using namespace Spectre.Console function Add-TableColumns { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $table, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Object, [Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $FormatData, [String[]] $Property, [String] $Title ) Write-Debug "Module: $($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.Name) Command: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Param: $($PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator())" if ($Property) { Write-Debug 'Adding column from property' foreach ($prop in $Property) { $table.AddColumn($prop) | Out-Null } } elseif ($FormatData) { foreach ($key in $FormatData.keys) { $lookup = $FormatData[$key] Write-Debug "Adding column from formatdata: $($lookup.GetEnumerator())" $table.AddColumn($lookup.Label) | Out-Null $table.Columns[-1].Padding = [Spectre.Console.Padding]::new(1, 0, 1, 0) if ($lookup.width -gt 0) { # width 0 is autosize, select the last entry in the column list $table.Columns[-1].Width = $lookup.Width } if ($lookup.Alignment -ne 'undefined') { $table.Columns[-1].Alignment = [Justify]::$lookup.Alignment } } } elseif (Test-IsScalar $Object) { # simple/scalar types show up wonky, we can detect them and just use a dummy header for the table Write-Debug 'simple/scalar type' $script:scalarDetected = $true if ($Title) { $table.AddColumn($Title) | Out-Null } else { $table.AddColumn("Value") | Out-Null } } else { # no formatting found and no properties selected, enumerating Write-Debug 'PSCustomObject/Properties switch detected' foreach ($prop in $Object.psobject.Properties.Name) { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop)) { $table.AddColumn($prop) | Out-Null } } } return $table } |