
$Script:NS = (get-item $PSCommandPath).basename

Return a the commonly used name for an OS.
Return a the commonly used name for an OS.
True to specify to fetch information from the running OS
The path to the root of an OS.
Get-OSName -Online
Get-OSName -Root '/mnt/sda3'
Get-OSName -Root 'F:\'
General notes

function Get-OSName {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ONLINE')][switch]$Online,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ROOT')][string]$Root
    Begin {

    Process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'ONLINE' {
                $distrib = Get-OSDistrib -Online
                $releaseId = Get-OSReleaseId -Online
            'ROOT' {
                $distrib = Get-OSDistrib -Root $Root
                $releaseId = Get-OSReleaseId -Root $Root
        # return $Distrib + "." + $ReleaseId.replace('.','')
        return "$Distrib $ReleaseId"

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

function Get-OSCodename {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ONLINE')][switch]$Online,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ROOT')][string]$Root
    Begin {

    Process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'ONLINE' {
                $CurrentVersion = OS.WinNT\Get-OSVersion -Online
                $InstallationType = OS.WinNT\Get-OSInstalltype -Online
                $CurrentBuild = OS.WinNT\Get-OSKernelVersion -Online
                $ReleaseId = OS.WinNT\Get-OSReleaseID -Online
            'ROOT' {
                $CurrentVersion = OS.WinNT\Get-OSVersion -Root $Root
                $InstallationType = OS.WinNT\Get-OSInstalltype -Root $Root
                $CurrentBuild = OS.WinNT\Get-OSKernelVersion -Root $Root
                $ReleaseId = OS.WinNT\Get-OSReleaseID -Root $Root
        # edevel("CurrentVersion = $CurrentVersion")
        # edevel("InstallationType = $InstallationType")
        # edevel("CurrentBuild = $CurrentBuild")
        # edevel("ReleaseId = $ReleaseId")
        $value = Get-OSCodenameFromVersion -CurrentVersion $CurrentVersion -InstallationType $InstallationType -CurrentBuild $CurrentBuild -ReleaseId $ReleaseId

        return $value

    End {

    Convert version number to friendly Windows codename
    The code name is the friendly name the Windows version is known as.
    The function handle Windows Desktop, Windows Server and Windows PE
    .PARAMETER CurrentVersion
    CurrentVersion found in registry. e.g. "6.2"
    .PARAMETER InstallationType
    InstallationType found in registry. e.g. "Desktop", "Server"
    Get-OSCodenameFromVersion "6.2" "Desktop"
    This function is overriden by Windows10 module

function Get-OSCodenameFromVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][string]$CurrentVersion,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)][string]$InstallationType,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)][string]$CurrentBuild,
        [AllowNull()][AllowEmptyString()][Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)][string]$ReleaseId
    Begin {

    Process {
        switch ($CurrentVersion) {
            "5.0" {
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $Codename = "WinPE 0.0"
                    "Client" {
                        $Codename = "Windows 2000"
                    "Server*" {
                        $Codename = "Windows 2000"
            "5.1" {
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $Codename = "WinPE 1.0"
                    "Client" {
                        $Codename = "Windows XP"
                    "Server*" {
                        $Codename = "Windows Server 2003"
            "5.2" {
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $Codename = "WinPE 1.2"
                    "Client" {
                        $Codename = "Windows XP64"
                    "Server*" {
                        $Codename = "Windows Server 2003"
            "6.0" {
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "6000" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 2.0"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Vista"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2008"
                    "6001" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 2.1"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Vista SP1"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2008 SP1"
                    "6002" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 2.2"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Vista SP2"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2008 SP2"
            "6.1" {
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "7600" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 3.0"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows 7"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2008r2"
                    "7001" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 3.1"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows 7 SP1"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2008r2 SP1"
            "6.2" {
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "9200" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 4.0"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows 8"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2012"
            "6.3" {
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    # * Windows 8
                    "9300" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 5.0"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows 8.1"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2012r2"
                    # * Windows 8.1
                    "9600" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 5.1"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = "Windows 8.1 Update 1"
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2012r2 Update 1"
                    # * Windows 10
                    # "10240", etc...
                    default {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $Codename = "WinPE 10"
                            "Client" {
                                $Codename = Get-Windows10CodeName -ReleaseId $releaseId
                            "Server*" {
                                $Codename = "Windows Server 2016"
                                switch ($ReleaseId) {
                                    '1607' {
                                        $Codename = "Windows Server 2016"
                                    '1809' {
                                        $Codename = "Windows Server 2019"

        return $Codename

    End {

Get Windows 10 short code name from its releaseId
Translate a Windows 10 releaseId into the Windows 10 codename
Release Id of Windows 10
Get-Windows10CodeName -ReleaseId 1803
General notes

function Get-Windows10CodeName {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        $commercialName = ""
        switch ($ReleaseID) {
            "1507" {
                $commercialName = "15H1"
            "1511" {
                $commercialName = "15H2"
            "1607" {
                $commercialName = "16H2"
            "1703" {
                $commercialName = "17H1"
            "1709" {
                $commercialName = "17H2"
            "1803" {
                $commercialName = "18H1"
            "1809" {
                $commercialName = "18H2"
            "1903" {
                $commercialName = "19H1"
            "1909" {
                $commercialName = "19H2"
            default {
                $commercialName = $ReleaseID
        return $commercialName

    End {

Get Windows 10 marketing name from its releaseId
Translate a Windows 10 releaseId into a human readable marketing name
Release Id of Windows 10
Get-Windows10LongCodeName -ReleaseId 1803
General notes

function Get-Windows10LongCodeName {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        $commercialName = ""
        switch ($ReleaseID) {
            "1507" {
                $commercialName = ""
            "1511" {
                $commercialName = "November Update"
            "1607" {
                $commercialName = "Anniversary Update"
            "1703" {
                $commercialName = "Creators Update"
            "1709" {
                $commercialName = "Fall Creators Update"
            "1803" {
                $commercialName = "April 2018 Update"
            "1809" {
                $commercialName = "October 2018 Update"
            "1903" {
                $commercialName = "May 2019 Update"
            "1909" {
                $commercialName = "November 2019 Update"
            "2004" {
                $commercialName = "May 2020 Update"
            default {
                $commercialName = $ReleaseID
        return $commercialName

    End {

function Get-OSEdition {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        $edition = ""
        if ($Online) {
            $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
        } else {
            $RegPath = Mount-OfflineWindowsRegistry -Path "$Root\Windows" -Hive SOFTWARE
            $RegPath = $RegPath + "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
            $edition = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath 'EditionId' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).EditionId
        } else {
            $edition = Get-ItemPropertyValue $RegPath -Name EditionId

        switch -wildcard -regex ($edition) {
            'Ent..prise.*' {
                $edition = "Enterprise"
            'Profes.*' {
                $edition = "Professional"
            '.*Education' {
                $edition += "Education"
            '.*Standard' {
                $edition = "Standard"
            '.*Data.*' {
                $edition = "Datacenter"
            default {


        return $edition

    End {

    Get the Product name of the OS

function Get-OSLongCodeName {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        return ""

    End {

function Get-OSProductname {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) {
            $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
        } else {
            $RegPath = Mount-OfflineWindowsRegistry -Path "$Root\Windows" -Hive SOFTWARE
            $RegPath = $RegPath + "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
            return (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath 'ProductName' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).ProductName
        } else {
            return Get-ItemPropertyValue $RegPath -Name ProductName

    End {

Long description
Parameter description
Parameter description
An example
General notes

function Get-OSArch {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
   Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) {
            switch ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) {
                "x86" {
                    $arch = "x86"
                "AMD64" {
                    $arch = "x64"
        } else {
            $RegPath = Mount-OfflineWindowsRegistry -Path "$Root\Windows" -Hive SOFTWARE
            $RegPath = $RegPath + "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
                $buildLabEX = (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath 'BuildLabEX' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).BuildLabEX
            } else {
                $buildLabEX = Get-ItemPropertyValue $RegPath -Name BuildLabEX
            if ($buildLabEX -match "x86fre") { $arch = "x64"}
            if ($buildLabEX -match "amd64fre") { $arch = "x64"}

        return $arch

    End {

# function Get-WindowsShortName {
# [CmdletBinding()]Param (
# [string]$Distrib = "",
# [string]$Edition = "",
# [string]$ReleaseId = ""
# )
# Begin {
# }

# Process {
# return ($Distrib + "." + $ReleaseId).replace(' ','')
# }

# End {
# }
# }

function Get-OSIdentity {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Object])][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ONLINE')][switch]$Online,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ROOT')][string]$Root,
        [Alias('Version')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OBJECT', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$CurrentVersion,
        [Alias('installType')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OBJECT', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$InstallationType,
        [Alias('buildNumber', 'kernelVersion')][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OBJECT', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$CurrentBuild,
        [AllowNull()][AllowEmptyString()][Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'OBJECT', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$ReleaseId
    Begin {

    Process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'ONLINE' {
                $CurrentVersion = OS.WinNT\Get-OSVersion -Online
                $InstallationType = OS.WinNT\Get-OSInstalltype -Online
                $CurrentBuild = OS.WinNT\Get-OSKernelVersion -Online
                $ReleaseId = OS.WinNT\Get-OSReleaseID -Online
            'ROOT' {
                $CurrentVersion = OS.WinNT\Get-OSVersion -Root $Root
                $InstallationType = OS.WinNT\Get-OSInstalltype -Root $Root
                $CurrentBuild = OS.WinNT\Get-OSKernelVersion -Root $Root
                $ReleaseId = OS.WinNT\Get-OSReleaseID -Root $Root
        # edevel("CurrentVersion = $CurrentVersion")
        # edevel("InstallationType = $InstallationType")
        # edevel("CurrentBuild = $CurrentBuild")
        # edevel("ReleaseId = $ReleaseId")

        $obj = @{}
        $obj.codename = $null
        $obj.distrib = $null
        $ = $null
        $obj.longCodeName = $null
        $obj.releaseId = $null
        $obj.servicePack = $null
        # generic values :
        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
            "WindowsPE" {
                $ = $InstallationType
                $obj.distrib = "WinPE"
            "Server*" {
                $ = $InstallationType
                $obj.distrib = "Windows Server"
            "Client" {
                $ = "Desktop"
                $obj.distrib = "Windows"
        switch ($CurrentVersion) {
            "5.0" {
                # $ = "Windows2000"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows 2000"
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "0.0"
                        $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Client" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "2000"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Server*" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "2000"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " Server")
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " Server")
            "5.1" {
                # $ = "WindowsXP"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows XP"
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "1.0"
                        $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Client" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "XP"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Server*" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "2003"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
            "5.2" {
                # $ = "WindowsXP"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows XP"
                switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                    "WindowsPE" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "1.2"
                        $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Client" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "XP64"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "Server*" {
                        $obj.releaseId = "2003"
                        $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                        $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
            "6.0" {
                # $ = "WindowsVista"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows Vista"
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "6000" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2.0"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "Vista"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2008"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "6001" {
                        $obj.servicePack = "SP1"
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2.1"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "Vista"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2008"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                    "6002" {
                        $obj.servicePack = "SP2"
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2.2"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "Vista"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2008"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
            "6.1" {
                # $ = "Windows7"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows 7"
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "7600" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "3.0"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "7"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2008r2"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                    "7601" {
                        $obj.servicePack = "SP1"
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "3.1"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "7"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2008r2"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
            "6.2" {
                # $ = "Windows8"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows 8"
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    "9200" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "4.0"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "8"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2012"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
            "6.3" {
                # $ = "Windows8.1"
                # $obj.distrib = "Windows 8.1"
                switch ($CurrentBuild) {
                    # * Windows 8
                    "9300" {
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "5.0"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "8.1"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2012r2"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                    # * Windows 8.1
                    "9600" {
                        $obj.servicePack = "Update 1"
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "5.1"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "8.1"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                            "Server*" {
                                $obj.releaseId = "2012r2"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId + " " + $obj.servicePack)
                    # * Windows 10
                    # "10240", etc...
                    { $_ -gt 10000 } {
                        $obj.releaseId = $ReleaseId
                        switch -wildcard ($InstallationType) {
                            "WindowsPE" {
                                $obj.distrib = "WinPE 10"
                                $obj.codename = $("WinPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("WindowsPE " + $obj.releaseId)
                            "Client" {
                                $obj.distrib = "Windows 10"
                                $obj.codename = OS.Windows\Get-Windows10CodeName -ReleaseId $obj.releaseId
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows " + $obj.codename)
                            "Server*" {
                                switch ($ReleaseId) {
                                    '1607' {
                                        $obj.releaseId = "2016"
                                    '1809' {
                                        $obj.releaseId = "2019"
                                $obj.distrib = "Windows Server"
                                $obj.codename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
                                $obj.longCodename = $("Windows Server " + $obj.releaseId)
        # edevel($obj | ConvertTo-Json)

        return $obj

    End {

function Get-OSFiles {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Root
    Begin {

    Process {
        $Root = $Root.Trim('\')
        $wkFiles = @{}
        if (FileExist ("$Root\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe")) {
            $wkFiles.Add('kernel', "$Root\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe")
        return ($wkFiles | Sort-HashTable)

    End {

function Get-OSFolders {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Root
    Begin {

    Process {
        $Root = $Root.Trim('\')
        $wkFolders = @{}
        if (DirExist ("$Root\ProgramData")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('etc', "$Root\ProgramData")
            $wkFolders.Add('var', "$Root\ProgramData")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramData', "$Root\ProgramData")
        if (DirExist ("$Root\Program Files")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('bin', "$Root\Program Files")
            $wkFolders.Add('bin-x86', "$Root\Program Files")
            $wkFolders.Add('bin-x64', "$Root\Program Files")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles', "$Root\Program Files")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles-x86', "$Root\Program Files")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles-x64', "$Root\Program Files")
        if (DirExist ("$Root\Program Files (x86)")) {
            $wkFolders.'bin-x86' = "$Root\Program Files (x86)"
            $wkFolders.'ProgramFiles-x86' = "$Root\Program Files (x86)"
        if (DirExist ("$Root\Windows\System32")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('sbin', "$Root\Windows\System32")
            $wkFolders.Add('sbin-x64', "$Root\Windows\System32")
            $wkFolders.Add('System-x86', "$Root\Windows\System32")
            $wkFolders.Add('System-x64', "$Root\Windows\System32")
        if (DirExist ("$Root\Windows\SysWOW64")) {
            $wkFolders.'sbin-x86' = "$Root\Windows\SysWOW64"
            $wkFolders.'System-x86' = "$Root\Windows\SysWOW64"
        if (DirExist ("$Root\Windows\Logs")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('log', "$Root\Windows\Logs")
        return ($wkFolders | Sort-HashTable)

    End {

function Get-OSDisplayVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) {
            $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
        } else {
            $RegPath = Mount-OfflineWindowsRegistry -Path "$Root\Windows" -Hive SOFTWARE
            $RegPath = $RegPath + "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
            return (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath 'DisplayVersion' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).DisplayVersion
        } else {
            return Get-ItemPropertyValue $RegPath -Name DisplayVersion

    End {

function Get-OSSystemRoot {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) {
            $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
        } else {
            $RegPath = Mount-OfflineWindowsRegistry -Path "$Root\Windows" -Hive SOFTWARE
            $RegPath = $RegPath + "\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
            return (Get-ItemProperty $RegPath 'SystemRoot' -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue).SystemRoot
        } else {
            return Get-ItemPropertyValue $RegPath -Name SystemRoot

    End {

function Get-OSPackages {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {
        $regPath = @(

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '' }
        $hPackages = @{}
        $rawPackages = @()
        foreach ($reg in $regPath) {
            $rawPackages += Get-ChildItem $reg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        foreach ($raw in $rawPackages) {
            $package = @{}
            $key = $raw.PSChildName
            if ([System.Guid]::TryParse($key, [System.Management.Automation.PSReference][System.Guid]::empty)) {
                $package.guid = $key
            $ | ForEach-Object { $package.$_ = Get-ItemPropertyValue $raw.PSPath -Name $_ }
            $package.regPath = $raw.PSPath
            # try to get consistent data accross platforms
            $package.Name = $package.DisplayName -replace "\(.*\)$", "" -replace "[ _()-.\d]*$", ""
            # try to handle fancy version numbers
            foreach ($k in $package.Keys) {
                switch -wildcard ($k) {
                    "*Version*" {
                        $package.$k = $package.$k | ConvertTo-VersionNumber
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($package.DisplayName)) {
                $hPackages.Add($key, $package)
        return ($hPackages | Sort-HashTable)
    # return $hPackages

    End {