Function Load-Profile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $name, [switch] $quiet, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $remainingArgs ) BEGIN { Function Get-PwshExpression { param([string]$path) ## Using [IO.File]::ReadAllText() instead of Get-Content -Raw for performance purposes $content = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($path) $content = $content -replace "(?<!\-)[Ff]unction\ +([_A-Za-z]+)", 'Function global:$1' $content = $content -replace "(?<!\-)[Ff]ilter\ +([_A-Za-z]+)", 'Filter global:$1' $content = $content -replace "[Ss][Ee][Tt]\-[Aa][Ll][Ii][Aa][Ss]\ +(.*)", 'Set-Alias -Scope Global $1' Write-Output $content } Function Get-CachedPowerShellProfile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$name, [switch]$quiet ) ## Using [IO.File]::Exists() and [IO.Directory]::Exists() instead of Test-Path for performance purposes ## Using [IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime() instead of (Get-Item -Path).LastWriteTimeUtc for performance purposes ## Using [IO.Path]::Combine() instead of Join-Path for performance purposes BEGIN { Function New-CachedPowerShellProfile { param( [string]$friendlyName, [string]$content ) $cachedProfilePath = Get-CachedProfilePath -Name $name Write-Verbose "Creating cached PowerShell profile '$friendlyName'" Write-Verbose "$cachedProfilePath" Set-Content -Path $cachedProfilePath -Value (Get-PwshExpression -Path $content) Write-Output $cachedProfilePath } $friendlyName = $name if (-not $name) { $friendlyName = "profile" } } PROCESS { $originalProfile = Get-Profile -Name $name if (-not $originalProfile -or (-not ([IO.File]::Exists($originalProfile)))) { if (-not $quiet.IsPresent) { Write-Host "No such profile '$friendlyName'." -ForegroundColor Magenta } return } if ($name -eq "profiles") { return (Get-ProfilePath -Name $name) } $cachedProfile = Get-CachedProfile -Name $name if ($cachedProfile -and ([IO.File]::Exists($cachedProfile))) { Write-Verbose "Cached PowerShell profile '$friendlyName' exists." $originalProfileTimestamp = [IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($originalProfile) $cachedProfileTimestamp = [IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($cachedProfile) if ($originalProfileTimeStamp -gt $cachedProfileTimestamp) { Write-Verbose "Cached PowerShell profile is obsolete. Replacing..." $cachedProfile = New-CachedPowerShellProfile -FriendlyName $friendlyName -Content $originalProfile } } else { Write-Verbose "Cached PowerShell profile '$friendlyName' does not exist." $cachedProfile = New-CachedPowerShellProfile -FriendlyName $friendlyName -Content $originalProfile } Write-Output $cachedProfile } } } PROCESS { $powerShellProfile = Get-CachedPowerShellProfile -Name $name -Quiet:$quiet if ($powerShellProfile -and ([IO.File]::Exists($powerShellProfile))) { if (-not $quiet.IsPresent) { Write-Host "Loading $name profile." -ForegroundColor Gray } $expression = ". `"$powerShellProfile`" $remainingArgs" Invoke-Expression -Command $expression } CheckFor-ProfileUpdate -Name $name | Out-Null } } Set-Alias -Name lp -Value Load-Profile |