################################# # # Razzle scripts # ocalvo@microsoft.com # param ( $flavor="fre", $arch="x86", $device=$null, $binariesPrefix = "c:\bin", $vsVersion = "Enterprise", $ddDir = $env:LOCALAPPDATA, [switch]$symbolicLinks = $true, [switch]$bl_ok, [switch]$oacr, [switch]$opt, [switch]$noDeep, [switch]$nobtok, [switch]$gitVersionCheck, $enlistment = $env:SDXROOT) ## ## Support to get out and get in of razzle ## $global:ddIni = ($ddDir+"\dd.ini") if ($null -eq $enlistment) { if (test-path $global:ddIni) { $enlistment = (Get-Content $global:ddIni) } else { throw "Enlistment parameter not specified" } } if (!(test-path $enlistment)) { sudo Unlock-MyBitlocker } if (test-path $enlistment) { Set-Location $enlistment pushd $enlistment } if ($null -ne $env:_BuildArch) {$arch=$env:_BuildArch;} if ($null -ne $env:_BuildType) {$flavor=$env:_BuildType;} $global:UnRazzleEnv = (Get-ChildItem env:*); $global:RazzleEnv = $null; function global:Undo-Razzle { Remove-Item env:*; foreach ($env_entry in $global:UnRazzleEnv) { New-Item -Path env: -Name $env_entry.Name -Value $env_entry.Value > $null 2> $null } } function global:Redo-Razzle { Remove-Item env:*; foreach ($env_entry in $global:RazzleEnv) { New-Item -Path env: -Name $env_entry.Name -Value $env_entry.Value > $null 2> $null } } function global:Execute-OutsideRazzle { param([ScriptBlock] $script) Undo-Razzle; try { & $script; } finally { Redo-Razzle; } } Set-Alias UnRazzle Execute-OutsideRazzle -Scope Global; function Get-Batchfile ($file) { $cmd = "echo off & `"$file`" & set" cmd /c $cmd | Foreach-Object { $p, $v = $_.split('=') Set-Item -path env:$p -value $v } } [hashtable]$razzleKind = [ordered]@{ DevDiv = "\src\tools\razzle.ps1"; Windows = "\developer\razzle.ps1"; Lifted = "\init.cmd"; Phone = "\wm\tools\bat\WPOpen.ps1" } function Get-RazzleProbeDir($kind, $srcDir) { return ($srcDir+$razzleKind[$kind]) } function Get-RazzleKind($srcDir) { $kind = $razzleKind.Keys | where { (test-path (Get-RazzleProbeDir $_ $srcDir)) } | select -first 1 return $kind } function global:Get-RazzleProbes() { [string[]]$razzleProbe = $null if ((test-path $ddIni) -and ($null -eq $enlistment)) { $enlistment = (get-content $ddIni) $razzleProbe += $enlistment return $razzleProbe } else { if (($enlistment -ne $null) -and (test-path $enlistment)) { $razzleProbe += $enlistment return $razzleProbe } } throw "Enlistment not provided" } function __Get-BranchName($razzleDirName) { $branch = (git branch | where { $_.StartsWith("*") } | select -first 1 ) if ($branch -ne $null) { $branch = $branch.Split("/") | select -last 1 if ($branch -ne $null) { return $branch; } } return $razzleDirName; } function global:New-RazzleLink($linkName, $binaries) { if (!($symbolicLinks.IsPresent)) { return; } echo "Linking $linkName -> $binaries ..." if (!(test-path $binaries)) { echo "Making new dir $binaries" mkdir $binaries > $null } $currentTarget = $null if (test-path $linkName) { $currentTarget = (Get-Item $linkName).Target } if (($currentTarget -eq $null) -or ($currentTarget -ne $binaries)) { echo "Making new link $linkName -> $binaries" sudo New-Item $linkName -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $binaries -Force } } function global:Get-BranchCustomId() { [string]$branch = git branch | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("*") }; if ($null -ne $branch) { return ($branch.Split("/") | select -last 1) } } function Remove-InvalidFileNameChars { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$Name ) return [RegEx]::Replace($Name, "[{0}]" -f ([RegEx]::Escape([String][System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars())), ' ') } function global:Retarget-Razzle { Write-Output ("Retargeting common paths") New-RazzleLink "c:\Symbols" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" New-RazzleLink "c:\Symcache" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" New-RazzleLink "c:\Sym" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" #New-RazzleLink $env:temp "$binariesPrefix\Temp" New-RazzleLink $env:HOMEDRIVE$env:HOMEPATH\.nuget "$binariesPrefix\NuGet" New-RazzleLink "c:\Temp" "$binariesPrefix\Temp" New-RazzleLink "c:\Logs" "$binariesPrefix\Logs" New-RazzleLink "c:\CrashDumps" "$binariesPrefix\CrashDumps" New-RazzleLink "c:\VHDs" "$binariesPrefix\VHDs" New-RazzleLink "c:\Debuggers" "$binariesPrefix\Debuggers" New-RazzleLink "c:\dd\Debuggers\Sym" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" New-RazzleLink "c:\dd\Debuggers\Wow64\Sym" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" New-RazzleLink "c:\ProgramData\dbg\Sym" "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" New-RazzleLink "c:\ProgramData\dbg\Src" "$binariesPrefix\src" New-RazzleLink "c:\Polaris" "$binariesPrefix\Polaris" Write-Output ("Retargeting done") } function global:Retarget-OSRazzle($binariesRoot, $srcRoot = $env:OSBuildRoot) { Write-Output ("Retargeting $srcRoot -> $binariesRoot") Push-Location ($srcRoot+"\src") $binRoot = $srcRoot.Replace("f:","w:") $binRoot = $binRoot.Replace("F:","w:") $binRoot = $binRoot.Replace("c:\src","w:") $binRoot = $binRoot.Replace("C:\src","w:") Write-Output "Branch binRoot is $binRoot" Pop-Location New-RazzleLink "$binariesPrefix\os" $binRoot New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\bin") ($binRoot+"\bin") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\bldcache") ($binRoot+"\bldcache") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\bldout") ($binRoot+"\bldout") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\cdg") ($binRoot+"\cdg") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\intl") ($binRoot+"\intl") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\engcache") ($binRoot+"\engcache") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\pgo") ($binRoot+"\pgo") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\public") ($binRoot+"\public") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\pubpkg") ($binRoot+"\pubpkg") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\obj") ($binRoot+"\obj") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\osdep") ($binRoot+"\osdep") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\out") ($binRoot+"\out") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\Temp") ($binRoot+"\Temp") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\tools") ($binRoot+"\tools") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\utilities") ($binRoot+"\utilities") New-RazzleLink ($binRoot+"\src") ($srcRoot+"\src") New-RazzleLink ($srcRoot+"\TestPayload") ($binRoot+"\TestPayload") $enlistNumber = $srcRoot.Substring($srcRoot.LastIndexOf("os")+2,1) $workspaceFolder = "F:\os$enlistNumber" $realWorkspaceFile = "$workspaceFolder\os$enlistNumber.code-workspace" if (test-path $realWorkspaceFile) { $title = Get-WindowTitleSuffix $title = $enlistNumber + " " + $title $fileName = Remove-InvalidFileNameChars $title $workSpaceFile = "$workspaceFolder\$fileName.code-workspace" if (!(test-path $workSpaceFile)) { #sudo new-item -ItemType SymbolicLink $workSpaceFile -Target $realWorkspaceFile } $otherLinks = Get-ChildItem $workspaceFolder\*.code-workspace | Where-Object -Property LinkType -eq SymbolicLink | Where-Object -Property BaseName -ne $fileName if ($null -ne $otherLinks) { $otherLinks | ForEach-Object { $item = $_; Write-Warning ("Deleting "+$item.FullName); $item.Delete() } } } Write-Output ("Retargeting done") } function global:Retarget-LiftedRazzle { $_srcName = Split-Path $enlistment -Leaf $binRoot = ($binariesPrefix+"\"+$_srcName) $srcRoot = ("c:\src\"+$_srcName) Write-Output "Branch binRoot is $binRoot, srcRoot is $srcRoot" New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\packages") ("$binariesPrefix\NuGet\packages") New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\buildOutput") ($binRoot) New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\TestPayload") ($binRoot+"\TestPayLoad") New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\bin") ($binRoot+"\bin") New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\obj") ($binRoot+"\obj") New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\temp") ($binRoot+"\temp") New-RazzleLink ($srcDir+"\log") ($binRoot+"\out") } function Execute-Razzle-Internal($flavor="chk",$arch="x86",$enlistment) { if ( ($gitVersionCheck.IsPresent) ) { Write-Host "Checking git version..." gvfs upgrade #open-elevated -wait cmd /c '\\ntdev\sourcetools\release\Setup.cmd' -Canary } $popDir = Get-Location Undo-Razzle $razzleProbe = (Get-RazzleProbes) $binaries = $binariesPrefix foreach ($driveEnlistRoot in $razzleProbe) { echo $driveEnlistRoot if (test-path $driveEnlistRoot) { $razzleDirName = split-path $driveEnlistRoot -leaf $depotRoot = $driveEnlistRoot Write-Host "Probing $depotRoot..." if ($depotRoot -like "*\os*\src") { Write-Host "gvfs mount $depotRoot..." sudo Start-Service GVFS.Service gvfs mount $depotRoot } $srcDir = $depotRoot; $global:kind = Get-RazzleKind $srcDir if ($null -ne $kind) { Push-Location $srcDir $razzle = (Get-RazzleProbeDir $kind $srcDir) if ( test-path $razzle ) { if (!($popDir.Path.StartsWith($depotRoot))) { $podDir = $null } set-content $ddIni $srcDir $env:RazzleOptions = "" if (!($opt.IsPresent)) { $env:RazzleOptions += " no_opt " } if ( !($oacr.IsPresent) ) { $env:RazzleOptions += " no_oacr " } $binaries = ($binariesPrefix+(__Get-BranchName $razzleDirName)) $tempDir = ($binaries + "\temp") if ($noDeep.IsPresent) { $env:RazzleOptions += " binaries_dir " + $binaries + "\bin " $env:RazzleOptions += " object_dir " + $binaries + "\obj " $env:RazzleOptions += " public_dir " + $binaries + "\public " $env:RazzleOptions += " output_dir " + $binaries + "\out " $env:RazzleOptions += " temp " + $tempDir } Retarget-Razzle if ($nobtok.IsPresent) { $env:RazzleOptions += " no_bl_ok " } $phoneOptions = "" if ( $kind -eq "Phone" ) { $uConfig = ($ddDir + '\DefaultWindowsSettings.uconfig') if (test-path $uConfig) { $phoneOptions += " uconfig=" + $uConfig + " " } $phoneOptions += (" UConfig_Razzle_Parameters=`""+$env:RazzleOptions+"`" ") } [string]$extraArgs $args |ForEach-Object { $extraArgs += " " + $_ } if (test-path ('~\Documents\'+$env:__PSShellDir+'\Razzle\')) { $extraArgs += (" developer_dir ~\Documents\"+$env:__PSShellDir+"\Razzle\ ") } $env:_XROOT = $srcDir.Trim("\") if ( $kind -eq "Phone" ) { .$razzle $device ($arch+$flavor) $phoneOptions $extraArgs } elseif ( $kind -eq "Lifted" ) { Retarget-LiftedRazzle Push-Location $env:SDXROOT Enter-VSShell -vsVersion $vsVersion Write-Output ".$razzle $arch$flavor" $initParams = (($arch+$flavor),"/2019") $initParams = (($arch+$flavor)) Invoke-CmdScript -script $razzle -parameters $initParams .$PSScriptRoot\MSBuild-Alias.ps1 -msBuildAlias } else { Retarget-OSRazzle $binaries (Get-item $depotRoot).Parent.FullName Write-Output ".$razzle $flavor $arch $env:RazzleOptions $extraArgs noprompt" .$razzle $flavor $arch $env:RazzleOptions $extraArgs noprompt } $global:RazzleEnv = (Get-ChildItem env:*); $env:_NT_SYMBOL_PATH+=(';'+$env:_nttree+'\symbols.pri\retail\dll') $env:CG_TEMP = ($env:TEMP+"\CatGates") if (test-path env:LANG) { Remove-Item env:LANG } Pop-Location if ($null -ne $popDir) { Set-Location $popDir } $title = Get-WindowTitleSuffix Write-Host ("Branch:"+$title) -ForegroundColor Yellow return } Write-Output $razzle } } } throw "Razzle not found" } if (!(test-path "$binariesPrefix\Symbols")) { mkdir "$binariesPrefix\Symbols" } if (!(test-path "$binariesPrefix\SymCache")) { mkdir "$binariesPrefix\SymCache" } if (!(test-path "$binariesPrefix\Temp")) { mkdir "$binariesPrefix\Temp" } Execute-Razzle-Internal -flavor $flavor -arch $arch -enlistment $enlistment |