$Script:PWSHFW_BUILDHELPERS_DIR = $PSScriptRoot if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "6.0.0") { Write-Verbose "Loading common.class.ps1 from $PSScriptRoot/Classes" . $PSScriptRoot/Classes/common.class.ps1 } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new project.yml file .DESCRIPTION Create an empty project.yml file at the location of your choice. Preferably in the root of your new project workspace. .PARAMETER Path Existing path to write project.yml file .PARAMETER PassThru If specified, return the content of the project object instead of the absolute location of the file .EXAMPLE $project = New-ProjectFile -PassThru .NOTES General notes #> function New-ProjectFile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')][OutputType([String], [boolean])]Param ( # Destination path where to create project. Use -Force to override existing path [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path, # The namespace of the project [string]$Namespace, # The name of the project [string]$ProjectName, # The codename of the project [string]$Codename, # The user-friendly name of the project [string]$DisplayName, # Short description of the project [string]$ProjectDescription, # name of the company [string]$CompanyName, # copyright string [string]$Copyright, # Target architecture of the project [ValidateSet( [PwShFwSupportedArchitectures] )] [Parameter()][string]$Architecture = "all", [string]$LicenseURL, [string]$LicenseFILE = "LICENSE", [switch]$PassThru ) Begin { # Write-EnterFunction } Process { $Project = [PSCustomObject]@{ Namespace = $Namespace Name = $ProjectName DisplayName = $DisplayName Codename = $Codename Architecture = $Architecture Authors = @("you") Owner = "you" LicenseURL = $LicenseURL LicenseFile = $LicenseFile Description = $ProjectDescription ReleaseNotes = "" Copyright = $Copyright Company = $CompanyName Depends = @() } If (Test-Path $Path) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?")) { $Project | ConvertTo-Yaml | Set-Content $Path/project.yml -Encoding utf8 } } else { Write-Error "'$Path' not found." return $false } if ($PassThru) { return $Project } else { return (Resolve-Path "$Path/project.yml").Path } } End { # Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new project structure .DESCRIPTION Create minimal files and folders a project needs :, VERSION,, LICENSE, etc... .EXAMPLE New-ProjectStructure -Path ~/Development/MyNewProject -ProjectName "My New Project" -License mit .NOTES General notes #> function New-ProjectStructure { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param ( # Destination path where to create project. Use -Force to override existing path [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path, # The namespace of the project [string]$Namespace, # The name of the project [string]$ProjectName, # The codename of the project [string]$Codename, # The user-friendly name of the project [string]$DisplayName, # Short description of the project [string]$ProjectDescription, # name of the company [string]$CompanyName, # copyright string [string]$Copyright, # License under which the project is shipped [ValidateSet( [PwshFwSupportedLicenses] )] [Parameter()][string]$License = "unlicense", # Target architecture of the project [ValidateSet( [PwShFwSupportedArchitectures] )] [Parameter()][string]$Architecture = "all", # Used to override / overwrite things [switch]$Force ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { try { $null = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force:$Force } catch { Write-Error $_ return $false } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?")) { # files @" # $ProjectName $ProjectDescription "@ | Set-Content "$Path/" -Encoding utf8NoBOM $jLicense = Invoke-RestMethod$License $jLicense.content | Set-Content "$Path/LICENSE" -Encoding utf8NoBOM @" # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [unreleased] ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed ### Security "@ | Set-Content "$Path/" -Encoding utf8NoBOM if (!(Test-FileExist "$Path/VERSION")) { "0.0.0" | Set-Content "$Path/VERSION" -NoNewline -Encoding utf8NoBOM } $null = New-ProjectFile -Path $Path -ProjectName $ProjectName -ProjectDescription $ProjectDescription -LicenseURL $l.html_url -LicenseFile LICENSE -Architecture $Architecture # folders New-Item -Path "$Path/scripts" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item -Path "$Path/src" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item -Path "$Path/tests" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } return (Test-ProjectStructure -Path $Path) } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } function New-Project { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param ( # Destination path where to create project. Use -Force to override existing path [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path, # The namespace of the project [string]$Namespace, # The name of the project [string]$ProjectName, # The codename of the project [string]$Codename, # The user-friendly name of the project [string]$DisplayName, # Short description of the project [string]$ProjectDescription, # name of the company [string]$CompanyName, # copyright string [string]$Copyright, # License under which the project is shipped [ValidateSet( [PwshFwSupportedLicenses] )] [Parameter()][string]$License = "unlicense", # Target architecture of the project [ValidateSet( [PwShFwSupportedArchitectures] )] [Parameter()][string]$Architecture = "all", # Used to override / overwrite things [switch]$Force ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { if (New-ProjectStructure @PSBoundParameters) { New-ProjectFile @PSBoundParameters } return $DestinationPath } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if a project is compliant with BuildHelpers modules .DESCRIPTION Check the completeness of a project to be used with BuildHelpers modules. .PARAMETER Path The root path of the project to test .EXAMPLE Test-ProjectStructure -Path c:\projects\myNewProject .NOTES General notes #> function Test-ProjectStructure { [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([boolean])]Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path ) Begin { # Write-EnterFunction } Process { $rc = $true if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Path exist" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "[-] $Path does not exist" $rc = $false } foreach ($f in @('project.yml', '', '', 'LICENSE', 'VERSION')) { if (Test-Path $Path/$f -PathType Leaf) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $((Resolve-Path $Path/$f).Path) exist" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "[-] $Path/$f does not exist" $rc = $false } } return $rc } End { # Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get changelog in a object form .DESCRIPTION Slice CHANGELOG file and build a hashtable with each version of a changelog. .PARAMETER Path Path to the CHANGELOG file .EXAMPLE Get-ProjectChangelog -Path ./ .NOTES Each new version must follow the format. That is : ## [1.0.0] If this pattern is not applied, please ask for a request, or fix your changelog format #> function Get-ProjectChangelog { [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([hashtable])]Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction $TMP = []::GetTempPath() } Process { $h = @{} if (fileExist $Path) { # CHANGELOG is present $CHANGELOG = Resolve-Path $Path # parse # below command line explained : # Get-Content $CHANGELOG | Select-String -NotMatch -Pattern '(?ms)^$' --> get CHANGELOG content without empty lines # -replace "^## ", "`n## " --> add empty lines only before h2 title level (## in markdown). This way, we got proper paragraph from ## tag to next empty line (Get-Content $CHANGELOG | Select-String -NotMatch -Pattern '(?ms)^$') -replace "^## ", "`n## " | Out-File $TMP/changelog.tmp # To extract correct §, we need to read the file with -Raw parameter # (?ms) sets regex options m (treats ^ and $ as line anchors) and s (makes . match \n (newlines) too`. # ^## .*? matches any line starting with ## and any subsequent characters *non-greedily* (non-greedy is '.*?' set of characters at the end of pattern). # -AllMatches to get... well... all matches # [1] because the last changelog is always [1] from array of matches. [0] is ## [Unreleased] $MESSAGES = Get-Content -Raw $TMP/changelog.tmp | Select-String -Pattern '(?ms)^## .*?^$' -AllMatches # edevel("MESSAGES = " + $MESSAGES.Matches[0]) # reduce title level to render more readable in github release page # $MESSAGE = ($MESSAGES.Matches[0]) -replace "# ", "## " -replace "'", "``" -replace "unreleased", "$VERSION" # Write-Debug "MESSAGE = $MESSAGE" foreach ($msg in $MESSAGES.Matches) { if ($msg.value -match "^## \[(.*)\]") { $version = $Matches[1] $h.Add($version, $msg.Value) } } } else { eerror "Changelog file at '$Path' not found. See to begin." return $null } return $h } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Load project data into an object .DESCRIPTION Load static and dynamic data from project.yml but also from VERSION and CHANGELOG files .PARAMETER Path Path to the project .EXAMPLE Get-Project -Path /my/awsome/project .NOTES General notes #> function Get-Project { [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Object])]Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path = (Get-Location).Path ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { if ((Test-ProjectStructure -Path $Path) -eq $false) { return $null } # compute BUILD number and BRANCH name $BUILD = $env:BUILD ? $env:BUILD : [int32]0 $BRANCH = "develop" # APPVEYOR: honor appveyor build number if ($null -ne $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER) { $BUILD = [int32]$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER} if ($null -ne $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH) { $BRANCH = $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH} # TRAVIS: honor travis-ci build number if ($null -ne $env:TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER) { $BUILD = [int32]$env:TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} if ($null -ne $env:TRAVIS_BRANCH) { $BRANCH = $env:TRAVIS_BRANCH} # GITLAB: honor gitlab-ci pipeline project's build number if ($null -ne $env:CI_PIPELINE_IID) { $BUILD = [int32]$env:CI_PIPELINE_IID} if ($null -ne $env:CI_COMMIT_BRANCH) { $BRANCH = $env:CI_COMMIT_BRANCH } # consider tag branch like master branch to correctly build project.version number if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:CI_COMMIT_TAG)) { $BRANCH = "master" } # consider branch "main" like "master" if ($BRANCH -eq "main") { $BRANCH = "master" } # get project from project.yml $project = Get-Content $Path/project.yml -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml $project.Root = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path.TrimEnd('/\') # compute Version : # master branch is x.y.z.# # other branches are x.y.z-pre# if ($BRANCH -eq "master") { $project.version = "$(Get-Content $Path/VERSION).$($BUILD)" $project.PreRelease = "" $project.fqVersion = $project.version } else { $project.Version = (Get-Content $Path/VERSION) # zero-padd left with BUILD less than 10 $project.PreRelease = "-pre{0:d2}" -f $BUILD $project.fqVersion = "$($project.Version)$($project.PreRelease)" } $project.Build = $BUILD # fill release notes with changelog $changelog = Get-ProjectChangelog -Path $Path/ if ($changelog.ContainsKey($project.version)) { $project.releaseNotes = $changelog[$project.version] } elseif ($changelog.ContainsKey("unreleased")) { $project.releaseNotes = $changelog["unreleased"] } return $project } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Initialize a build tree following a user-defined map .DESCRIPTION Populate the dist/ folder with data found in src/ folder following user-defined rules .PARAMETER Map Map or Rules to follow .PARAMETER Source Source folder. Usually src/. Contains the source of your program .PARAMETER Destination Destination folder. Usually dist/. Contains the build tree of your program .EXAMPLE Initialize-BuildTree @{"bin" = "bin", "share" = "usr/share"} -Source ./src -Destination ./dist Populate the build tree to build a linux program. It will copy the source 'share' folder to 'usr/share' to match the target linux system .EXAMPLE Initialize-BuildTree @{"bin" = "$($", "share" = "$($"} -Source ./src -Destination ./dist Populate the build tree to build a windows program. It will copy the source 'share' folder to a folder named after the project's name to match the Program Files naming convention. .NOTES General notes #> function Initialize-BuildTree { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][hashtable]$Map, [string]$Source = "src", [string]$Destination = "dist", [switch]$Force ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { $rc = $false try { $null = New-Item "$Destination" -ItemType Directory -Force $Destination = (Resolve-Path -Path $Destination).Path $null = Remove-Item $Destination/* -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Add-ToBuildTree @PSBoundParameters $rc = $true } catch { eerror $_ $rc = $false } return $rc } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add data to a build tree following a user-defined map .DESCRIPTION Populate the dist/ folder with data found in src/ folder following user-defined rules without erasing existing data .PARAMETER Map Map or Rules to follow .PARAMETER Source Source folder. Usually src/. Contains the source of your program .PARAMETER Destination Destination folder. Usually dist/. Contains the build tree of your program .EXAMPLE Initialize-BuildTree @{"bin" = "bin", "share" = "usr/share"} -Source ./src -Destination ./dist Populate the build tree to build a linux program. It will copy the source 'share' folder to 'usr/share' to match the target linux system .EXAMPLE Initialize-BuildTree @{"bin" = "$($", "share" = "$($"} -Source ./src -Destination ./dist Populate the build tree to build a windows program. It will copy the source 'share' folder to a folder named after the project's name to match the Program Files naming convention. .NOTES General notes #> function Add-ToBuildTree { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][hashtable]$Map, [string]$Source = "src", [string]$Destination = "dist", [switch]$Force ) Begin { Write-EnterFunction } Process { foreach ($k in $Map.Keys) { $value = $Map.$k if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { $value = "." } if (Test-DirExist "$Source/$k") { $null = New-Item "$Destination/$value" -ItemType Directory -Force -Verbose:$Verbose $null = Copy-Item -Path "$Source/$k/*" -Destination "$Destination/$value/" -Recurse -Force:$Force -Verbose:$Verbose } elseif (Test-FileExist "$Source/$k") { # file can be copied to a subdirectory in Destination/ # $dst = Split-Path "$Destination/$value" -Parent # if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dst)) { # $null = New-Item "$dst" -ItemType Directory -Force # } $dst = "$Destination/$value" $null = New-Item "$dst" -ItemType Directory -Force -Verbose:$Verbose $null = Copy-Item -Path "$Source/$k" -Destination "$dst/" -Force:$Force -Verbose:$Verbose } else { Write-Warning "Resource '$k' not found in $Source." } } # remove unused files $null = Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination -Recurse -Filter ".gitkeep" -Force | Remove-Item -Force } End { Write-LeaveFunction } } |