function Test-IpAddress { <# .SYNOPSIS Scan a specific IP Address. .DESCRIPTION You can scan a specific IP Address and even with a specific port number. It allow you to determine if X IP (and X port number) is pingable or not. .PARAMETER IpAddress Specifies the IP address. .PARAMETER Port Specifies the port number. .EXAMPLE Test-IpAddress -IpAddress .EXAMPLE Test-IpAddress -IpAddress - Port 25565 .NOTES A file named "report-ipscan.txt" is generated when the command is finished to be executed. #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$IpAddress, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Port ) Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "$IpAddress" -PercentComplete 0 if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Port')) { $portResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $IpAddress -TcpPort $Port -Quiet if ($portResult) { "IP: $IpAddress | Port: $Port | Status: Open" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $IpAddress | Port: $Port | Status: Closed" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } else { $ipResult = Test-Connection -IPv4 $IpAddress -Ping -Quiet if ($ipResult) { "IP: $IpAddress | Status: Up" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } else { "IP: $IpAddress | Status: Down" | Out-File .\report-ipscan.txt -Append } } Write-Progress -Activity "Scanning IP address" -Status "$IpAddress" -PercentComplete 100 } |