function Initialize-PfaVcfWorkloadDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Configures a workload domain for Pure Storage .DESCRIPTION Configures FlashArray host group, provisions vVol Protocol Endpoint or VMFS datastore, configures iSCSI (if needed), preps ESXi hosts, validates and commissions hosts in VCF SDDC Manager. .INPUTS FQDNs or IPs of each host, valid credentials, a FlashArray FQDN and credentials, protocol choice, a datastore name and size OR protocol endpoint. .OUTPUTS Returns host group. .NOTES Version: 2.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 10/02/2020 Purpose/Change: Core support .EXAMPLE PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential PS C:\ $esxiCreds = get-credential PS C:\ Initialize-PfaVcfWorkloadDomainTest -EsxiHostFqdn "esxi-02.purecloud.com","esxi-04.purecloud.com" -esxihostcredential $esxiCreds -Protocol iSCSI -Vvol -FlashArrayFqdn flasharray-m20-1 -FlashArrayCredential $facreds -vcfnetworkpool iSCSI-vVols Configures and commissions hosts for inclusion in a iSCSI vVol Principal Workload Domain. .EXAMPLE PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential PS C:\ $esxiCreds = get-credential PS C:\ Initialize-PfaVcfWorkloadDomainTest -EsxiHostFqdn "esxi-02.purecloud.com","esxi-04.purecloud.com" -esxihostcredential $esxiCreds -FlashArrayFqdn flasharray-m20-1 -FlashArrayCredential $facreds -vcfnetworkpool iSCSI-vVols -datastoreName "vcftest" -sizeInTB 16 -Protocol fc Configures and commissions hosts for inclusion in a FC VMFS Principal Workload Domain. .EXAMPLE PS C:\ $faCreds = get-credential PS C:\ $esxiCreds = get-credential PS C:\ $allHosts = @() PS C:\ Import-Csv C:\hostList.csv | ForEach-Object {$allHosts += $_.hostnames} PS C:\ Initialize-PfaVcfWorkloadDomainTest -EsxiHostFqdn $allHosts-esxihostcredential $esxiCreds -Protocol iSCSI -Vvol -FlashArrayFqdn flasharray-m20-1 -FlashArrayCredential $facreds -vcfnetworkpool iSCSI-vVols Configures and commissions hosts for inclusion in a iSCSI vVol Principal Workload Domain using a CSV source file with a column heading of hostnames. *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$EsxiHostFqdn, [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipeline=$True,mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$EsxiHostCredential, [Parameter(Position=3,mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='VMFS')] [string]$DatastoreName, [Parameter(Position=4,ParameterSetName='VMFS')] [int]$SizeInGB, [Parameter(Position=5,ParameterSetName='VMFS')] [int]$SizeInTB, [Parameter(Position=6)] [ValidateSet('iSCSI','FC')] [string]$Protocol, [Parameter(Position=7,mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='vVol')] [switch]$Vvol, [Parameter(Position=8,mandatory=$True)] [string]$FlashArrayFqdn, [Parameter(Position=9,mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$FlashArrayCredential, [Parameter(Position=10,mandatory=$true)] [string]$VcfNetworkPool ) Import-Module PureStoragePowerShellSDK try { Get-InstalledModule -Name PowerVCF -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null } catch { throw "Please install PowerVCF with install-module PowerVCF." } if ($null -eq $global:sddcManager) { throw "Please connect to SDDC Manager with Request-VcfToken." } if ($psversiontable.PSEdition -ne "Core") { throw "The cmdlet Initialize-PfaVcfWorkloadDomain is only supported with PowerShell Core (7.x or later)." } if ($Protocol -eq "iSCSI" -and ($Vvol -ne $True)) { throw "iSCSI can only be specified with vVols. VMFS can only be principal storage when deployed with Fibre Channel." } Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Verifying input" -PercentComplete 5 $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" if ($Vvol -ne $true) { if (($sizeInGB -eq 0) -and ($sizeInTB -eq 0)) { throw "Please enter a size in GB or TB" } elseif (($sizeInGB -ne 0) -and ($sizeInTB -ne 0)) { throw "Please only enter a size in TB or GB, not both." } elseif ($sizeInGB -ne 0) { $volSize = $sizeInGB * 1024 *1024 *1024 } else { $volSize = $sizeInTB * 1024 *1024 *1024 * 1024 } } Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Connecting to Resources" -PercentComplete 10 Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Connecting to FlashArray" -Status "Connecting to $($FlashArrayFqdn)" -PercentComplete 50 $flasharray = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $FlashArrayFqdn -Credentials $FlashArrayCredential -IgnoreCertificateError if ($Vvol -eq $true) { $arrayInfo = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck if ($arrayInfo.version -eq "5.3.9") { throw "Found Purity 5.3.9--this is not a supported release for vVols with VCF. Please reach out to Pure Support to upgrade Purity to 5.3.10 or higher." } if (($arrayinfo.version.split(".")[0] -eq "5") -and ($arrayinfo.version.split(".")[1] -lt 3)) { throw "Found a Purity release earlier than 5.3.x (currently at $($arrayinfo.version)). Please reach out to Pure Support to upgrade Purity to 5.3.x or higher." } } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) { $foundProtocol = checkFaProtocol -flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction stop } else { $foundProtocol = checkFaProtocol -flasharray $flasharray -protocol $Protocol -ErrorAction stop } Write-Debug -Message $foundProtocol $vcfpools = Get-VCFNetworkPool Write-Debug -Message ($vcfpools| out-string) if (($vcfpools.name -contains $VcfNetworkPool) -ne $true) { throw "Invalid VCF network pool ($($vcfnetworkpool)). Please verify network pools with Get-VCFNetworkPool" } else { $vcfNetworkInfo = Get-VCFNetworkIPPool -id ($vcfpools |Where-Object {$_.name -eq $VcfNetworkPool}).id Write-Debug -Message ($vcfNetworkInfo| out-string) if ($foundProtocol -eq "iSCSI") { if (($vcfNetworkInfo.type -contains "iSCSI") -eq $false) { throw "The specified network pool $($VcfNetworkPool) does not have an iSCSI-type vLAN assigned to it. Please add one or choose a network pool that does. This is required for iSCSI-vVols deployment." } } if (($vcfNetworkInfo.type -contains "VMOTION") -eq $false) { throw "The specified network pool $($VcfNetworkPool) does not have a VMOTION-type vLAN assigned to it. Please add one or choose a network pool that does. This is required for any deployment type." } } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Connecting to FlashArray" -Status "Connected to $($FlashArrayFqdn)" -PercentComplete 100 $esxiConnections = @() for ($i =0;$i -lt $EsxiHostFqdn.count;$i++) { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Connecting to ESXi hosts" -Status "Connecting to $($EsxiHostFqdn[$i])" -PercentComplete ($i/$EsxiHostFqdn.count) $esxiConnections += connect-viserver -Server $EsxiHostFqdn[$i] -Credential ($EsxiHostCredential) -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Connecting to ESXi hosts" -Status "Connected to $($EsxiHostFqdn.Count) ESXi hosts" -PercentComplete 100 $faHosts = @() Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Configuring storage connection for ESXi hosts" -PercentComplete 30 for ($i =0;$i -lt $esxiConnections.count;$i++) { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Configuring ESXi hosts on FlashArray" -Status "Configuring $($esxiConnections[$i].name)" -PercentComplete ($i/$esxiConnections.count) $foundHost = $null $foundHost = Get-PfaHostFromVmHost -esxi (get-vmhost $esxiConnections[$i].name) -Flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $foundHost) { if ($null -ne $foundHost.hgroup) { throw "The host $($esxiConnections[$i].name) is already in a host group on the FlashArray. Please ensure it is not in-use and remove it from the group named $($foundHost.hgroup) ." } if ($foundprotocol -eq "iSCSI") { if (0 -ne $foundHost[0].wwn.count) { throw "The host $($esxiConnections[$i].name) is already configured on the FlashArray for FC. Mixed mode is not supported by VMware." } } else { if (0 -ne $foundHost[0].iqn.count) { throw "The host $($esxiConnections[$i].name) is already configured on the FlashArray for iSCSI. Mixed mode is not supported by VMware." } } $faHosts += $foundHost.name } else { if ($foundProtocol -eq "iSCSI") { $faHosts += (New-PfaHostFromVmHost -esxi (get-vmhost $esxiConnections[$i].name) -Iscsi -Flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop).name } elseif ($foundProtocol -eq "FC") { $faHosts += (New-PfaHostFromVmHost -esxi (get-vmhost $esxiConnections[$i].name) -FC -Flasharray $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop).name } } } Write-Debug -Message ($faHosts| out-string) $groupName = ("VCF-WorkloadDomain-" + (get-random -Maximum 9999 -Minimum 1000)) $hostGroup = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "hgroup/$($groupName)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction stop if ($fahosts.count -gt 0) { if ($fahosts.count -gt 1) { $hostsJson = $fahosts |ConvertTo-Json } else { $hostsJson = ("[" + ($fahosts |ConvertTo-Json) + "]") } $hostGroup = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "hgroup/$($groupName)" -restOperationType PUT -flasharray $flasharray -jsonBody "{`"addhostlist`":$($hostsJson)}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction stop Write-Debug -Message $hostGroup } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Configuring ESXi hosts on FlashArray" -Status "Configured $($esxiConnections.count) hosts on FlashArray" -PercentComplete 100 Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Configuring physical storage." -PercentComplete 50 if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DatastoreName)) { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a VMFS datastore from the FlashArray." -Status "Creating Volume" -PercentComplete 25 $newVol = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($datastoreName)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -jsonBody "{`"size`":`"$($volSize)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop Write-Debug -Message $newVol New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "hgroup/$($groupName)/volume/$($newVol.name)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null $newNAA = "naa.624a9370" + $newVol.serial.toLower() $esxi = $esxiConnections |Select-Object -Last 1 Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a VMFS datastore from the FlashArray." -Status "Rescanning HBAs" -PercentComplete 50 get-vmhost $esxi.name |Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba |Out-Null Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a VMFS datastore from the FlashArray." -Status "Formatting VMFS" -PercentComplete 75 get-vmhost $esxi.name |new-datastore -name $datastoreName -vmfs -Path $newNAA -FileSystemVersion 6 -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a VMFS datastore from the FlashArray." -Status "Complete." -PercentComplete 100 } else { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a vVol protocol endpoint from the FlashArray." -Status "Creating PE" -PercentComplete 25 $protocolEndpoint = "vVol-Protocol-Endpoint" New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType volume/$($protocolEndpoint)?protocol_endpoint=true -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Out-Null try { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Provisioning a vVol protocol endpoint from the FlashArray." -Status "Connecting PE" -PercentComplete 75 New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "hgroup/$($groupName)/volume/$($protocolEndpoint)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null } catch { if ($_.Exception -notlike "*Connection already exists.*") { throw $_.Exception } } } Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Final Host Configuration" -PercentComplete 70 foreach ($esxiConnection in $esxiConnections) { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Configuring ESXi hosts." -Status "Enabling SSH on $($esxiConnections.count) hosts" -PercentComplete 25 #prepare for VCF commissioning $esxi = get-vmhost $esxiConnection.name $esxi|Get-VMHostService |Where-Object { $_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} |Start-vmhostService |Out-Null Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Rescanning all hosts." -Status "Rescanning $($esxiConnections.count) hosts" -PercentComplete 50 $esxi | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba |Out-Null Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Rescanning all hosts." -Status "Complete" -PercentComplete 100 } if ($Vvol -eq $true) { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Registering VASA Provider with VCF SDDC Manager." -Status "Adding VASA Provider" -PercentComplete 25 $foundProviders = Get-PfaVcfVasaProvider $mgmtIP = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType network -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck |Where-Object {$_.name -like "CT0.eth0"} $foundProvider = $foundProviders |Where-Object {$_.url -like "*$($mgmtIP.address)*"} Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Registering VASA Provider with VCF SDDC Manager." -Status "Adding VASA Provider" -PercentComplete 50 if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($foundProvider)) { New-PfaVcfVasaProvider -arrayAddress $FlashArrayFqdn -ArrayCredential $FlashArrayCredential -Protocol $foundProtocol |Out-Null } else { if ($foundProvider.storageContainers.protocolType -ne $foundProtocol) { Write-Warning -Message "The VASA provider for this array is already registered but the storage container is already registered with $($foundProtocol). VCF only allows a storage container to be registered via one protocol at a time." } } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Registering VASA Provider with VCF SDDC Manager." -Status "Added VASA Provider" -PercentComplete 100 } $hostSpecs = @() Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Commissioning Hosts" -PercentComplete 85 Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Generating JSON for host validation." -Status "Generating" -PercentComplete 25 foreach ($EsxiHost in $EsxiHostFqdn) { $hostspec = New-Object -TypeName psobject $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name fqdn -value $EsxiHost $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -value $EsxiHostCredential.UserName if ($Vvol -eq $true) { $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name storageType -value "VVOL" } else { $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name storageType -value "VMFS_FC" } $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -value ($EsxiHostCredential.Password |ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText) $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name networkPoolName -value $VcfNetworkPool $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name networkPoolId -value ($vcfpools |Where-Object {$_.name -eq $VcfNetworkPool}).id if ($Vvol -eq $true) { $hostspec | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name vvolStorageProtocolType -value $foundProtocol.ToUpper() } $hostSpecs += $hostspec } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Generating JSON for host validation." -Status "Generated" -PercentComplete 100 $hostJson = $hostSpecs |ConvertTo-Json Write-Debug -Message $hostJson #refresh VCF connection $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"} $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/tokens/access-token/refresh" -Headers $headers -body $global:refreshToken -SkipCertificateCheck $Global:accessToken = $response $vcfHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($Global:accessToken)"} #validate host configuration Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager" -Status "Submitting for validation." -PercentComplete 5 $hostValidationTask = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/hosts/validations" -ContentType application/json -headers $vcfHeader -body $hostJson -SkipCertificateCheck Do { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager." -Status "Waiting for validation" -PercentComplete 25 $hostValidationTaskResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/hosts/validations/$($hostValidationTask.id)" -Headers $vcfHeader -ContentType application/json -SkipCertificateCheck Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } While ($hostValidationTaskResponse.executionStatus -eq "IN_PROGRESS") Write-Debug -Message $hostValidationTaskResponse Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager." -Status "Validated" -PercentComplete 45 if ($hostValidationTaskResponse.executionStatus -eq "COMPLETED" -and $hostValidationTaskResponse.resultStatus -eq "SUCCEEDED") { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager." -Status "Commissioning" -PercentComplete 50 $commissionHostsTask = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -URI "https://$sddcManager/v1/hosts/" -headers $vcfHeader -ContentType application/json -body $hostJson -SkipCertificateCheck } else { throw "There was a problem validating the hosts: $($hostValidationTaskResponse.validationChecks.errorResponse.message)" } Do { Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager." -Status "Waiting for commissioning to complete" -PercentComplete 75 $hostCommissionTaskResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/tasks/$($commissionHostsTask.id)" -Headers $vcfHeader -ContentType application/json -SkipCertificateCheck Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } While ($null -eq $hostCommissionTaskResponse.completionTimestamp) Write-Debug -Message $hostCommissionTaskResponse if ($hostCommissionTaskResponse.status -eq "Successful") { $commissionedHosts = @() foreach ($hostResourceId in $hostCommissionTaskResponse.resources.resourceid) { $commissionedHosts += Get-VcfHost -id $hostResourceId } } else { throw "There was a problem commissioning the hosts: $($hostCommissionTaskResponse.subtasks)" } Write-Progress -parentid 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Adding hosts to SDDC Manager." -Status "Commissioning complete" -PercentComplete 100 Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "VCF and Pure ESXi Host Commission Process" -Status "Process Complete" -PercentComplete 100 return $commissionedHosts } function Get-PfaVcfVasaProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all VASA Providers registered in SDDC Manager. .DESCRIPTION Returns all VASA Providers registered in SDDC Manager. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Returns the VASA Provider(s) .EXAMPLE PS C:\ Get-PfaVcfVasaProvider Returns all VASA Providers registered in SDDC Manager. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 09/25/2020 Purpose/Change: First release *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> try { Get-InstalledModule -Name PowerVCF -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null } catch { throw "Please install PowerVCF with install-module PowerVCF." } if ($null -eq $global:sddcManager) { throw "Please connect to SDDC Manager with Request-VcfToken." } if ($psversiontable.PSEdition -ne "Core") { throw "The cmdlet Get-PfaVcfVasaProvider is only supported with PowerShell Core (7.x or later)." } $vcfHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($Global:accessToken)"} $vasaProviders = (Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers $vcfHeader -Method GET -Uri "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/vasa-providers" -ContentType "application/json").elements if ($null -ne $vasaProviders) { return $vasaProviders } else { return $null } } function New-PfaVcfVasaProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a VASA Provider to SDDC Manager. .DESCRIPTION Connects to a FlashArray pulls the correct information, and registers its CTO VASA provider with SDDC Manager. .INPUTS FlashArray IP or FQDN, user name and password. .OUTPUTS Returns the VASA Provider registration. .EXAMPLE PS C:\ New-PfaVcfVasaProvider -arrayAddress flasharray-m50-1 -username pureuser -password ********* Connects to a FlashArray pulls the correct information, and registers its CTO VASA provider with SDDC Manager. .EXAMPLE PS C:\ New-PfaVcfVasaProvider -arrayAddress flasharray-m50-1 -credential (get-credential) Connects to a FlashArray pulls the correct information, and registers its CTO VASA provider with SDDC Manager. .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com Creation Date: 09/25/2020 Purpose/Change: First release *******Disclaimer:****************************************************** This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system. ************************************************************************ #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Username')] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$True)] [string]$ArrayAddress, [Parameter(Position=1,ParameterSetName='Username',mandatory=$true)] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Position=2,mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='Username')] [securestring]$Password, [Parameter(Position=3,ValueFromPipeline=$True,mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='Creds')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$ArrayCredential, [Parameter(Position=4)] [ValidateSet('iSCSI','FC')] [string]$Protocol ) try { Get-InstalledModule -Name PowerVCF -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null } catch { throw "Please install PowerVCF with install-module PowerVCF." } if ($null -eq $global:sddcManager) { throw "Please connect to SDDC Manager with Request-VcfToken." } if ($psversiontable.PSEdition -ne "Core") { throw "The cmdlet New-PfaVcfVasaProvider is only supported with PowerShell Core (7.x or later)." } if ($null -eq $ArrayCredential) { $ArrayCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $Password) } $fa = New-PfaArray -EndPoint $ArrayAddress -Credentials $ArrayCredential -IgnoreCertificateError $mgmtIP = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType network -restOperationType GET -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck |Where-Object {$_.name -like "CT0.eth0"} $arrayname = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) { $foundProtocol = checkFaProtocol -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction stop } else { $foundProtocol = checkFaProtocol -flasharray $fa -protocol $Protocol -ErrorAction stop } $FaName = ("$($arrayname.array_name)-CT0") $VasaUrl = ("https://$($mgmtIP.address):8084/version.xml") $stdPassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString $ArrayCredential.password -AsPlainText $vasaBody = "{ `"name`": `"$($FaName)`", `"storageContainers`": [ { `"name`": `"Vvol container`", `"protocolType`": `"$($foundProtocol)`" } ], `"url`": `"$($VasaUrl)`", `"users`": [ { `"password`": `"$($stdPassword)`", `"username`": `"$($ArrayCredential.UserName)`" } ] }" Write-Debug $vasaBody $vcfHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($Global:accessToken)"} $vasaProvider = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers $vcfHeader -Method POST -Uri "https://$($sddcManager)/v1/vasa-providers" -Body $vasaBody -ContentType "application/json" return $vasaProvider } function checkDefaultFlashArray{ if ($null -eq $Global:DefaultFlashArray) { throw "You must pass in a FlashArray connection or create a default FlashArray connection with New-Pfaconnection" } else { return $Global:DefaultFlashArray } } function checkFaProtocol{ [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [PurePowerShell.PureArray]$Flasharray, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string]$Protocol ) $arrayname = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $Flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck $arrayPorts = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType port -restOperationType GET -flasharray $Flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck $iscsi = $false $fc = $false if (($arrayPorts |where-object {$null -ne $_.iqn}).count -ne 0) { $iscsi = $true } if (($arrayPorts |where-object {$null -ne $_.wwn}).count -ne 0) { $fc = $true } if (($iscsi -eq $true) -and ($fc -eq $false)) { $FoundProtocol = "iSCSI" } if (($iscsi -eq $false) -and ($fc -eq $True)) { $FoundProtocol = "FC" } if (($iscsi -eq $false) -and ($fc -eq $false)) { throw "Neither Fibre Channel or iSCSI ports were found on the input array $($arrayname.array_name)" } if (($iscsi -eq $true) -and ($fc -eq $true)) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) { throw "Both Fibre Channel and iSCSI found on this array. Please specify the desired protocol in the -protocol parameter (iSCSI or FC)" } $FoundProtocol = $Protocol } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) { if ($Protocol -ne $FoundProtocol) { throw "Specified protocol $($protocol) is not found on the array. Only $($foundProtocol) is found on $($arrayname.array_name)" } } return $FoundProtocol } |