# Imports Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Manage-Design.psm1" -Force Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Manage-Windows.psm1" -Force # Links: $urlInstallWinGet = "" # Function: Check WinGet installation status function Get-WinGetInstallationStatus { try { <# - Attempt to get the WinGet version. - The output is redirected to $null using 2>$null to suppress any error messages. #> $wingetVersion = winget --version 2>$null # WinGet is installed. return $null -ne $wingetVersion } catch { # WinGet is NOT installed. return $false } } # Function: Check Git installation status function Get-GitInstallationStatus { try { <# - Attempt to get the Git version. - The output is redirected to $null using 2>$null to suppress any error messages. #> $gitVersion = git --version 2>$null # Git is installed. return $null -ne $gitVersion } catch { # Git is NOT installed. return $false } } # Function: Check Git's version function Get-GitVersion { Write-Output "Checking Git version..." | Out-Default Write-Output "" | Out-Default try { # Fetching Git's version. $gitVersion = git --version # Display the Git version to the user. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Info" -CTC "blue" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "$gitVersion" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "blue") Write-Output "" | Out-Default } catch { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Failed to find Git version." ` ) Write-Output $_.Exception.Message | Out-Default } } # Function: Check Git's updates function Update-Git { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param () Write-Output "Checking Git updates..." | Out-Default if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Git", "Update Git using WinGet")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default try { $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Please be patient this may take a bit :)" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Fetching Git's updates using WinGet. winget upgrade --id Git.Git -e --source winget Write-Output "" | Out-Default } catch { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Failed to check Git updates." ` ) Write-Output $_.Exception.Message | Out-Default } } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Git update canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } # Function: Install Git function Install-Git { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param () Write-Output "Installing Git..." | Out-Default if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Git", "Install Git using WinGet")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default try { $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Please be patient this may take a bit :)" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Install Git via: using WinGet. winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget Write-Output "" | Out-Default } catch { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Failed to install Git." ` ) Write-Output $_.Exception.Message | Out-Default } } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Git installation canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } # Function: Uninstall Git function Uninstall-Git { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param () Write-Output "Uninstalling Git..." | Out-Default if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Git", "Uninstall Git using WinGet")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default try { $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Please be patient this may take a bit :)" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Uninstalling Git using WinGet. winget uninstall --id Git.Git -e --source winget Write-Output "" | Out-Default } catch { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Failed to uninstall Git." ` ) Write-Output $_.Exception.Message | Out-Default } } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Git uninstallation canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } <# .Synopsis Check if a Local Git Repository exist on the given path .INPUTS [[-Path] <String>] .FUNCTIONALITY From the given PATH, check whether a '.git' folder exist or not .OUTPUTS <Boolean> #> function Get-LocalGitRepositoryStatus { param ( [string]$Path ) # Construct the full PATH of the ".git" folder using the given PATH. $gitDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath ".git" # Check if the ".git" folder exists. if (Test-Path -Path $gitDirectoryPath) { # The ".git" folder exist. return $true } else { # The ".git" folder doesn't exist. return $false } } <# .Synopsis Rename the Local Git Repository's main branch .INPUTS [[-Path] <String>] .FUNCTIONALITY From the given PATH. Allow the user if wants to rename the Local Git Repository's main branch. Otherwise, keep it as the default name (main) #> function Set-LocalGitRepositoryBranchName { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [string]$Path ) # Check the local Git repository's main branch name. $mainBranchName = git -C $Path branch --format='%(refname:short)' --list main master # Display an information message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Main Branch Name" -CTC "blue" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "1" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Type a new $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "NAME") to rename the main branch. Otherwise," ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)press $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "Enter") to keep the default name." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "green")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "It's recommended to change the main branch name to $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "main")." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "The main branch name of your local Git repository is $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "$mainBranchName")." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "blue") # Prompt the user to type the desired main branch name. $gitBranchName = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the main branch NAME" ` ) if ($gitBranchName -ne "") { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, "Change the main branch name")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default <# - (git branch -M $gitBranchName): Rename the main Git branch to the user's desired name. - (-C $Path): Specifies the path where the Git command should run. #> git -C $Path branch -M $gitBranchName $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The main branch successfully renamed to '$gitBranchName'." ` ) } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Rename the main branch canceled." ` ) } } Write-Output "" | Out-Default } <# .Synopsis Set the Local Git Repository's credential configuration .INPUTS [[-Path] <String>] .FUNCTIONALITY From the given PATH. Set the Local Git Repository's configuration of the "Username" & "E-mail" #> function Set-LocalGitRepositoryCredential { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [string]$Path ) # Display an information message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Credential Configuration" -CTC "blue" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "2" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Type a $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "Username") for the local Git repository's credentials.$(Format-Color -TC "red" -Str "*")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "red"))" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "3" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Type a $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "E-mail") for the local Git repository's credentials.$(Format-Color -TC "red" -Str "*")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "red"))" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "($(Format-Color -TC "red" -Str "*")) Mandatory fields." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "red")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "blue") # Check the exestance of both Username & E-mail configuration of the Local Git Repository. $gitUsername = git -C $Path config --get $gitEmail = git -C $Path config --get # Both "Username" & "E-mail" are configured. if ($gitUsername -and $gitEmail) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Display an attention message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Attention" -CTC "yellow" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "The local Git repository credentials already configured." ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "yellow") Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Display a choice message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Choice" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "What would you like to do?" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "1" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Continue with the configured credentials" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "2" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Overwrite the configured credentials" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") # Loop until the user enters a valid operation number. $loopVar = $true while ($loopVar) { # Prompt the user to type the desired operation number. $choice = $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the operation number" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default switch ($choice) { "1" { # Break the "while" loop. $loopVar = $false } "2" { # Loop until the user enters a non-empty Username. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired Username. $gitUsername = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the Username" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitUsername -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Username cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } # Loop until the user enters a non-empty E-mail. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired E-mail. $gitEmail = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the E-mail" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitEmail -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "E-mail cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, "Overwrite the configured credentials")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Configure both Username & E-mail for the user credentials of the local Git repository. git -C $Path config $gitUsername git -C $Path config $gitEmail $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The configured credentials successfully overwritten." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Break the "while" loop. $loopVar = $false } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Overwrite the configured credentials canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } Default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid choice, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } } # Only one of "Username" or "E-mail" is configured. elseif (($gitUsername -and ($null -eq $gitEmail)) -or ($gitEmail -and ($null -eq $gitUsername))) { # If the E-mail is not configured. if ($null -eq $gitEmail) { $gitValidCredential = "Username" $gitValidCredentialValue = $gitUsername $gitCredential = "E-mail" $gitUserCredential = "email" } # If the Username is not configured. elseif ($null -eq $gitUsername) { $gitValidCredential = "E-mail" $gitValidCredentialValue = $gitEmail $gitCredential = "Username" $gitUserCredential = "name" } Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Display an attention message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Attention" -CTC "yellow" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "The $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "$gitValidCredential") is configured for the local Git repository as:" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)'$(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "$gitValidCredentialValue")'" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "The $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "$gitCredential") is $(Format-Color -TC "red" -Str "not") configured for the local Git repository." ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "red"))" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "yellow") Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Display a choice message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Choice" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "What would you like to do?" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "1" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Add an $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "$gitCredential") to the configured credentials" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F "gold")" ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "2" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Overwrite the configured credentials with new $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "Username") & $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "E-mail")" ` -F "$(Clear-Format -F @("gold", "gold"))" ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") # Loop until the user enters a valid operation number. $loopVar = $true while ($loopVar) { # Prompt the user to type the desired operation number. $choice = $(Format-Shape ` -M "^" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the operation number" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default switch ($choice) { "1" { # Loop until the user enters a non-empty credential. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired credential. $gitUserInfo = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the $gitCredential" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitUserInfo -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "$gitCredential cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } # Configure the credential for the user of the local Git repository. git -C $Path config user.$gitUserCredential $gitUserInfo $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The $gitCredential for the credentials successfully configured." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Break the "while" loop. $loopVar = $false } "2" { # Loop until the user enters a non-empty Username. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired Username. $gitUsername = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the Username" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitUsername -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Username cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } # Loop until the user enters a non-empty E-mail. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired E-mail. $gitEmail = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the E-mail" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitEmail -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "E-mail cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, "Overwrite the configured credentials")) { Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Configure both Username & E-mail for the user credentials of the local Git repository. git -C $Path config $gitUsername git -C $Path config $gitEmail $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The configured credentials successfully overwritten." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default # Break the "while" loop. $loopVar = $false } else { Write-Output "" | Out-Default $(Format-Shape ` -M "x" ` -TC "red" ` -Str "Overwrite the configured credentials canceled." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } Default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid choice, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } } # Both "Username" & "E-mail" are NOT configured. else { # Loop until the user enters a non-empty Username. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired Username. $gitUsername = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the Username" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitUsername -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Username cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } # Configure the Username for the user credentials of the local Git repository. git -C $Path config $gitUsername # Loop until the user enters a non-empty E-mail. while ($true) { # Prompt the user to type the desired E-mail. $gitEmail = $(Format-Shape ` -M "-" ` -TC "clear" ` -WR 1 ` -Str "Type the E-mail" ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default if ($gitEmail -eq "") { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "E-mail cannot be empty, please try again." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default continue } break } # Configure the E-mail for the user credentials of the local Git repository. git -C $Path config $gitEmail $(Format-Shape ` -M "+" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "The credentials successfully configured." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } # Function: Display list of Git commands function Show-GitHelp { # Display Git commands to the user. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Git Commands" -CTC "bright_magenta" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Usage" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "green" ` -Str "qatam git <command>" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "Command" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Description" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "System Operations (OS)" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "v $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") version" ` -CT "|" ` -Str "Check Git Version / Installation Status" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "upd $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") update" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Update Git" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "i $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") install" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Install Git" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "uni $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") uninstall" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Uninstall Git" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "h $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") help" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Display Git Commands" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "*" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "blue" ` -Str "Local Operations (Project)" ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "bn $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") branch-name" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Rename the Main Branch of a Local Git Repository" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -M "cc $(Format-Color -TC "clear" -Str "|" -NC "bright_magenta") config-cred" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "bright_magenta" ` -Str "Configure the Local Git Repository's Credentials" ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "bright_magenta") ` ) $(Format-Shape -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "bright_magenta") } <# .Synopsis Main Entry Point for the Git operations that manages the entire Git commands .EXAMPLE qatam git .EXAMPLE qatam git [[-Command] <String>] .INPUTS <Command>: version, v, update, upd, install, i, uninstall, uni, help, h .OUTPUTS List of Git commands .FUNCTIONALITY Manage the Git workflow #> function Select-Git { param ( [string]$Command ) switch ($Command.ToLower()) { { $_ -in @("version", "v") } { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { # A function that checks Git version. Get-GitVersion } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is Not installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git install") to install it." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("update", "upd") } { # A function that checks WinGet installation status. if (Get-WinGetInstallationStatus) { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { # A function that update Git. Update-Git } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is Not installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git install") to install it." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "WinGet is Not installed. Visit: $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "`e]8;;$urlInstallWinGet`e\qatam-cli/WinGet`e]8;;`e\.") to install it." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("install", "i") } { # A function that checks WinGet installation status. if (Get-WinGetInstallationStatus) { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git help") to see other Git commands." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } else { # A function that install Git. Install-Git } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "WinGet is Not installed. Visit: $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "`e]8;;$urlInstallWinGet`e\qatam-cli/WinGet`e]8;;`e\.") to install it." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("uninstall", "uni") } { # A function that checks WinGet installation status. if (Get-WinGetInstallationStatus) { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { # A function that uninstall Git. Uninstall-Git } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is Not installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git help") to see other Git commands." ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "WinGet is Not installed. Visit: $(Format-Color -TC "gold" -Str "`e]8;;$urlInstallWinGet`e\qatam-cli/WinGet`e]8;;`e\.") to install it." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("branch-name", "bn") } { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { <# 1. Get the PATH that the user wants to work on. - "Select-Windows" is a function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\Manage-Directory.psm1" file. #> $directoryPath = Select-Windows -Command "get-dir" -DoReturn $true # Start from a fresh line after typing each command with a line divider. Clear-CurrentContent -Option "div" # Check the existence of a Local Git Repository in a given PATH. $doesGitExist = Get-LocalGitRepositoryStatus -Path $directoryPath if ($doesGitExist) { # Construct the full PATH of the ".git" folder using the given PATH. $gitDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $directoryPath -ChildPath ".git" # The Local Git Repository exist in the given PATH. Set-LocalGitRepositoryBranchName -Path $gitDirectoryPath } else { # Display an missing message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Missing" -CTC "red" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "No Local Git Repository was found in the specified path." ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git branch-name") again with a valid path." ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "red") Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is Not installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git help") to see other Git commands." ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("config-cred", "cc") } { # A function that checks Git installation status. if (Get-GitInstallationStatus) { <# 1. Get the PATH that the user wants to work on. - "Select-Windows" is a function imported from "$PSScriptRoot\Manage-Directory.psm1" file. #> $directoryPath = Select-Windows -Command "get-dir" -DoReturn $true # Start from a fresh line after typing each command with a line divider. Clear-CurrentContent -Option "div" # Check the existence of a Local Git Repository in a given PATH. $doesGitExist = Get-LocalGitRepositoryStatus -Path $directoryPath if ($doesGitExist) { # Construct the full PATH of the ".git" folder using the given PATH. $gitDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $directoryPath -ChildPath ".git" # The Local Git Repository exist in the given PATH. Set-LocalGitRepositoryCredential -Path $gitDirectoryPath } else { # Display an missing message. $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -Str "Missing" -CTC "red" -StrBox 1) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -CT "|" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "No Local Git Repository was found in the specified path." ` ) $(Format-Shape ` -CT "|" ` -Str "$(" " * 4)Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git config-cred") again with a valid path." ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) $(Format-Shape -T " " -CT "|") $(Format-Shape -T "-" -CT "*" -CTC "red") Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } else { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Git is Not installed. Run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git help") to see other Git commands." ` -F $(Clear-Format -F "green") ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } { $_ -in @("help", "h", "") } { Show-GitHelp Write-Output "" | Out-Default } default { $(Format-Shape ` -M "!" ` -TC "yellow" ` -Str "Invalid command, run: $(Format-Color -TC "green" -Str "qatam git help") to see all Git commands." ` ) Write-Output "" | Out-Default } } } # Export the Main Entry Point function Export-ModuleMember -Function Select-Git |