
    $Script:PWSHFW_BUILDHELPERS_DIR = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/../).Path

# @var ConvertIsInstalled
# @brief $true if 'convert' from Image Magick package is installed
# $Script:ConvertIsInstalled = Get-Command -Name "convert" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# on Windows, convert.exe is a Microsoft tool to convert partition filesystem. So 'Get-Command convert.exe' will always return something... we don't want
# instead we'll search for a convert.exe tool installed in ProgramFiles
# @(()) means force use of an array, even if only one is found. [-1] means take the last.
$Script:ConvertExe = @((Get-ChildItem -path "$env:ProgramFiles" -name "convert.exe" -Recurse | ForEach-Object { (Get-Item "$env:ProgramFiles\$_").FullName }))[-1]
$Script:ConvertIsInstalled = Test-FileExist "$Script:ConvertExe"
$Script:ConvertNotInstalledMessage = "'convert.exe' command not found. Automatic icon handling is disabled. Please read the FAQ if you need it."
$Script:Png2icnsIsInstalled = Get-Command -Name "png2icns" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Script:Png2icnsNotInstalledMessage = "'png2icns' command not found. Automatic icon handling is disabled. Please read the FAQ if you need it."

Convert a generic hashtable into useful NSIS Settings metadata
Extract from an object useful properties to use as NSIS constants
object filled with various properties
$project = gc ./project.yml -raw | convertfrom-yaml
$project | ConvertTo-NSISSettings
This example will convert a project definition file into a useable hashtable to inject into Out-NSISSetupFile
General notes

function ConvertTo-NSISSettings {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([hashtable])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][object]$Metadata
    Begin {

    Process {
        $NSISSettings = @{}
        if ($Metadata) {
            if ($ { $NSISSettings.Name = $ }
            if ($Metadata.Codename) { $NSISSettings.CodeName = $Metadata.Codename }
            if ($Metadata.Version) { $NSISSettings.Version = $Metadata.Version }
            if ($Metadata.GUID) { $NSISSettings.GUID = $Metadata.GUID }
            if ($Metadata.Authors) { $NSISSettings.Author = $Metadata.Authors[0] }
            if ($Metadata.Author) { $NSISSettings.Author = $Metadata.Author }
            if ($Metadata.owner) { $NSISSettings.Author = $Metadata.owner }
            if ($Metadata.CompanyName) { $NSISSettings.CompanyName = $Metadata.CompanyName }
            if ($Metadata.Copyright) { $NSISSettings.Copyright = $Metadata.Copyright }
            if ($Metadata.Description) { $NSISSettings.Description = $Metadata.Description }
            if ($Metadata.ProcessorArchitecture) { $NSISSettings.Architecture = $Metadata.ProcessorArchitecture }
            if ($Metadata.Architecture) { $NSISSettings.Architecture = $Metadata.Architecture }
            if ($Metadata.Arch) { $NSISSettings.Architecture = $Metadata.Arch }
            if ($Metadata.ProjectUri) { $NSISSettings.ProjectUri = $Metadata.ProjectUri }
            if ($Metadata.ProjectUrl) { $NSISSettings.ProjectUri = $Metadata.ProjectUrl }
            if ($Metadata.LicenseFile) { $NSISSettings.LicenseFile = (Resolve-Path $Metadata.LicenseFile -Relative) }
            if ($Metadata.IconFile) {
                if (Test-FileExist $Metadata.IconFile) {
                    $NSISSettings.IconFile = (Resolve-Path $Metadata.IconFile -Relative)
                } else {
                    $NSISSettings.IconFile = "$($Script:PWSHFW_BUILDHELPERS_DIR)/Assets/application.png"
            if ($Metadata.Namespace) { $NSISSettings.Namespace = $Metadata.Namespace }
            # $NSISSettings.DefaultInstallDir = "$($Metadata.Namespace)\$($NSISSettings.Name)"
            # } else {
            # $NSISSettings.DefaultInstallDir = "$($NSISSettings.Name)"
            # }
            # if we are in a prerelease :
            # - add '-preview' to name to differentiate 'preview' branches and 'release' branches
            # - concat Version and Build to get a 4-dotted version number for NSIS
            if ($Metadata.Prerelease) {
                $ = "$($"
                $NSISSettings.Version = "$($Metadata.Version).$($Metadata.Build)"

        return $NSISSettings

    End {

Write a NSIS setup header file
Output a fully-formated NSIS setup header file based on build configuration.
The project's properties. Properties have to be filtered with ConvertTo-NSISSettings first
.PARAMETER Destination
Directory in wich to put the resulting header file. The filename will be named header.nsi
Use this switch to output the content of the resulting file instead of its path
Full path to header file
header file content
$project = gc ./project.yml | ConvertFrom-Yaml | ConvertTo-PSCustomObject
$project | Out-NSISHeaderFile -Destination ./build/windows/
This example use a project.yml file filled with "key: pair" values, convert it to an object, an use its properties to output a well-formated NSIS header file.
The output of this example is "./build/windows/header.nsi"

function Out-NSISHeaderFile {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][hashtable]$Metadata,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Destination,
    Begin {
        if (!(Test-DirExist $Destination)) {
            $null = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory
        $Filename = "$Destination/header.nsi"

    Process {

        $NSISSettings = ConvertTo-NSISSettings -Metadata $Metadata

        "" | Set-Content $Filename -Encoding utf8
        foreach ($k in $NSISSettings.Keys) {
            "!define $($k.ToUpper()) '$($NSISSettings.$k)'" | Out-File -FilePath $Filename -Encoding utf8 -Append

        if ($PassThru) {
            return $NSISSettings
        } else {
            return (Resolve-Path -Path "$Filename").Path

    End {

Test if a project is viable to build
Before launching a build of your project, you can use this function to forsee if requirements are met.
The project definition object
Get-Project | Test-NSISBuild
General notes

function Test-NSISBuild {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][hashtable]$Project
    Begin {
        # Write-EnterFunction

    Process {
        $rc = $true
        foreach ($f in @('LICENSE', "$($Project.Root)/images/favicon.ico")) {
            if (Test-Path $Path/$f -PathType Leaf) {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $((Resolve-Path $Path/$f).Path) exist"
            } else {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "[-] $Path/$f does not exist"
                $rc = $false

        return $rc

    End {
        # Write-LeaveFunction

Build the project to a setup.exe
Build the project to a NullSoft Installer System setup.exe
The project
An optional header.nsi file to inject. If it is not used, a default one, based on $Project will be generated
An optional custom setup.nsi file
The source folder of your project. Files and directory structure will be kept as-is
.PARAMETER Destination
Destination folder to create resulting setup.exe
New-NSISBuild -Project (Get-Project)
The resulting setup will be named after project's data :
`$name-$version-$arch.exe` if all data is available
`$name-$version.exe` if $architecture is not available

function New-NSISBuild {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low', DefaultParameterSetName = 'PROJECT')]
    [OutputType([Boolean], [String])]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][hashtable]$Project,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$HeaderNSI,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$SetupNSI,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$WindowsFolder = './build/Windows',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Source = "./src",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Destination = "./releases"
    Begin {
        if (!(Test-DirExist $Destination)) {
            $null = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory

    Process {
        if (Test-DirExist $WindowsFolder) {
            Copy-Item $WindowsFolder -Recurse -Destination "$Source\Windows" -Force:$Force
        # copy icon to proper location
        # Copy-Item "$($Project.Root)/$($Project.IconFile)" -Destination $Source -Force -Confirm:$false
        if ($Project.IconFile) {
            $project.IconFile = ConvertTo-WindowsIcon -Image "$($Project.IconFile)" -Destination $Source
        } else {
            $project.IconFile = "$($Script:PWSHFW_BUILDHELPERS_DIR)/Assets/application.ico"
        # Write-Host "Project = $Project"
        # Write-Host "HeaderNSI = $HeaderNSI"
        # Write-Host "SetupNSI = $SetupNSI"
        # move to project's root
        Push-Location $Project.Root
        if (!($HeaderNSI)) {
            $HeaderNSI = Resolve-Path ($Project | Out-NSISHeaderFile -Destination $Project.Root) -Relative
        if (!($SetupNSI)) {
            Copy-Item "$($Script:PWSHFW_BUILDHELPERS_DIR)/Assets/setup.nsi" -Destination $Project.Root
            $SetupNSI = Resolve-Path "$($Project.Root)/setup.nsi"  -Relative
        $Filename = "$($Project.Name)-$($Project.Version)$($Project.PreRelease)"
        if ($Project.Architecture) { $Filename += "-$($Project.Architecture)" }
        $Filename += ".exe"
        # discover where is nsis.exe
        if (fileExist($(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} + "\NSIS\makensis.exe"))) { $MAKENSIS = "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\NSIS\makensis.exe" }
        if (fileExist($(${env:ProgramFiles} + "\NSIS\makensis.exe"))) { $MAKENSIS = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\NSIS\makensis.exe)" }
        if (!$MAKENSIS) {
            eerror("makensis.exe not found. Please install it first. Visit")
            return $false
        # compute debug level
        [uint16]$debugLevel = 0
        if (($INFO) -or ($InformationPreference -eq 'Continue')) { $debugLevel = 1 }
        if (($VERBOSE) -or ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')) { $debugLevel = 2 }
        if (($DEBUG) -or ($DebugPreference -eq 'Continue')) { $debugLevel = 3 }
        if (($DEVEL) -or ($DevelPreference -eq 'Continue')) { $debugLevel = 4 }

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Destination/$Filename", "Create NSIS setup file")) {
            # it seems this command-line is too long... so we have to shorten it at the maximum
            # $rc = eexec -exe "$MAKENSIS" "/V$debugLevel /NOCD /INPUTCHARSET UTF8 /OUTPUTCHARSET UTF8 /D'SOURCE=$Source' /D'ROOT=$($Project.Root)' '$HeaderNSI' /X'OutFile $Destination/$Filename' '$SetupNSI'"
            $rc = eexec -exe "$MAKENSIS" "/V$debugLevel /NOCD /INPUTCHARSET UTF8 /OUTPUTCHARSET UTF8 /D'SOURCE=$Source' /D'ROOT=.' /D'USER_BUILD_WINDOWS_FOLDER=$WindowsFolder' '$HeaderNSI' /X'OutFile $Destination/$Filename' '$SetupNSI'"
            if ($rc) {
                $value = (Resolve-Path "$Destination/$Filename").Path
            } else {
                $value = $false
        } else {
            $value = "$Destination/$Filename"

        return $value

    End {

Convert an image to a Windows icon
Convert an image to Windows icon `ico` file format.
Full path to an image file
.PARAMETER Destination
Destination folder
Optional. New filename of the image
ConvertTo-WindowsIco -Image /path/to/favicon.png
This function do not convert image size. It just convert format.

function ConvertTo-WindowsIcon {
    [OutputType([string], [Boolean])]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Image,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Destination,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Filename
    Begin {

    Process {
        if (!(Test-FileExist $Image)) {
            eerror "Image '$Image' not found."
            $rc = $false

        $item = Get-Item $Image
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Destination)) {
            $Destination = $item.DirectoryName
        if ($item.Extension -eq '.ico') {
            $null = Copy-Item -Path "$item.FullName" -Destination "$Destination/$($"
            $rc = "$Destination/$($"
        } else {
            if ($Script:ConvertIsInstalled) {
                $basename = $item.BaseName
                # $ext = (Get-Item $Image).Extension
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filename)) {
                    $Filename = $basename
                $null = Execute-Command -exe "$Script:ConvertEXE" -args "$Image -define icon:auto-resize=256,128,64,48,32,16 $Destination/$Filename.ico"
                $rc = "$Destination/$Filename"
            } else {
                ewarn $Script:ConvertNotInstalledMessage
                $rc = $Image

        return $rc

    End {