<# .SYNOPSIS Statically declare a new computer .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER name Parameter description .PARAMETER Localhost Parameter description .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function New-Computer { [CmdletBinding()]Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$name, [switch]$Localhost ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { $obj = [computer]::new($Localhost) if ($name) { $ = $name } return $obj } End { # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new [computer] object from an existing computer .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER name Parameter description .PARAMETER Localhost Parameter description .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function Get-Computer { [CmdletBinding()]Param ( ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction $computer = @{} } Process { $ = Get-ComputerName $computer.domain = Get-ComputerDomain $computer.fqdn = $ + '.' + $computer.domain $computer.manufacturer = Get-ComputerManufacturer # $computer.eth = Get-ComputerEthernet $computer.model = Get-ComputerModel $computer.serial = Get-ComputerSerialNumber $computer.firmware = Get-ComputerFirmwareType $computer.version = Get-ComputerVersion $computer.arch = Get-ComputerArch $computer.ethByName = @{} ForEach ($e in (Get-ComputerEthernet -ListAvailable 'Name')) { $computer.ethByName[$e] = @{} try { $computer.ethByName[$e]["IPv4"] = Get-EthernetObject -AdapterName $e -Family IPv4 } catch { ewarn "On $e (IPv4):" ewarn $_ } try { $computer.ethByName[$e]["IPv6"] = Get-EthernetObject -AdapterName $e -Family IPv6 } catch { ewarn "On $e (IPv6):" ewarn $_ } if ($computer.ethByName[$e]["IPv4"].default -eq $true) { $computer.ethByName["default"] = $computer.ethByName[$e] } if ($computer.ethByName[$e]) { $computer.ethByName[$e].ifindex = $computer.ethByIndex.Count $computer.ethByIndex += @($computer.ethByName[$e]) } } # ForEach ($e in ( return $computer # return [PwShFwComputer]::new($computer) } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new [computer] object from an existing computer .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER name Parameter description .PARAMETER Localhost Parameter description .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function Get-ComputerClass { [CmdletBinding()]Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$name ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { . "$Global:PWSHFW_PATH/classes/disk/diskObject.ps1" . "$Global:PWSHFW_PATH/classes/ethernet/ethernetObject.ps1" . "$Global:PWSHFW_PATH/classes/computer/computerObject.ps1" $obj = [computer]::new($Localhost) if ($name) { $ = $name } return $obj } End { # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand) } } function Get-EthernetObject { [CmdletBinding()]Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] [string]$AdapterName, [ValidateSet('IPv4', 'IPv6')] [string]$Family = 'IPv4' ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction # $eth = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ # # name of network interface # name = "lo" # # inner index in array eth # index = 0 # # index of interface in operating system # ifIndex = 0 # manufacturer = "" # model = "" # description = "" # mac = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" # # link status of ethernet interface # # $false is link down # # $true is link up # link = $false # speed = 0 # dhcpIpAddress = $null # ipaddress = [ipaddress]"" # netmask = [ipaddress]"" # broadcast = [ipaddress]"" # gateway = [ipaddress]"" # # the score for this interface to be the default # scoreDefault = 0 # default = $false # } $eth = @{} } Process { $ = $AdapterName $eth.ifindex = Get-EthIndex -AdapterName $AdapterName $eth.mac = Get-EthMacAddress -AdapterName $AdapterName $ = Get-EthLinkStatus -AdapterName $AdapterName if ($ -eq $true) { $eth.ipaddress = Get-EthIPAddress -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family $eth.netmask = Get-EthNetmask -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family $eth.broadcast = Get-EthBroadcast -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family $eth.gateway = Get-EthGateway -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family } # return $eth return [PwShFwEthernet]::new($eth) } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } |