$Script:SupportedBootLoaders = @('bcd', 'grub2', 'refind', 'syslinux') function Get-OSBootloader { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'LISTAVAILABLE')] [OutputType([String])] Param ( # List all available Bootloader and their options on this system [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LISTAVAILABLE')][switch]$ListAvailable, # List all available Bootloader and their options on this system [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LISTAVAILABLE')][switch]$ListBootLabel # # Type of the bootloader # [Alias('BL', 'BootLoader', 'Type')] # [ValidateSet('bcd', 'grub2', 'refind', 'syslinux')] # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BOOTLADERTYPE')] # [string]$BootLoaderType = '', # # MountPoint of a currently mounted volume or partition # [Alias('Volume', 'Letter', 'DriveLetter')] # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BOOTLADERTYPE')] # [string]$MountPoint ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { $bootloaders = @() switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'LISTAVAILABLE' { # list all partitions $parts = Get-ComputerDiskPartition # for each part: foreach ($p in $parts) { # try to mount them $Mountpoints = Mount-ComputerDiskPartition -InputObject $p -Recurse -Force # partition can have subvolume so we have to iterate through them foreach ($mp in $Mountpoints) { # ignore [SWAP] if ($mp -eq "[SWAP]") { continue } # search for known bootloaders $bootloaders += Find-OSBootloader -Mountpoint $mp } # properly dismount partitions $null = $p | Dismount-ComputerDiskPartition -Mountpoint $mp } # return results return $bootloaders } } # return $string } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } function Find-OSBootloader { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable[]])] Param ( # MountPoint of a currently mounted volume or partition [Alias('Volume', 'Letter', 'DriveLetter')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'MOUNTPOINT')] [string]$MountPoint, # Type of the bootloader [Alias('BL', 'BootLoader', 'Type')] [ValidateSet('auto', 'bcd', 'grub2', 'refind', 'syslinux')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$BootLoaderType = 'auto' ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction $Mountpoint = "$Mountpoint".replace("//", "/") } Process { $bootloaders = @() $bootloader = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "" AbsolutePath = "" Mountpoint = "" RelativePath = "" } switch ($BootLoaderType) { 'auto' { foreach ($blt in $Script:SupportedBootLoaders) { $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("BootLoaderType") $bootloaders += Find-OSBootloader @PSBoundParameters -BootLoaderType $blt } } 'bcd' { # $cfg = Find-OSBootloaderbcdCfg -Path $MountPoint $Path = "EFI/Microsoft" $Filename = "BCD" } 'grub2' { # $cfg = Find-OSBootloaderGrub2Cfg -Path $MountPoint $Path = "" $Filename = "grub.cfg" } 'refind' { # $cfg = Find-OSBootloaderRefindCfg -Path $MountPoint $Path = "" $Filename = "refind.conf" } 'syslinux' { # $cfg = Find-OSBootloadersyslinuxCfg -Path $MountPoint $Path = "" $Filename = "syslinux.cfg" } } if ($Filename) { $Exclude = @("proc", "Recovery", "run", "System Volume Information", "Temp*", "tmp") $LiteralPath = "$Mountpoint/$Path".replace("//", "/") $cfg = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $LiteralPath -Exclude $Exclude -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem -Path $_ $Filename -Recurse -Depth 3 } $Partition = Get-ComputerDiskPartition -Mountpoint $Mountpoint if ($cfg) { foreach ($c in $cfg) { Write-Debug "Found $BootLoaderType bootloader configuration file '$($c.fullname)'." $bootloader.Name = $BootLoaderType $bootloader.AbsolutePath = $c.fullname $bootloader.Mountpoint = $Partition.Mountpoint $bootloader.RelativePath = $($c.fullname -replace "^$Mountpoint") $bootloaders += $bootloader } } } return $bootloaders } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } function Get-OSBootloaderBootEntries { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] Param ( # Type of the bootloader [Alias('BL', 'BootLoader', 'Type')] [ValidateSet('bcd', 'grub2', 'refind', 'syslinux')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BOOTLADERTYPE')] [string]$BootLoaderType, # MountPoint of a currently mounted volume or partition [Alias('Volume', 'Letter', 'DriveLetter')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BOOTLADERTYPE')] [string]$MountPoint ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { $entries = @() switch ($BootLoaderType) { 'bcd' { $entries = Get-OSBootloaderBCDBootEntries -All } 'grub2' { $entries = Get-OSBootloaderGrub2BootEntries -All } 'refind' { $entries = Get-OSBootloaderRefindBootEntries -All } 'syslinux' { $entries = Get-OSBootloaderSyslinuxBootEntries -All } Default {} } return $entries } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } function Set-OSBootLoaderDefaultBoot { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] Param ( # Label of the bootloader to boot [Alias('Label', 'PartitionLabel')] [string]$BootLoaderLabel, # Type of the bootloader [Alias('BL', 'BootLoader')] [ValidateSet('auto', 'bcd', 'grub2', 'refind', 'syslinux')] [string]$BootLoaderType = 'auto', [string]$Mountpoint ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction $bootloaders = Find-OSBootloader -MountPoint $Mountpoint } Process { switch ($BootLaderType) { 'all' { foreach ($bl in $bootloaders) { Set-OSBootLoaderDefaultBoot -Mountpoint $Mountpoint -OSBootloaderType $bl.name -OSBootloaderLabel $BootLoaderLabel } } 'bcd' { $bl = $bootloaders | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BootLoaderType } Set-OSBootloaderBCDDefaultBoot -ConfigFile $bl.cfgFullname -Label $BootLoaderLabel } 'grub2' { $bl = $bootloaders | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BootLoaderType } Set-OSBootloaderGrub2DefaultBoot -ConfigFile $bl.cfgFullname -Label $BootLoaderLabel } 'refind' { $bl = $bootloaders | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BootLoaderType } Set-OSBootloaderRefindDefaultBoot -ConfigFile $bl.cfgFullname -Label $BootLoaderLabel } 'syslinux' { $bl = $bootloaders | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $BootLoaderType } Set-OSBootloaderSyslinuxDefaultBoot -ConfigFile $bl.cfgFullname -Label $BootLoaderLabel } default { Write-Error "Bootloader $BootLaderType is not yet supported." } } } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } |