Function Get-PythonEnvironmentRoot { $VirtualEnvironmentRoot = Join-Path -Path $Env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath '.virtualenvs' $VirtualEnvironmentRoot } Function Enter-PythonEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Enter a Python virtual environment. .DESCRIPTION The Enter-PythonEnvironment enters into a named Python environment. .PARAMETER Name Name of the virtual environment. .PARAMETER ChangeDirectory Change location to the environment directory. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Enter-PythonEnvironment -Name MyEnv Description ----------- Enters the Python virtual environment named MyEnv. #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [String] $Name, [Switch] $ChangeDirectory ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $VirtualEnvironmentRoot = Get-PythonEnvironmentRoot $VirtualEnvironmentPath = Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot -ChildPath $Name If (Test-Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath) { #Required for Activate.ps1 If (!(Test-Path -Path Function:\_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT)) { function global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT {""} } If ($Env:VIRTUAL_ENV) { Throw 'Already in virtual environment, use Exit-PythonEnvironment!' } else { $ActivatePath = Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath -ChildPath 'Scripts\Activate.ps1' . $ActivatePath & python.exe --version If ($ChangeDirectory) { Set-Location -Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath } } } else { Throw "The virtual environment $Name can not be found!" } } New-Alias -Name workon -Value Enter-PythonEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function Enter-PythonEnvironment Function Exit-PythonEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Exit the active Python virtual environment. .DESCRIPTION The Exit-PythonEnvironment exits the active Python environment. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Exit-PythonEnvironment Description ----------- Exits the active Python virtual environment. #> $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Function global:prompt {Write-Host -NoNewline $Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH} $Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT = $Null Copy-Item -Path Function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT -Destination Function:prompt If ($Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH_PYTHONHOME) { $Env:PYTHONHOME = $Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH_PYTHONHOME } If ($Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH) { $Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH = $Null } $Env:VIRTUAL_ENV = $Null } New-Alias -Name deactivate -Value Exit-PythonEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function Exit-PythonEnvironment Function Get-PythonEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an exisitng Python virtual environment. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PythonEnvironment removes an exisitng Python virtual environment. .PARAMETER Name Name of the virtual environment. .PARAMETER Detailed Displays detailed information of Python environment. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-PythonEnvironment Description ----------- Displays all Python environments. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-PythonEnvironment -Name MyEnv -Detailed Description ----------- Displays detailed information on Python environment named "MyEnv" #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')] Param ( [Parameter (Position=1)] [String] $Name, [Switch] $Detailed ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $VirtualEnvironmentRoot = Get-PythonEnvironmentRoot If ($Name) { $Result = Get-Item -Path $(Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot -ChildPath $Name) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PSIsContainer } } else { $Result = Get-ChildItem -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot| Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PSIsContainer } } If ($Detailed) { $DetailedResult = @() ForEach ($Env in $Result) { $DetailedResult += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = $Env.BaseName 'Version' =$(Try{$(& $(Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot -ChildPath "$($Env.BaseName)\Scripts\python.exe") --version 2>&1).Replace('Python ','')}Catch{$_.Exception.Message.Replace('Python ','')}) } } $DetailedResult } else { $Result | Select-Object -Property Name } } New-Alias -Name lsvirtualenv -Value Get-PythonEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function Get-PythonEnvironment Function Invoke-PythonScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes Python script from PowerShell. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-PythonScript cmdlet executes Python script from PowerShell. .PARAMETER Path The path of the Python script to execute. .PARAMETER ConvertJsonOutput Returns Converts JSON output from the Python Script to a PSObject. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Invoke-PythonScript -FilePath Description ----------- Executes a script using the python interpreter. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Invoke-PythonScript -FilePath -ConvertJsonOutput Description ----------- Converts Python script json output to a Powershell Object. #> [CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [String] $Path, [Switch] $ConvertJsonOutput ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $PythonOutput = python.exe $(Get-Command -Name $Path).Source If ($ConvertJsonOutput) { $PythonOutput | ConvertFrom-Json } Else { $PythonOutput } } New-Alias -Name ipy -Value Invoke-PythonScript Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function Invoke-PythonScript Function New-PythonEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Python virtual environment. .DESCRIPTION The New-PythonEnvironment cmdlet creates a new Python virtual environment. .PARAMETER Name Name of the virtual environment. .PARAMETER Version Python version of the virtual environment. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> New-PythonEnvironment -Name MyEnv Description ----------- Creates a new Python virtual environment named MyEnv. #> [CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [String] $Name, [Parameter (Position=2)] [String] $Version = '3' ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $VirtualEnvironmentRoot = Get-PythonEnvironmentRoot $VirtualEnvironmentPath = Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot -ChildPath $Name Switch($Version[0]) { '2' {$ModuleName = 'virtualenv'} default {$ModuleName = 'venv'} } If (Test-Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath) { Throw "The virtual environment $Name already exists!" } If ($Version -eq 2) { py.exe -$Version -m pip install $ModuleName } py.exe -$Version -m $ModuleName $VirtualEnvironmentPath } New-Alias -Name mkvirtualenv -Value New-PythonEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function New-PythonEnvironment Function Remove-PythonEnvironment { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an exisitng Python virtual environment. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PythonEnvironment removes an exisitng Python virtual environment. .PARAMETER Name Name of the virtual environment. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.00 Author: David Wallace Updated: - First Released: 21 Oct 2018 Version History -------------- 1.0 (21 Oct 2018) * Initial Release .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Remove-PythonEnvironment -Name MyEnv Description ----------- Removes the existing Python virtual environment named MyEnv. #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='High')] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [String] $Name ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $VirtualEnvironmentRoot = Get-PythonEnvironmentRoot $VirtualEnvironmentPath = Join-Path -Path $VirtualEnvironmentRoot -ChildPath $Name If (Test-Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath) { If ($Env:VIRTUAL_ENV -eq $VirtualEnvironmentPath) { Throw 'Virtual environment in use, use Exit-PythonEnvironment!' } Else { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Removing virtual path $VirtualEnvironmentPath")) { Remove-Item -Path $VirtualEnvironmentPath -Recurse } } } Else { Throw "Python environment $Name can not be found!" } } New-Alias -Name rmvirtualenv -Value Remove-PythonEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Alias '*' -Function Remove-PythonEnvironment |