<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a collection of emojis available in Spectre Console.  .DESCRIPTION The Get-SpectreDemoEmoji function retrieves a collection of emojis available in Spectre Console. It displays the general emojis, faces, and provides information on how to use emojis in Spectre Console markup. .EXAMPLE # Retrieves and displays the collection of emojis available in Spectre Console. Get-SpectreDemoEmoji .NOTES Emoji support is dependent on the operating system, terminal, and font support. For more information on Spectre Console markup and emojis, refer to the following links: - Spectre Console Markup: - Spectre Console Emojis: #> function Get-SpectreDemoEmoji { [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Get-SpectreDemoEmoji")] param () Write-Host "" Write-SpectreRule "`nGeneral" Write-Host "" $emojiCollection = [Spectre.Console.Emoji+Known] | Get-Member -Static -Type Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $faces = @() foreach($emoji in $emojiCollection) { $id = ($emoji -creplace '([A-Z])', '_$1' -replace '^_', '').ToLower() if($id -like "*face*") { $faces += $id } else { Write-SpectreHost ":${id}:`t$id" } } Write-Host "" Write-SpectreRule "Faces" Write-Host "" foreach($face in $faces) { Write-SpectreHost ":${face}:`t$face" } Write-Host "" Write-SpectreRule "Help" Write-Host "" Write-Host "The emoji can be used in Spectre Console markup like so:`n" # Apparently there is no way to escape emoji codes Write-SpectreHost -NoNewline " PS> [yellow]Write-Host[/] [DeepSkyBlue1]`"I am a :[/]" Write-SpectreHost -NoNewline "[DeepSkyBlue1]grinning_face: Spectre markdown emoji string :[/]" Write-SpectreHost "[DeepSkyBlue1]victory_hand: !`"[/]" Write-SpectreHost " [white on grey19]I am a :grinning_face: Spectre markdown emoji string :victory_hand: ! [/]" Write-SpectreHost "`nEmoji support is dependent on OS, terminal & font support. For more markdown hints see [link][/] and for more emoji help see [link][/]`n" } |