
# List here the name of the package to add to system
# . fuseiso : mount ISO files as non-root user
# . libhivex-bin : read Windows registry files
# . mount : for 'losetup' (should already be installed)
# . util-linux : for 'lsblk' (should already be installed)
# . wimtools : mnipulate wim files
$Script:PackageList = "fuseiso libhivex-bin mount util-linux wimtools"

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Install a package on debian-like distribution
Install a package using apt command
Install-OSPackage -Name firefox
General notes

function Install-OSPackage {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
    Param (
        # The name of the package to install
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$PackageName
    Begin {
        $command = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt -y install --no-install-recommends"

    Process {
        $command += " $PackageName"

    End {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Install package ?")) {
            $rc = Execute-Command -exe "bash" -args "-c `"$command`""
        } else {
            $rc = $false
        return $rc

Uninstall a package from disk
Uninstall a package using apt command
Uninstall-OSPackage -Name firefox
Uninstall-OSPackage -Name firefox -Purge
General notes

function Uninstall-OSPackage {
    Param (
        # The name of the package to install
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$PackageName,

        # Purge configuration
    Begin {
        $command = "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt -y remove"
        if ($Purge) { $command += " --purge" }

    Process {
        $command += " $PackageName"

    End {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Uninstall package ?")) {
            $rc = Execute-Command -exe "bash" -args "-c `"$command`""
        } else {
            $rc = $false
        return $rc

Install dependencies to unlock full PWSH functionnalities
PWSH can make use of some binaries that are not included in distro at install time.
This function can install them all at once.

function Install-Dependencies {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string = ""
    # )
    Begin {

    Process {
        ebegin("Installing dependancies. Please wait")
        eexec apt-get install -y $Script:PackagesList
        eend $?

    End {

Remove dependencies from current system
Cleanly remove dependencies
# TODO add this function to the uninstall process

function Remove-Dependencies {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string = ""
    # )
    Begin {

    Process {
        ebegin("Removing dependancies. Please wait")
        eexec apt-get purge -y $Script:PackagesList
        eexec apt-get autoremove -y
        eexec apt-get autoclean -y
        eend $?

    End {

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Mount an .iso file somewhere on the filesystem
Mount-Iso take care if Iso file is already mounted.
If not, it tries to mount it in /mnt directory.
It return absolute path name of mountpoint.
Mount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso
Mount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' into the filesystem
Mount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso -To /tmp/myiso
Mount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' into the /tmp/myiso directory
Absolute pathname of the mountpoint of the iso file
# TODO make Mount-Iso work as non-root user. It should be OK with fuseiso, but it can't mount UDF ISO files so it is not reliable

function Mount-Iso {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([System.Boolean])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File,
        [string]$To = $null
    Begin {
        # edevel ("To = $To")
        if ($To -eq "") {
            if (IamAdmin) {
                $To = "/tmp/iso-" + $(New-Guid)
            } else {
                $To = $env:HOME + "/iso-" + $(New-Guid)
        # edevel ("To = $To")

    Process {

        if (!(fileExist -Name $File)) { return $false }

        # $oFile = Get-Item $File
        # $To = $To + '/' + $(New-Guid)

        # check if iso file is already mounted on system
        $loop = losetup --list --json -j $File | ConvertFrom-Json
        if ($null -ne $loop) {
            $loopDevice = $loop.loopdevices[0].name
            $blkDevice = lsblk --list --json -O $loopDevice | ConvertFrom-Json
            return $blkDevice.blockdevices[0].mountpoint
        } # else continue on

        new-item -path $To -ItemType Directory -Force

        if (IamAdmin) {
            try {
                eexec -exe mount -args "-o loop $File $To"
            } catch {
                remove-item $To -Confirm:$false
                return $false
        } else {
            ewarn($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ToString() + "() : You must be root.")
            return $false
            # eexec -exe fuseiso -args "'$File' '$To'"

        return $To

    End {

Unmount an .iso file
Dismount-Iso unmount iso file either by specifying iso filename or mountpoint.
Dismount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso
Dismount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' from the filesystem
Dismount-Iso -From /mnt/myiso
Dismount the iso from the /mnt/myiso directory
$true on success, $false otherwise

function Dismount-Iso {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'MOUNTPOINT')]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FILE', Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'MOUNTPOINT', Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
    Begin {
        if ($Force) {
            $options = "-f"

    Process {

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'FILE' {
                if (!(fileExist -Name $File)) { return $false }

                # $oFile = Get-Item $File
                # $To = $To + '/' + $(New-Guid)

                # 1st check if iso file is already mounted on system
                $loop = losetup --list --json -j $File | ConvertFrom-Json
                if ($null -ne $loop) {
                    $loopDevice = $loop.loopdevices[0].name
                    $blkDevice = lsblk --list --json -O $loopDevice | ConvertFrom-Json
                    eexec umount $options $blkDevice.blockdevices[0].mountpoint
                } # else continue on
            'MOUNTPOINT' {
                if (IamAdmin) {
                    eexec umount $options $Mountpoint
                } else {
                    eexec fusermount -u $Mountpoint

        Remove-Item $Mountpoint -Recurse:$false -Confirm:$false -Force
        $rc = $?

        return $rc

    End {

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Mount a .wim file somewhere on the filesystem
Mount-wim CANNOT take care if wim file is already mounted (fuse limitation)
If not, it tries to mount it in /mnt directory.
It return absolute path name of mountpoint.
Mount-wim -File /path/to/install.wim
Mount the wim '/path/to/install.wim' into the filesystem
Mount-wim -File /path/to/install.wim -Index 3 -To /tmp/mywim
Mount the wim '/path/to/install.wim' into the /tmp/mywim directory
Absolute pathname of the mountpoint of the wim file
Mount-wim CANNOT take care if wim file is already mounted (fuse limitation)

function Mount-Wim {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File,
        [uint16]$Index = 1,
        [string]$To = $null
    Begin {
        # edevel ("To = $To")
        if ($To -eq "") {
            if (IamAdmin) {
                $To = "/tmp/wim-" + $(New-Guid)
            } else {
                $To = $env:HOME + "/wim-" + $(New-Guid)
        # edevel ("To = $To")

    Process {

        if (!(fileExist -Name $File)) { return $false }

        new-item -path $To -ItemType Directory -Force

        eexec -exe wimmount -args "$File $Index $To"

        return $To

    End {

Unmount an .wim file
Dismount-wim unmount wim file either by specifying wim filename or mountpoint.
Dismount-wim -File /path/to/cdrom.wim
Dismount the wim '/path/to/cdrom.wim' from the filesystem
Dismount-wim -From /mnt/mywim
Dismount the wim from the /mnt/mywim directory
$true on success, $false otherwise

function Dismount-Wim {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'MOUNTPOINT')][OutputType([System.Boolean])]Param (
        # [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FILE', Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        # [string]$File,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'MOUNTPOINT', Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        # [switch]$Force
    Begin {
        if ($Force) {
            $options = "-f"

    Process {

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'FILE' {
                if (!(fileExist -Name $File)) { return $false }

                # $oFile = Get-Item $File
                # $To = $To + '/' + $(New-Guid)

                # 1st check if wim file is already mounted on system
                $loop = losetup --list --json -j $File | ConvertFrom-Json
                if ($null -ne $loop) {
                    $loopDevice = $loop.loopdevices[0].name
                    $blkDevice = lsblk --list --json -O $loopDevice | ConvertFrom-Json
                    eexec umount $options $blkDevice.blockdevices[0].mountpoint
                } # else continue on
            'MOUNTPOINT' {
                eexec fusermount -u $Mountpoint

        Remove-Item $Mountpoint -Recurse:$false -Confirm:$false -Force
        $rc = $?

        return $rc

    End {

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