Describe "Installing new python versions and creating virtual environments" -Tag "Unit" { Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\PythonPowershellUtilities.psm1" -Force $testVersion = "3.7.2" New-PythonInstallation -Version $testVersion $installRoot = Get-PythonUtilitiesConfigValue "PythonInstallRoot" It 'Should create a new python $testVersion installation' { Test-Path -Path "$installRoot\python$testVersion\python.exe" | Should -BeTrue } $venvName = "TestEnv" $venvRoot = Get-PythonUtilitiesConfigValue "VirtualEnvironmentRoot" New-PythonVirtualEnvironment -Version $testVersion -Name $venvName It 'Should create a new virtual environment' { Test-Path -Path "$venvRoot\$venvName-$testVersion\Scripts\python.exe" | Should -BeTrue } Enter-PythonVirtualEnvironment -Name $venvName $result = Start-Process "pip" -ArgumentList "--disable-pip-version-check install toolz" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru It 'Should install the test dependency into the new venv' { Test-Path -Path "$venvRoot\$venvName-$testVersion\Lib\site-packages\toolz" | Should -BeTrue } deactivate It 'Should return the correct number of environments' { $envs = Get-PythonVirtualEnvironments $envs.Count | Should -Be 1 $envs[0] | Should -Be "$venvName-$testVersion" } Remove-PythonVirtualEnvironment -Name $venvName -YesToAll It 'Should delete the newly-created venv' { Test-Path -Path "$venvRoot\$venvName-$testVersion\python.exe" | Should -BeFalse } Remove-PythonInstallation -Version $testVersion } |