFToken { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [switch]$Raw ) $token = $script:NPenv.WebRequestSession.Cookies.GetCookies($script:NPEnv.URLServerBase) | Where-Object{ $_.name -eq "NPWEBCONSOLE_XSRF-TOKEN" } $Header = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]' $Header.Add("X-XSRF-TOKEN", $token.Value) if ($Raw.IsPresent) { return $token.Value } else { return $Header } } #endregion <# =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2018 v5.5.155 Created on: 2018-12-03 10:21 AM Created by: Marc Collins Organization: Qlik - Consulting Filename: QlikNPrinting-CLI.psm1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Name: QlikNPrinting-CLI =========================================================================== Qlik NPrinting CLI - PowerShell Module to work with NPrinting The Function "Invoke-NPRequest" can be used to access all the NPrinting API's #> |