enum Ensure { Absent Present } [DscResource()] class QlikConnect{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Username [DscProperty()] [string]$Computername [void] Set() { $params = @{ Username=$this.Username } if( $this.Computername ) { $params.Add( "Computername", $this.Computername ) } Connect-Qlik @params -TrustAllCerts } [bool] Test() { return $false } [QlikConnect] Get() { $this.Username = $env:Username $this.Computername = $env:Computername return $this } } [DscResource()] class QlikCustomProperty{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty()] [string]$ValueType [DscProperty()] [string[]]$ChoiceValues [DscProperty()] [string[]]$ObjectTypes [void] Set() { $item = Get-QlikCustomProperty -full -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $params = @{ "Name" = $this.Name } if($this.ValueType) { $params.Add("ValueType", $this.ValueType) } if($this.ChoiceValues) { $params.Add("ChoiceValues", $this.ChoiceValues) } if($this.ObjectTypes) { $params.Add("ObjectTypes", $this.ObjectTypes) } if($present) { if(-not $this.hasProperties($item)) { Update-QlikCustomProperty -id $item.id @params } } else { New-QlikCustomProperty @params } } else { if($present) { Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting the property $($this.name)" #Remove-QlikCustomProperty -Name $this.Name } } } [bool] Test() { $item = Get-QlikCustomProperty -full -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($present) { if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { return -not $present } } [QlikCustomProperty] Get() { $item = Get-QlikCustomProperty -full -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if ($present) { $this.ValueType = $item.ValueType $this.ChoiceValues = $item.ChoiceValues $this.ObjectTypes = $item.ObjectTypes $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { if( !(CompareProperties $this $item @( 'ValueType' ) ) ) { return $false } if($this.ChoiceValues) { if(@($this.ChoiceValues).Count -ne @($item.choiceValues).Count) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: ChoiceValues property count - $(@($item.choiceValues).Count) does not match desired state - $(@($this.ChoiceValues).Count)" return $false } else { foreach($value in $item.ChoiceValues) { if($this.choiceValues -notcontains $value) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: ChoiceValues property value - $($value) not found in desired state" return $false } } } } if($this.ObjectTypes) { if(@($this.ObjectTypes).Count -ne @($item.ObjectTypes).Count) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: ObjectTypes property count - $(@($item.ObjectTypes).Count) does not match desired state - $(@($this.ObjectTypes).Count)" return $false } else { foreach($value in $item.ObjectTypes) { if($this.ObjectTypes -notcontains $value) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: ObjectTypes property value - $($value) not found in desired state" return $false } } } } return $true } } [DscResource()] class QlikDataConnection{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$ConnectionString [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Type [void] Set() { $item = Get-QlikDataConnection -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($present) { if(-not $this.hasProperties($item)) { Update-QlikDataConnection -id $item.id -ConnectionString $this.ConnectionString } } else { New-QlikDataConnection -Name $this.Name -ConnectionString $this.ConnectionString -Type $this.Type } } else { if($present) { Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting the file $($this.name)" #Remove-QlikDataConnection -Name $this.Name } } } [bool] Test() { $item = Get-QlikDataConnection -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($present) { if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { return -not $present } } [QlikDataConnection] Get() { $present = $(Get-QlikDataConnection -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'") -ne $null if ($present) { $qdc = Get-QlikDataConnection -filter "name eq '$this.name'" $this.ConnectionString = $qdc.ConnectionString $this.Type = $qdc.Type $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.CreationTime = $null $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { if( !(CompareProperties $this $item @( 'ConnectionString', 'Type' ) ) ) { return $false } return $true } } [DscResource()] class QlikLicense{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Serial [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Control [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Organization [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Lef [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [void] Set() { $present = $(Get-QlikLicense) -ne "null" Write-Debug $present if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if(-not $present) { Set-QlikLicense -Serial $this.Serial -Control $this.Control -Name $this.Name -Organization $this.Organization -Lef $this.Lef } } else { if($present) { Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting license $($this.Serial)" #Remove-QlikLicense } } } [bool] Test() { $present = $(Get-QlikLicense) -ne "null" Write-Debug $present if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [QlikLicense] Get() { $present = $(Get-QlikLicense) -ne $null if ($present) { $license = Get-QlikLicense $this.Serial = $license.Serial $this.Name = $license.Name $this.Organization = $license.Organization $this.Lef = $license.Lef $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } } [DscResource()] class QlikNode{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$HostName [DscProperty()] [string]$Name [DscProperty()] [string]$NodePurpose [DscProperty()] [string[]]$CustomProperties [DscProperty()] [string[]]$Tags [DscProperty()] [bool]$Engine [DscProperty()] [bool]$Proxy [DscProperty()] [bool]$Scheduler [DscProperty()] [bool]$Printing [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [void] Set() { $item = Get-QlikNode -full -filter "hostName eq '$($this.HostName)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { Write-Verbose "Proxy should be $($this.Proxy)" $params = @{} if($this.Name) { $params.Add("Name", $this.Name) } if($this.NodePurpose) { $params.Add("NodePurpose", $this.NodePurpose) } if($this.CustomProperties) { $params.Add("CustomProperties", $this.CustomProperties) } if($this.Tags) { $params.Add("Tags", $this.Tags) } if($this.Engine) { $params.Add("engineEnabled", $this.Engine) } if($this.Proxy) { $params.Add("proxyEnabled", $this.Proxy) } if($this.Scheduler) { $params.Add("schedulerEnabled", $this.Scheduler) } if($this.Printing) { $params.Add("printingEnabled", $this.Printing) } if($present) { if(-not $this.hasProperties($item)) { Update-QlikNode -id $item.id @params } } else { Register-QlikNode -hostName $this.HostName @params } } else { #Remove-QlikNode $this.id } } [bool] Test() { $item = Get-QlikNode -full -filter "hostName eq '$($this.HostName)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($present) { if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } [QlikNode] Get() { $item = Get-QlikNode -full -filter "hostName eq '$($this.HostName)'" $present = $item -ne $null if ($present) { $this.NodePurpose = $item.NodePurpose $this.CustomProperties = $item.CustomProperties $this.Tags = $item.Tags $this.Engine = $item.EngineEnabled $this.Proxy = $item.ProxyEnabled $this.Scheduler = $item.SchedulerEnabled $this.Printing = $item.PrintingEnabled } else { } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { if( !(CompareProperties $this $item @( 'NodePurpose', 'Tags' ) ) ) { return $false } If($this.CustomProperties) { foreach( $defined in $this.CustomProperties) { $val = $defined.Split("=") $found = $false foreach( $exists in $item.customProperties ) { if($exists.definition.name -eq $val[0]) { if($val[1] -eq "null" -Or $val[1] -ne $exists.value) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: Custom property value - $($val[0])=$($exists.value) does not match desired state - $($val[1])" return $false } else { $found = $true } } } if(-not $found) { return $false } } } If($item.EngineEnabled -ne $this.Engine) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: Engine property value - $($item.EngineEnabled) does not match desired state - $($this.Engine)" return $false } If($item.ProxyEnabled -ne $this.Proxy) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: Proxy property value - $($item.ProxyEnabled) does not match desired state - $($this.Proxy)" return $false } If($item.SchedulerEnabled -ne $this.Scheduler) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: Scheduler property value - $($item.SchedulerEnabled) does not match desired state - $($this.Scheduler)" return $false } If($item.PrintingEnabled -ne $this.Printing) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: Printing property value - $($item.PrintingEnabled) does not match desired state - $($this.Printing)" return $false } return $true } } [DscResource()] class QlikRule{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty()] [string]$Category [DscProperty()] [string]$Rule [DscProperty()] [string]$ResourceFilter [DscProperty()] [ValidateSet("hub","qmc","both")] [string]$RuleContext [DscProperty()] [int]$Actions [DscProperty()] [string]$Comment [DscProperty()] [bool]$Disabled [void] Set() { $item = Get-QlikRule -full -filter "name eq '$($this.Name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $params = @{ "Name" = $this.Name } if($this.Category) { $params.Add("Category", $this.Category) } if($this.Rule) { $params.Add("Rule", $this.Rule) } if($this.ResourceFilter) { $params.Add("ResourceFilter", $this.ResourceFilter) } if($this.RuleContext) { $params.Add("RuleContext", $this.RuleContext) } if($this.Actions) { $params.Add("Actions", $this.Actions) } if($this.Comment) { $params.Add("Comment", $this.Comment) } if($this.Disabled) { $params.Add("Disabled", $this.Disabled) } if($present) { if(-not $this.hasProperties($item)) { Update-QlikRule -id $item.id @params } } else { if($this.Category -eq "license" -And (-not $this.ResourceFilter)) { $group = New-QlikUserAccessGroup "License rule to grant user access" $params.Add("ResourceFilter", "License.UserAccessGroup_$($group.id)") } New-QlikRule @params } } else { if($present) { Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting the rule $($this.Name)" #Remove-QlikRule -Name $this.Name } } } [bool] Test() { $item = Get-QlikRule -full -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($present) { if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { return -not $present } } [QlikRule] Get() { $item = Get-QlikRule -full -filter "name eq '$($this.name)'" $present = $item -ne $null if ($present) { $this.Category = $item.Category $this.Rule = $item.Rule $this.ResourceFilter = $item.ResourceFilter $this.RuleContext = $item.RuleContext $this.Actions = $item.Actions $this.Comment = $item.Comment $this.Disabled = $item.Disabled $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { if( !(CompareProperties $this $item @( 'Category', 'Rule', 'ResourceFilter', 'Actions', 'Comment', 'Disabled' ) ) ) { return $false } if($this.RuleContext) { $context = -1 switch ($this.RuleContext) { both { $context = 0 } hub { $context = 1 } qmc { $context = 2 } } If($item.RuleContext -ne $context) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: RuleContext property value - $($item.RuleContext) does not match desired state - $context" return $false } } return $true } } [DscResource()] class QlikScheduler{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Node [DscProperty()] [string]$SchedulerServiceType [void] Set() { $item = Get-QlikScheduler -full -filter "serverNodeConfiguration.name eq '$($this.Node)'" $params = @{ "id" = $item.id } if($this.SchedulerServiceType) { $params.Add("SchedulerServiceType", $this.SchedulerServiceType) } Update-QlikScheduler @params } [bool] Test() { $item = Get-QlikScheduler -full -filter "serverNodeConfiguration.name eq '$($this.Node)'" if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } [QlikScheduler] Get() { $item = Get-QlikScheduler -full -filter "serverNodeConfiguration.name eq '$($this.Node)'" $present = $item -ne $null if ($present) { $this.SchedulerServiceType = $item.settings.SchedulerServiceType } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { If($this.SchedulerServiceType) { $sched_type = -1 switch ($this.schedulerServiceType) { master { $sched_type = 0 } slave { $sched_type = 1 } both { $sched_type = 2 } } if($item.settings.SchedulerServiceType -ne $sched_type) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: SchedulerServiceType property value - $($item.settings.SchedulerServiceType) does not match desired state - $($sched_type)" return $false } } return $true } } [DscResource()] class QlikVirtualProxy{ [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Prefix [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Description [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$SessionCookieHeaderName [DscProperty(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$authenticationModuleRedirectUri [DscProperty(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$loadBalancingServerNodes [DscProperty(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$websocketCrossOriginWhiteList [DscProperty(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$proxy [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [void] Set() { $item = $(Get-QlikVirtualProxy -filter "Prefix eq '$($this.Prefix)'") $present = $item -ne $null if($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $engines = Get-QlikNode -filter $this.loadBalancingServerNodes | foreach { $_.id } | ? { $_ } $params = @{ Prefix = $this.Prefix Description = $this.Description SessionCookieHeaderName = $this.SessionCookieHeaderName } If( $engines ) { $params.Add("loadBalancingServerNodes", $engines) } If( $this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList ) { $params.Add("websocketCrossOriginWhiteList", $this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList) } If( $this.authenticationModuleRedirectUri ) { $params.Add("authenticationModuleRedirectUri", $this.authenticationModuleRedirectUri) } if($present) { if(-not $this.hasProperties($item)) { Update-QlikVirtualProxy -id $item.id @params } } else { $item = New-QlikVirtualProxy @params } if( $this.proxy ) { $this.proxy | foreach { $qp = Get-QlikProxy -filter "serverNodeConfiguration.hostName eq '$_'" Add-QlikProxy $qp.id $item.id } } } else { if($present) { Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting virtual proxy $($this.Prefix)" #Get-QlikVirtualProxy -filter "Prefix eq $($this.Prefix) | Remove-QlikVirtualProxy } } } [bool] Test() { $item = $(Get-QlikVirtualProxy -filter "Prefix eq '$($this.Prefix)'") $present = $item -ne $null if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($present) { if($this.hasProperties($item)) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { return -not $present } } [QlikVirtualProxy] Get() { $present = $(Get-QlikVirtualProxy -filter "Prefix eq '$($this.Prefix)'") -ne $null if ($present) { $qvp = Get-QlikVirtualProxy -filter "Prefix eq '$($this.Prefix)'" $this.Description = $qvp.Description $this.SessionCookieHeaderName = $qvp.SessionCookieHeaderName $this.authenticationModuleRedirectUri = $qvp.authenticationModuleRedirectUri $this.loadBalancingServerNodes = $qvp.loadBalancingServerNodes $this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList = $qvp.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } [bool] hasProperties($item) { if( !(CompareProperties $this $item @( 'Description', 'SessionCookieHeaderName', 'authenticationModuleRedirectUri' ) ) ) { return $false } if($this.loadBalancingServerNodes) { $nodes = Get-QlikNode -filter $this.loadBalancingServerNodes | foreach { $_.id } | ? { $_ } if(@($nodes).Count -ne @($item.loadBalancingServerNodes).Count) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: loadBalancingServerNodes property count - $(@($item.loadBalancingServerNodes).Count) does not match desired state - $(@($this.loadBalancingServerNodes).Count)" return $false } else { foreach($value in $item.loadBalancingServerNodes) { if($nodes -notcontains $value.id) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: loadBalancingServerNodes property value - $($value) not found in desired state" return $false } } } } if($this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList) { if(@($this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList).Count -ne @($item.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList).Count) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: websocketCrossOriginWhiteList property count - $(@($item.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList).Count) does not match desired state - $(@($this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList).Count)" return $false } else { foreach($value in $item.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList) { if($this.websocketCrossOriginWhiteList -notcontains $value) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: websocketCrossOriginWhiteList property value - $($value) not found in desired state" return $false } } } } if( $this.proxy ) { $proxies = Get-QlikProxy -full -filter "settings.virtualProxies.id eq $($item.id)" | select -ExpandProperty serverNodeConfiguration | select hostName foreach( $proxy in $this.proxy ) { if( -Not ($proxies -Contains $proxy) ) { Write-Verbose "Test-HasProperties: $proxy not linked" return $false } } } return $true } } function CompareProperties( $expected, $actual, $prop ) { $result = $true $prop.foreach({ If($expected.$_ -And ($actual.$_ -ne $expected.$_)) { Write-Verbose "CompareProperties: $_ property value - $($actual.$_) does not match desired state - $($expected.$_)" $result = $false } }) return $result } |