
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.Logger.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CommonUtil.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.RunCommandLauncher.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.VMFS.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.VVOLS.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.VVOLS.Replication.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.Configuration.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.Monitor.ps1

$VVOL_WARNIING = "vVols Cmdlets are experimental and not supported in this release. Please use with caution."

function Build-PCBSCluster {
     Build or update settings for a cluster of ESXi servers
     Build or update settings for a cluster of ESXi servers. Creates a hostgroup in Pure Cloud Block Store if it does not exists and
     updates iSCSI settings. Can be used when creating a new cluster or when adding hosts to a cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
     Cluster name
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
     Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet
     AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
     AVS Resource group name
     Optional. Skip MPIO check. If the parameter is specified, the MPIO check will be skipped. Please use only if directed by Pure Storage support.
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
     Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
    Build-PCBSCluster -ClusterName "mycluster" -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
      -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [switch] $SkipMPIOCheck,

        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int] $TimeoutInMinutes

  Write-Progress -Activity "Building cluster" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

  $fa = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
  $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
  New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

  try {
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
    $cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName
    if (-not $cluster) {
      throw "Could not find cluster '$ClusterName'..."

    $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters

    $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
    if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
      throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"

    if (-not $SkipMPIOCheck) {
      Test-MPIOProvisionStatus -AvsResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AvsPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -Cluster $cluster
    else {
      Write-Warning "Skipping check for MPIO status ..."

        Write-Progress -Activity "Configuring iSCSI" -Status "25% Complete:" -PercentComplete 25
        $updated_hosts = New-PfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $cluster `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
        Write-Progress -Activity "Removing unused hosts" -Status "50% Complete:" -PercentComplete 50
        Remove-PfaUnusedHosts -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $cluster | Out-Null

        Write-Progress -Activity "Refreshing iSCSI targets" -Status "75% Complete:" -PercentComplete 75
        if ($updated_hosts) {
            $ethList = (Get-Pfa2NetworkInterface -Array $FlashArray | Where-Object {$_.services -eq "iscsi"} | Where-Object {$_.enabled -eq $true} | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Eth.address}).Eth
            $ISCSIAddressList = @()
            foreach ($eth in $ethList) {
            $ISCSIAddressList += $eth.address

            $params = @{
                ClusterName = $ClusterName
                # Need to join the list as string as RunCommand does not support array type
                ISCSIAddress = $ISCSIAddressList -join ","

            Invoke-RunScript -RunCommandName  "Remove-VMHostStaticiSCSITargets" -RunCommandModule "Microsoft.AVS.VMFS" -Parameters $params `
                -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
        Write-Host "Cluster '$ClusterName' is successfully built"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100
    catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function New-PCBSVmfsDatastore {
      Creates a new VMFS datastore and mounts to a VMware cluster
      Creates a new VMFS datastore and mounts to a VMware cluster
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
      Cluster name
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
      Datastore name
      Datastore capacity size in bytes
    .PARAMETER PodName
     Optional. Pod name. If the parameter is specified, the backing volume for the datastore will be created in the specified Pod.
    .PARAMETER NoDefaultProtection
     Optional. Bypass default protection group. If the parameter is specified, the datastore will not be protected by default protection group
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
     Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet
     AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
     AVS Resource group name
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
      Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

      New-PCBSVmfsDatastore -ClusterName myClusterName -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection -DatastoreName MyVMFSStore -Size 4GB `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Create a datastore "MyVMFS"

    Param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [ValidateRange(1GB,64TB)] # 1 GB to 64 TB


        [switch] $NoDefaultProtection,




        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int] $TimeoutInMinutes
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $fa = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."

        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"
        $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $Cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters
        New-PfaVmfs -Cluster $Cluster -Flasharray $fa -Name $DatastoreName -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -Size $Size -NoDefaultProtection:$NoDefaultProtection.IsPresent `
            -PodName $PodName -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

        Write-Host "Datastore '$DatastoreName' is successfully created"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    } catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Restore-PCBSVmfsDatastore {
      Mounts a copy of a VMFS datastore to a VMware cluster from a Pure Cloud Block Store snapshot, volume, or pod.
      Takes in a snapshot/volume/pod name, the corresponding Pure Cloud Block Store, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
      Cluster name
    .PARAMETER VolumeSnapshotName
      Volume snapshot name. A volume will be created from the volume snapshot. A datastore will be created from the volume
    .PARAMETER VolumeName
      Volume name. A datastore will be created from the volume. No volume copy will be created, the volume specified will be directly used for the datastore
    .PARAMETER ProtectionGroupSnapshotName
      Protection group snapshot name. All of volume snapshots of the protection group snapshot will be used for restoring. The snapshot will be skipped if not supported.
    .PARAMETER PodName
      Pod name. All of volumes of the pod will be used for restoring. The volume will be skipped if not supported
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
      Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
      Optional. Datastore name. If the parameter is not specified, a generated name will be used.
      AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
      AVS Resource group name
      Restore-PCBSVmfsDatastore -ClusterName myClusterName -VolumeSnapshotName mySnapshotName -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding Pure Cloud Block Store, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.
      Restore-PCBSVmfsDatastore -ClusterName myClusterName -VolumeName myVolumeName -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Takes in a volume name, the corresponding Pure Cloud Block Store, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.

    Param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'VolumeSnapshot')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Volume')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ProtectionGroupSnapshot')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pod')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Volume')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'VolumeSnapshot')]



    Write-Progress -Activity "Restoring datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $fa = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster '$ClusterName' does not exist."

        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DatastoreName)) {
        $Datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $vCenterServer -Name $DatastoreName -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($Datastore) {
                throw "Datastore '$Datastore' already exists."

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'Volume' {
                Write-Host "Creating datastore from volume..."
            $NewDatastore = Restore-PfaVmfsFromVolume -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $Cluster -VolumeName $VolumeName -DatastoreName $DatastoreName `
                                    -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

            'VolumeSnapshot' {
                Write-Host "Creating datastore from volume snapshot..."
            $NewDatastore = Restore-PfaVmfsFromVolumeSnapshot -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $Cluster -VolumeSnapshotName $VolumeSnapshotName -DatastoreName $DatastoreName `
                                    -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

            'ProtectionGroupSnapshot' {
                Write-Host "Creating datastore from protection group snapshot..."
            $NewDatastore = Restore-PfaVmfsFromProtectionGroupSnapshot -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $Cluster -ProtectionGroupSnapshotName $ProtectionGroupSnapshotName `
                                    -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
            'Pod' {
                Write-Host "Creating datastore from pod..."
            $NewDatastore = Restore-PfaVmfsFromPod -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $Cluster -PodName $PodName `
                                    -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
        Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed

        Write-Host "Datastore '$($NewDatastore.Name)' is successfully restored"
    } catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $fa -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    return $NewDatastore

function Remove-PCBSVmfsDatastore {
     Detaches and unmount a VMFS datastore from a cluster. Remove the datastore from the host group
     Detaches and unmount a VMFS datastore from a cluster. Remove the datastore from the host group. The connection configured for the volume and cluster host/host group will be removed from Pure Cloud Block Store. The volume will be destroyed if there is no other connection left.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
     Cluster name
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
     Datastore name
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
     Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet
     AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
     AVS Resource group name
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
     Remove-PCBSVmfsDatastore -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName "myDatastore" PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

     Takes in a datastore name, datastore would be removed.

    Param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]




        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int] $TimeoutInMinutes
    Write-Progress -Activity "Removing datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster '$ClusterName' does not exist."

        $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters

        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"

        $Datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $vCenterServer -Name $DatastoreName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Datastore) {
            throw "Datastore '$DatastoreName' does not exist."
        Remove-PfaVmfsDatastore -Cluster $Cluster -Datastore $DataStore -FlashArray $FlashArray `
            -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

        Write-Host "Datastore '$DatastoreName' is successfully removed"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    } catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Set-PCBSVmfsCapacity {
     Increase the size of a Pure Cloud Block Store-based VMFS datastore.
     Takes in a datastore, the corresponding Pure Cloud Block Store, and a new size. Both the volume and the VMFS will be grown.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
     Cluster name
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
     Datastore name
     New datastore capacity size in bytes
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
     Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet
     AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
     AVS Resource group name
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
      Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
     Set-PCBSVmfsCapacity -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName myDatastore -Size 3GB -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

     Expand size of the datastore myDatastore to 3GB.

    Param (

          [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

          [ValidateRange(1GB,64TB)] # 1 GB to 64 TB




          [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
    Write-Progress -Activity "Resizing datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster '$ClusterName' does not exist."

        $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters

        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"

        $Datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $vCenterServer -Name $DatastoreName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (-not $Datastore) {
            throw "Could not find datastore '$DatastoreName'! Please make sure to select an existing datastore."
        Set-PfaVmfsCapacity -Cluster $Cluster -FlashArray $FlashArray -Datastore $Datastore -SizeInByte $Size `
            -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

        Write-Host "Datastore '$DatastoreName' is successfully resized"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    } catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Sync-PCBSClusterVMHostStorage {
    Refresh the storage of all hosts in a cluster
    Refresh the storage of all hosts in a cluster. This operation is useful when the storage of the hosts is out of sync with the storage of the cluster. For example, a new host is added to the cluster, but the existing datastore does not appear on the new host.
   .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name
    AVS cloud name
   .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS Resource group name
   .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
     Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
    Sync-PCBSClusterVMHostStorage -ClusterName "mycluster" -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

    Expand size of the datastore myDatastore to 3GB.

   Param (
     [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

     [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
     [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
    Write-Progress -Activity "Syncing cluster VM host storage" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $params = @{
      ClusterName = $ClusterName;

    Invoke-RunScript -RunCommandName "Sync-ClusterVMHostStorage" -RunCommandModule "Microsoft.AVS.VMFS" -Parameters $params `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed

function New-PCBSVASAProvider {
    Register Pure Cloud Block Store VASA providers with vCenter

    Register Pure Cloud Block Store VASA providers for all array controllers with vCenter. If a VASA provider has a certificate problem, it will be created

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    Pure Cloud BlockStore Credential

    AVS cloud name

    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS Resource group name

    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

    New-PCBSVASAProvider -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential $CBSConnectionCredential `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup






        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Register VASA provider" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        Update-VASAProvider -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -FlashArray $FlashArray -FlashArrayCredential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential `
                            -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
    }catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    Write-Host "VASA provider is successfully registered."
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Update-PCBSVASAProvider {
    Refresh Pure Cloud Block Store VASA provider vCenter certificates

    Refresh Pure Cloud Block Store VASA provider vCenter certificates

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    Pure Cloud BlockStore Credential

    AVS cloud name

    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS Resource group name

    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

    Update-PCBSVASAProvider -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential $CBSConnectionCredential `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup






        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Update VASA provider" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        Update-VASAProvider -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -FlashArray $FlashArray -FlashArrayCredential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -RefreshOnly `
          -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
    }catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    Write-Host "VASA provider is successfully updated."
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function New-PCBSVvolDataStore {
    Mount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    Mount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name

    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
    Optional. Datastore name. If not provided, a datastore name driven from the Pure Cloud Clock Store Name will be used

    .PARAMETER UseDefaultStore
    Optional. Indicates whether to use default root container. If not provided, the default store will not be used and multi-storage Pod container will be used.
    Note that Non-default store can only be used with Pure Cloud Block Store version 6.4.1 or later.

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet

    AVS cloud name

    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name

    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

    New-PCBSVVolDataStore -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName "myDatastore" -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup








        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Add datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."
        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"
        $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters
        $datastore = Mount-VvolDatastore -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -DatastoreName $DatastoreName -Cluster $Cluster -FlashArray $FlashArray -UseDefaultStore $UseDefaultStore `
                                        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
        Wait-VvolDatastoreCreation -DataStoreName $datastore.Name
    } catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    Write-Host "Datastore '$($datastore.Name)' is successfully created"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Remove-PCBSVVolDataStore {
    Remove a vVol datastore from all of the hosts in the cluster.

    Remove a vVol datastore from all of the hosts in the cluster.

    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name

    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
    Datastore name

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store Connection. The connection can be created using Connect-Pf2Array cmdlet

    AVS Cloud Name

    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS Resource Group

    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

    Remove-PCBSVVolDataStore -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName "myDatastore" -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $CBSConnection `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup






        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Remove datastore" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $FlashArray = Connect-PureCloudBlockStore -PureCloudBlockStoreConnection $PureCloudBlockStoreConnection
    $WorkflowID = New-WorkflowID
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Begin" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

    try {
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $vCenterServer -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (-not $Cluster) {
            throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."
        $ClusterStatus = Get-AVSClusterProvisionStatus -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName -AvsClusterName $ClusterName
        if ($ClusterStatus -ne "Succeeded") {
            throw "The current provisioning status of cluster $ClusterName is $ClusterStatus. The operation can only proceed when provisioning status is 'Succeeded'"
        $TimeoutInMinutes = Get-Timeout -Cluster $cluster -InputParams $PSBoundParameters
        $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
        Dismount-VvolDatastore -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -DatastoreName $DatastoreName -Cluster $Cluster -FlashArray $FlashArray `
                                -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

        Write-Host "Datastore '$DatastoreName' is successfully removed"

    catch {
        New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Error" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorMessage $_
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    New-PhoneHomeWorkflowLogEntry -RestClient $FlashArray -Event "Complete" -ID $WorkflowID -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand

function New-PCBSStoragePolicy {
      Creates a new Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy
      Creates a new Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy with specified capabilities
      New storage policy
    .PARAMETER PolicyName
      Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy name.
    .PARAMETER PolicyDescription
      Optional. Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy description.
    .PARAMETER SourcePureCloudBlockStores
      Optional. Name of one or more Pure Cloud Block Store to use. Use comma as seperater if there are multiple names
    .PARAMETER ReplicationEnabled
      Optional. Replication capability rule. The input value could be yes, no or empty, If not provided replication will not be enabled.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationInterval
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Protection group remote snapshot creation interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationRetentionInterval
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Protection group remote snapshot retention interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled
      Optional. Replication capability rule. The input value could be yes, no or empty.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotInterval
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Protection group local snapshot creation interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Protection group local snapshot retention interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationConcurrency
      Optional. Replication capability rule. The number of target Pure Cloud Block Store to replicate to at once.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationRansomwareProtection
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Protection group ransomware protection
    .PARAMETER TargetPureCloudBlockStores
      Optional. Replication capability rule. Names of specific Pure Cloud Block Store desired as replication targets. Use comma as seperater if there are multiple names
    .PARAMETER ConsistencyGroupName
      Optional. Replication capability rule. A Pure Cloud Block Store protection group name
    .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit
      Optional. QoS placement capability rule. IOPS limit get applied to per virtual disk
    .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit
      Optional. QoS placement capability rule. IOPS limit unit (K, M, or -)
    .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit
      Optional. QoS placement capability rule. Bandwidth limit get applied to per virtual disk
    .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit
      Optional. QoS placement capability rule. Bandwidth limit unit (KB/s, MB/s or GB/s)
    .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingKey
      Optional. Volume tagging placement capability. Volumes with this policy will be tagged with the key
    .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingValue
      Optional. Volume tagging placement capability. Volumes with this policy will be tagged with the value
    .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingCopyable
      Optional. Volume tagging placement capability. When set to yes, any volume copies of this volume will receive the tag
    .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotInterval
      Optional. Local snapshot protection placement capability. Snapshots will be taken in the specified interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval
      Optional. Local snapshot protection placement capability. Snapshots will be retained for the timespan in seconds.
    .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalSnapshots
      Optional. Local snapshot protection placement capability. Optional additional retention: After the retention timespan specified above is up, a number of snapshots will be selected, evenly spaced out, from the last retention timespan. This parameter specifies the number of snapshots to select from the last retention timespan. These snapshots will be retained for a number of additional days (see parameter below). Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.
    .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalDays
      Optional. Local snapshot protection placement capability. Optional additional retention: This parameter specifies the number of days that additional snapshots should be retained. If a selection for "Retain additional snapshots" (see above) was made, this parameter must also be specified. Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.
    .PARAMETER OffloadType
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Purity//FA Snap to Cloud is a policy-based solution to manage portable snapshots through the offload of volume snapshots to a target, such as an Azure Blob container, or an S3 bucket, for long-term retention. With different types of offload targets this rule allows policies to specify a specific offload target type or to have no requirement for a specific type of target.
    .PARAMETER OffloadTargetNames
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Upon the first assignment of this policy to a VM on a given datastore a consistency group will be created with the settings supplied. This rule specifies which targets are added to the consistency groups target list. If no requirement is selected then the storage provider will selected one of the available offload targets on the compatible datastore's array.
    .PARAMETER OffloadReplicationInterval
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Snapshots will be taken and replicated to the offload target in the specified interval.
    .PARAMETER OffloadOffloadReplicationTime
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. If the replication interval is set to one or more days, optionally set the 'Daily/weekly replication time' to specify the preferred hour of each day when Purity//FA replicates the snapshot. For example, if the replication schedule is set to "Replicate every 4 days at 6pm," Purity//FA replicates the snapshots every four days at or around 6:00 p.m.
    .PARAMETER OffloadRetentionInterval
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Replicated snapshots will be retained for the specified timespan on the offload target.
    .PARAMETER OffloadRetainAdditionalSnapshots
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. After the retention timespan specified is up, a number of snapshots will be selected, evenly spaced out, from the last retention timespan. This parameter specifies the number of snapshots to select from the last retention timespan. These snapshots will be retained for a number of additional days (see parameter below). Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.
    .PARAMETER OffloadRetainAdditionalDays
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. This parameter specifies the number of days that additional snapshots should be retained. If a selection for "Retain additional snapshots" (see above) was made, this parameter must also be specified. Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.
    .PARAMETER OffloadReplicationBlackoutFrom
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Define a timespan for which replication is suspended or "blacked out". The asynchronous replication process stops during the blackout period. When the blackout period starts, replication processes that are still in progress will not be interrupted. Instead, Purity//FA will wait until the in-progress snapshot replication is complete before it observes the blackout period. This value dictates when the blackout period begins.
    .PARAMETER OffloadReplicationBlackoutTo
      Optional. Snapshot offload protection placement capability. Define a timespan for which replication is suspended or "blacked out". The asynchronous replication process stops during the blackout period. When the blackout period starts, replication processes that are still in progress will not be interrupted. Instead, Purity//FA will wait until the in-progress snapshot replication is complete before it observes the blackout period. This value dictates when the blackout period ends and replication jobs can be initiated again.
    .PARAMETER DefaultProtectionOptout
      Optional. Default protection opt-out placement capability. Whether should new volumes be placed in default protection groups. If not provided, new volumes will be placed in default protection groups.
      AVS Cloud Name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
      AVS Resource Group
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
      Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.

      Creates the default SPBM policy that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols. Default generated name and description.
      New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatPolicy `
      -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Creates a SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols. Default generated description.
      New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatReplicationPolicy -ReplicationInterval 7200 -ReplicationEnabled "yes" -ReplicationConcurrency 2 `
      -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Creates a replication-type SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols, replicated every 2 hours to at least two other Pure Cloud Block Stores. Default generated description.

      New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatReplicationPolicy -SourcePureCloudBlockStores "MyArrayOne,MyArrayTwo" `
      -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

      Creates a SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on the specific Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols.


        [String]$PolicyDescription = "Pure Storage Cloud Block Store vVol storage policy default description",























        [ValidateSet("s3", "nfs", "azure")]



        [ValidateSet("-", "12am", "1am", "2am", "3am", "4am", "5am", "6am", "7am", "8am", "9am", "10am", "11am", "12pm", "1pm", "2pm", "3pm", "4pm", "5pm", "6pm", "7pm", "8pm", "9pm", "10pm", "11pm")]




        [ValidateSet("-", "12am", "1am", "2am", "3am", "4am", "5am", "6am", "7am", "8am", "9am", "10am", "11am", "12pm", "1pm", "2pm", "3pm", "4pm", "5pm", "6pm", "7pm", "8pm", "9pm", "10pm", "11pm")]

        [ValidateSet("-", "12am", "1am", "2am", "3am", "4am", "5am", "6am", "7am", "8am", "9am", "10am", "11am", "12pm", "1pm", "2pm", "3pm", "4pm", "5pm", "6pm", "7pm", "8pm", "9pm", "10pm", "11pm")]




        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10
    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Create storage policy" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    New-VvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName $PolicyName -PolicyDescription $PolicyDescription -SourcePureCloudBlockStores $SourcePureCloudBlockStores -ReplicationEnabled $ReplicationEnabled -ReplicationInterval $ReplicationInterval -ReplicationRetentionInterval $ReplicationRetentionInterval `
    -ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled -ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotInterval $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotInterval -ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval -ReplicationConcurrency $ReplicationConcurrency -ReplicationRansomwareProtection $ReplicationRansomwareProtection `
    -TargetPureCloudBlockStores $TargetPureCloudBlockStores -ConsistencyGroupName $ConsistencyGroupName -PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit $PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit -PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit $PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit `
    -PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit $PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit -PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit $PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit -VolumeTaggingKey $VolumeTaggingKey -VolumeTaggingValue $VolumeTaggingValue -VolumeTaggingCopyable $VolumeTaggingCopyable `
    -PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotInterval $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotInterval -PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionInterval -PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalSnapshots $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalSnapshots -PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalDays $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetainAdditionalDays `
    -OffloadType $OffloadType -OffloadTargetNames $OffloadTargetNames -OffloadReplicationInterval $OffloadReplicationInterval -OffloadOffloadReplicationTime $OffloadOffloadReplicationTime -OffloadRetentionInterval $OffloadRetentionInterval -OffloadRetainAdditionalSnapshots $OffloadRetainAdditionalSnapshots -OffloadRetainAdditionalDays $OffloadRetainAdditionalDays -OffloadReplicationBlackoutFrom $OffloadReplicationBlackoutFrom -OffloadReplicationBlackoutTo $OffloadReplicationBlackoutTo -DefaultProtectionOptout $DefaultProtectionOptout `
    -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -vCenterServer $vCenterServer -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "Storage policy '$PolicyName' is successfully created"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Remove-PCBSStoragePolicy {
     Remove a Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy
     Remove a Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy using policy name. The policy must be unused and belong to Pure
     SPBM policy name
    .PARAMETER PolicyName
     Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy name
     AVS cloud name
    .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
     AVS Resource group name
    .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
      Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
     Remove-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myPolicyName -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Remove storage policy" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    Remove-VvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName $PolicyName -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                            -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "Storage policy '$PolicyName' is successfully removed"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Start-PCBSFailover {
    Issue test failover or failover operation against "Target" replication group.
    Issue test failover or failover operation against replication group. Must be run on a "Target" Replication Group.
  .PARAMETER TargetReplicationGroupID
    Target VMWare Replication Group Id to be used on failover. Must be a "Target" Replication Group.
  .PARAMETER PointInTimeReplicaName
    Optional. Point in time replica name to failover to. If not provided, the latest replica will be used.
  .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name where failover VMs will be created.
    Optional. Indicates whether to or not to power on created VMs. If not provided the VM(s) will be powered on.
  .PARAMETER TestFailover
    Optional. Indicates whether to actually perform a failover(false) or to only perform a test failover(true). If not provided will only perform failover test.
    AVS cloud name. The target AVS instance where the failover will be performed.
  .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name.
  .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
    Start-PCBSFailover -TargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername -TestFailover $true -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Issues test failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", and group replication state will be set to "InTest"
    Start-PCBSFailover -TargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername -PowerOn $true -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Issues failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", VMs created will be powered on, and group replication state will be set to "FailedOver"
    Start-PCBSFailover -TargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername -PowerOn $true -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Issues Failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", new VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", VMs created will be powered on, and group replication state will be set to "FailedOver"

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateRange(5, 60)]
        [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10
    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Start failover" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    Start-VvolReplicationGroupFailover -ReplicationGroupID $TargetReplicationGroupID -PointInTimeReplicaName $PointInTimeReplicaName -ClusterName $ClusterName -PowerOn $PowerOn -TestFailover $TestFailover -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                                        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "Replication group '$TargetReplicationGroupID' successfully failovered to cluster '$ClusterName'"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Sync-PCBSReplicationGroup {
    Synchronize a replication group. Must be run on a "Target" Replication Group.
    Synchronize a replication group. Triggers an on demand snapshot replication job. Must be run on a "Target" Replication Group.
  .PARAMETER TargetReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id that was used on the test failover
  .PARAMETER PointInTimeReplicaName
    Optional. Point in time replica name to sync to. If not provided, a generated name "Sync-*" will be used.
    AVS cloud name
  .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name
  .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
    Sync-PCBSReplicationGroup -TargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -PointInTimeReplicaName myReplicaName -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Synchronizes a replication group specified by id "myGroupId". An on demand snapshot replication job will be triggered on array


      [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [ValidateRange(5, 60) ]
      [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10
    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Start Replication Group sync" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    if (-not $PointInTimeReplicaName) {
      $PointInTimeReplicaName = "Sync-$([guid]::newguid())"
    Sync-VvolReplicationGroup -ReplicationGroupID $TargetReplicationGroupID -PointInTimeReplicaName $PointInTimeReplicaName -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                      -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "Replication group '$TargetReplicationGroupID' is successfully synced to point in time replica '$PointInTimeReplicaName'"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Stop-PCBSFailoverTest {
    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group
    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group. Must be used on a "InTest" Replication Group
  .PARAMETER InTestTargetReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id that was used on the test failover
    AVS cloud name
  .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name
  .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes

    Stop-PCBSFailoverTest -InTestReplicationGroupID myGroupId -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be stopped and deleted and group replication state will be set to "Target"


      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [ValidateRange(5, 60) ]
      [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10
    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Stop failover test" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    Stop-VvolReplicationGroupFailoverTest -ReplicationGroupID $InTestTargetReplicationGroupID -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                                              -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "Failover test associated with Replication group '$InTestTargetReplicationGroupID' is successfully stopped"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Start-PCBSFailoverCleanup {
    Cleans up the original source site after failing over to a new site.
    Cleans up the original source site after failing over to a new site. Must be run on source site. Will stop and unregister VMs protected by replication group.
  .PARAMETER SourceReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id for source group used on the failover
  .PARAMETER RemoveFromDisk
    Optional. Indicates whether to remove VMs from disk.
    AVS cloud name
  .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name
    Start-PCBSFailoverCleanup -SourceReplicationGroupID myGroupId -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Will stop and unregister VMs protected by replication group identified by "myGroupId".



      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Clean up original source site after failover" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    Start-VvolCleanupSourceReplicationGroupForFailover -ReplicationGroupID $SourceReplicationGroupID -RemoveFromDisk $RemoveFromDisk -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                                                       -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

    Write-Host "The original source site '$SourceReplicationGroupID' is successfully cleaned up"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Start-PCBSFailoverReverse {
    Reverse replication on a FailedOver replication group and reprotect by assigning a storage policy to affected objects
    Reverse replication on a FailedOver replication group and reprotect by assigning a storage policy to affected objects. Must be used on a FailedOver Replication Group. The Failedover Replication Group will become "Source"
  .PARAMETER FailedoverTargetReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id that was used on failover
  .PARAMETER PolicyName
    Optional. Policy Name to be used to reprotect objects.
    AVS cloud name
  .PARAMETER AVSResourceGroup
    AVS resource group name
  .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
    Optional. Timeout in minutes for RunCommand operations.
    Start-PCBSFailoverReverse -FailedoverTargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Reprotect replication group specified by id "myGroupId", and sets objects storage policy to the default "VVol No Requirements Policy"
    Start-PCBSFailoverReverse -FailedoverTargetReplicationGroupID myGroupId -PolicyName PolicyName -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup
    Reprotect replication group specified by id "myGroupId", and sets objects storage policy to "PolicyName"



      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [ValidateRange(5, 60) ]
      [int]$TimeoutInMinutes = 10
    Write-Warning $VVOL_WARNIING
    Write-Progress -Activity "Reprotect replication group" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName

    Start-VvolReprotectReplicationGroup -ReplicationGroupID $FailedoverTargetReplicationGroupID -PolicyName $PolicyName -vCenterServer $vCenterServer `
                                        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes

    Write-Host "The FailedOver replication group '$FailedoverTargetReplicationGroupID' is successfully reprotected"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -Completed
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Fully remove a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor deployment from Azure infrastructure

Fully remove a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor deployment from Azure infrastructure. The resource group and its resources will be destroyed. The vNet subnet used by the monitor will also be remove from the vNet.

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

 .PARAMETER RemoveSubnet
Optional. Indicates whether to remove the subnet used by the monitor from the vNet. If not provided, the subnet will not be removed.

Remove-PCBSAVSMonitor -MonitorResourceGroup "myAVSMonitorResourceGroup"

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Remove-PCBSAVSMonitor {
    Param (


    $params = @{
      MonitorResourceGroup = $MonitorResourceGroup
      MonitorType = "host"
      RemoveSubnet = $RemoveSubnet

    Remove-Monitor @params

Deploy or update a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor to Azure infrastructure

Deploy or update a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor to Azure infrastructure. The monitor will scan periodically for AVS Cluster/Host changes and will make sure to change iSCSI configuration accordingly.

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
Resource group to host monitor infrastructure components. The resource group will be created if not exists

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroupRegion
Resource group region to host monitor infrastructure components.

AVS cloud name

AVS Resource group name

An existing VNet name. The VNey specified should have access to AVS as well as Pure Storage Cloud Block Store (CBS) array.

.PARAMETER VNetResourceGroup
VNet REsourceGroup

.PARAMETER VNetSubnetAddress
The VNet subnet address range in CIDR notation (e.g. It must be contained by the address space of the virtual network.

If VNetSubnetAddress is specified, then VnetSubnetName can be optionaly used to specify a new subnet name otherwise it is existing VNet subnet name.

.PARAMETER MonitorIntervalInMinute
Optional. The default monitor interval is 10 minutes.

.PARAMETER RunCommandTimeoutInMinute
Optional. The default timeout for RunCommand operations is 10 minutes.

Deploy-PCBSAVSMonitor -AVSCloudName "my-avs" -AVSResourceGroup "avs-resourcegroup" `
              -MonitorResourceGroup "NewResourceGroup" -MonitorResourceGroupRegion "westus2" -VNetName "my-vnet" -VNetResourceGroup "vnet-resourcegroup" -VNetSubnetAddress ""

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Deploy-PCBSAVSMonitor {
    Param (




    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewSubnet', Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExistingSubnet', Mandatory=$true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewSubnet', Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [ValidateScript({ $_ -ge 10 }, ErrorMessage = "The minimum interval for the monitor is 10 minutes.")]
    [ValidateScript({ $_ -le 60 }, ErrorMessage = "The maximum interval for the monitor is 60 minutes.")]
    [int]$MonitorIntervalInMinute = 10,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [ValidateRange(10, 60)]
    [int] $RunCommandTimeoutInMinute = $DEFAULT_RUNCOMMAND_TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTE

  $params = @{
    MonitorResourceGroup       = $MonitorResourceGroup
    MonitorResourceGroupRegion = $MonitorResourceGroupRegion
    AVSCloudName               = $AVSCloudName
    AVSResourceGroup           = $AVSResourceGroup
    VNetName                   = $VNetName
    VNetResourceGroup          = $VNetResourceGroup
    MonitorIntervalInMinute    = $MonitorIntervalInMinute
    MonitorType                = "host"
    DefaultRunCommandTimeoutInMinute = $RunCommandTimeoutInMinute
  $paramSetName = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
  if ($paramSetName -eq "NewSubnet") {
    $params.Add("VNetSubnetAddress", $VNetSubnetAddress)
    if ($VNetSubnetName) {
      $params.Add("VNetSubnetName", $VNetSubnetName)
  else {
    $params.Add("VNetSubnetName", $VNetSubnetName)
  Deploy-MonitoringResource @params

Deploy or update a Pure Storage CBS Capacity monitor

Deploy or update a Pure Storage CBS Capacity monitor to Azure infrastructure.
The monitor will scan periodically for CBS space utilization and will automatically request expanding the storage if the utilization reaches pre-defined threshold

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
Resource group to host monitor infrastructure components. The resource group will be created if not exists

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroupRegion
Resource group region to host monitor infrastructure components.

An existing VNet name. The VNey specified should have access to AVS as well as Pure Storage Cloud Block Store (CBS) array.

.PARAMETER VNetResourceGroup
VNet REsourceGroup

.PARAMETER VNetSubnetAddress
The VNet subnet address range in CIDR notation (e.g. It must be contained by the address space of the virtual network.

If VNetSubnetAddress is specified, then VnetSubnetName can be optionaly used to specify a new subnet name otherwise it is existing VNet subnet name.

.PARAMETER DefaultUtilizationThreshold
Optional. The default utilization threshold is 80%.

.PARAMETER MonitorIntervalInMinute
Optional. The default monitor interval is 10 minutes.

Deploy-PCBSCapacityMonitor -MonitorResourceGroup "NewResourceGroup" -MonitorResourceGroupRegion "westus2" `
             -VNetName "my-vnet" -VNetResourceGroup "vnet-resourcegroup" -VNetSubnetAddress ""

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Deploy-PCBSCapacityMonitor {


    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


      [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewSubnet', Mandatory=$true)]

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExistingSubnet', Mandatory=$true)]
      [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NewSubnet', Mandatory=$false)]

      [ValidateRange(1, 100)]
      [int] $DefaultUtilizationThreshold = $DEFAULT_UTILIZATIOn_THRESHOLD,

      [ValidateScript({ $_ -ge 10 }, ErrorMessage = "The minimum interval for the monitor is 10 minutes.")]
      [ValidateScript({ $_ -le 60 }, ErrorMessage = "The maximum interval for the monitor is 60 minutes.")]
      [int]$MonitorIntervalInMinute = 30

  $params = @{
    MonitorResourceGroup        = $MonitorResourceGroup
    MonitorResourceGroupRegion  = $MonitorResourceGroupRegion
    VNetName                    = $VNetName
    VNetResourceGroup           = $VNetResourceGroup
    MonitorIntervalInMinute     = $MonitorIntervalInMinute
    DefaultUtilizationThreshold = $DefaultUtilizationThreshold
    MonitorType                 = "capacity"
  $paramSetName = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
  if ($paramSetName -eq "NewSubnet") {
    $params.Add("VNetSubnetAddress", $VNetSubnetAddress)
    if ($VNetSubnetName) {
      $params.Add("VNetSubnetName", $VNetSubnetName)
  else {
    $params.Add("VNetSubnetName", $VNetSubnetName)
  Deploy-MonitoringResource @params

List the existing Pure Cloud Block Store in the Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

List the existing Pure Cloud Block Store in the Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

Get-PCBSAVSMonitorArray -MonitorResourceGroup myMonitor

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Get-PCBSAVSMonitorArray {
    Param (
    $ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $MonitorResourceGroup

    if (-not $ResourceGroup) {
        throw "Resource group $MonitorResourceGroupdoes not exist"

    if (-not $ResourceGroup.Tags["PureStorage.CBS.AVS"]) {
        throw "Resouce group $MonitorResourceGroup specified does not host Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor"

    $UserPrincipalName = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id
    $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $MonitorResourceGroup
    Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName  -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -PermissionsToSecrets set,delete,get,purge,list

    $Arrays = @()
    $Secrets = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName | where-object {$_.Name -like "*-$($KeyVault.VaultName)-username"}
    foreach ($Secret in $Secrets) {
        $ArrayName = ($Secret.name -Split "-$($KeyVault.VaultName)-username")[0]
        # If the string matches the format like "172-168-1-0", the array ip addressed was processed because secret name does not allow "."
        if ($ArrayName -match "^\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+$") {
            $ArrayName = $ArrayName.Replace("-", ".")
        $Arrays += $ArrayName

    return $Arrays

Add a Pure Cloud Block Store to an existing Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

Add a Pure Cloud Block Store to an existing Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor. If the Pure Block store already exists, it will be overwritten

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
Pure Cloud Block Store endpoint address

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
Pure Cloud Block Store credential

Optional. If specified, the cmdlet will not throw error if the Pure Cloud Block Store cannot be verified

Add-PCBSAVSMonitorArray -MonitorResourceGroup myMonitorGroup -PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint myArray -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Add-PCBSAVSMonitorArray {
    Param (




    $params = @{
      MonitorResourceGroup = $MonitorResourceGroup
      PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint = $PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
      PureCloudBlockStoreCredential = $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
      MonitorType = "host"

    if ($Force) {
        $params.Add("Force", $Force)

    Add-MonitorArray @params

Remove an existing Pure Cloud Block Store from a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

Remove an existing Pure Cloud Block Store from a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor. If the Pure Block store already exists, it will be overwritten

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
Pure Cloud Block Store endpoint address

Remove-PCBSAVSMonitorArray -MonitorResourceGroup myMonitorGroup -PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint myArray

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Remove-PCBSAVSMonitorArray {
    Param (


    $params = @{
      MonitorResourceGroup = $MonitorResourceGroup
      MonitorType = "host"
      PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint = $PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
    Remove-MonitorArray @params

Fully remove a Pure Storage CBS Capacity monitor deployment from Azure infrastructure

Fully remove a Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor deployment from Azure infrastructure. The resource group and its resources will be destroyed. The vNet subnet used by the monitor will also be remove from the vNet.

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

 .PARAMETER RemoveSubnet
Optional. Indicates whether to remove the subnet used by the monitor from the vNet. If not provided, the subnet will not be removed.

Remove-PCBSCapacityMonitor -MonitorResourceGroup "myCapacityMonitorResourceGroup"

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Remove-PCBSCapacityMonitor {
    Param (


    $params = @{
      MonitorResourceGroup = $MonitorResourceGroup
      MonitorType = "capacity"
      RemoveSubnet = $RemoveSubnet

    Remove-Monitor @params

Add a Pure Cloud Block Store to an existing Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor

Add a Pure Cloud Block Store to an existing Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor. If the Pure Block store already exists, it will be overwritten

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup to host monitor infrastructure components

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
Pure Cloud Block Store endpoint address

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
Pure Cloud Block Store credential

.PARAMETER UtilizationThreshold
Optional. The utilization threshold for the Pure Cloud Block Store. If not provided, the default threshold will be used.

Optional. If specified, the cmdlet will not throw error if the Pure Cloud Block Store cannot be verified

Add-PCBSCapacityMonitorArray -MonitorResourceGroup myMonitorGroup -PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint myArray -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential) `
                             -UtilizationThreshold 80

Must be logged in to Azure (using Connect-AzAccount) before running this cmdlet

function Add-PCBSCapacityMonitorArray {
  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [int] $UtilizationThreshold,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

  $params = @{
    MonitorResourceGroup          = $MonitorResourceGroup
    PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint   = $PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
    PureCloudBlockStoreCredential = $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    MonitorType                   = "capacity"

  if ($UtilizationThreshold) {
    $params.Add("UtilizationThreshold", $UtilizationThreshold)

  if ($Force) {
    $params.Add("Force", $Force)

  Add-MonitorArray @params

Get metadata of a Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor

Get metadata of a Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup that hosts monitor infrastructure components

function Get-PCBSCapacityMonitor {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  Get-Monitor -MonitorResourceGroup $MonitorResourceGroup -MonitorType "capacity"

  return $result

Get metadata of a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

Get metadata of a Pure Storage CBS AVS monitor

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup that hosts monitor infrastructure components

function Get-PCBSAVSMonitor {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  Get-Monitor -MonitorResourceGroup $MonitorResourceGroup -MonitorType "host"

  return $result

Remove an existing Pure Cloud Block Store from a Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor

Remove an existing Pure Cloud Block Store from a Pure Storage CBS capacity monitor.

.PARAMETER MonitorResourceGroup
ResourceGroup that hosts the monitor infrastructure components

.PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint
Pure Cloud Block Store endpoint address

function Remove-PCBSCapacityMonitorArray {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $params = @{
    MonitorResourceGroup        = $MonitorResourceGroup
    MonitorType                 = "capacity"
    PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint = $PureCloudBlockStoreEndpoint

  Remove-MonitorArray @params

Test the availability of a RunCommand package

Test the availability of a RunCommand package

.PARAMETER RunCommandPackageName
The name of the RunCommand package

.PARAMETER RunCommandPackageVersion
The version of the RunCommand package

The name of the AVS cloud

The name of the AVS resource group

function Test-PCBSRunCommandPackageAvailability {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $RunCommandPackageName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $RunCommandPackageVersion,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AVSCloudName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AVSResourceGroup

  $SubscriptionId = Get-DefaultAzureSubscriptionId
  Write-Host "Using Azure default subscription: $SubscriptionId..."

  Test-RunCommandPackageAvailability -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -RunCommandModule $RunCommandPackageName -RunCommandPackageVersion $RunCommandPackageVersion -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup

Clear iSCSI targets on a VMHost(s)

Clear iSCSI targets on a VMHost. The function will clean iSCSI targets on the VMHost provided (or all VMHosts in the cluster if no VMHost is specified).
If no ScsiIpAddress, the function will clear all disconnected iSCSI targets on the VMHost(s).

The name of the AVS cloud

The name of the AVS resource group

.PARAMETER ClusterName
The name of the cluster

The name of the VMHost

.PARAMETER ScsiIpAddress
The iSCSI address of the target

function Clear-PCBSiSCSITargets {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AVSCloudName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [String] $AVSResourceGroup,

    [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]

    [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]

  Write-Progress -Activity "Clearing iSCSI targets" -Status "0% Complete:" -PercentComplete 1

  try {
    $vCenterServer = Connect-AVSvCenter -AVSResourceGroupName $AVSResourceGroup -AVSPrivateCloudName $AVSCloudName
    $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName
    if (-not $Cluster) {
      throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist"

    $params = @{
      ClusterName = $ClusterName
    if ($VMHostName) {
      $params["VMHostName"] = $VMHostName

    if ($ScsiIpAddress) {
      $params["ISCSIAddress"] = $ScsiIpAddress
      Invoke-RunScript -RunCommandName  "Remove-VMHostStaticiSCSITargets" -RunCommandModule "Microsoft.AVS.VMFS" -Parameters $params `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
    else {
      Invoke-RunScript -RunCommandName  "Clear-DisconnectedIscsiTargets" -RunCommandModule "Microsoft.AVS.VMFS" -Parameters $params `
        -AVSCloudName $AVSCloudName -AVSResourceGroup $AVSResourceGroup -TimeoutInMinutes $TimeoutInMinutes
  catch {
    Write-Progress -Activity "Error" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100
  Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  Write-Progress -Activity "Operation is done" -Status "100% Complete:" -PercentComplete 100

Export-ModuleMember -Function Build-PCBSCluster
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PCBSVmfsDatastore
Export-ModuleMember -Function Restore-PCBSVmfsDatastore
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSVmfsDatastore
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-PCBSVmfsCapacity
Export-ModuleMember -Function Deploy-PCBSAVSMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSAVSMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-PCBSAVSMonitorArray
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSAVSMonitorArray
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PCBSAVSMonitorArray
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PCBSAVSMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PCBSVvolDataStore
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSVvolDataStore
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PCBSVASAProvider
Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-PCBSVASAProvider
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PCBSStoragePolicy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSStoragePolicy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PCBSFailover
Export-ModuleMember -Function Stop-PCBSFailoverTest
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PCBSFailoverCleanup
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-PCBSFailoverReverse
Export-ModuleMember -Function Sync-PCBSReplicationGroup
Export-ModuleMember -Function Deploy-PCBSCapacityMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSCapacityMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-PCBSCapacityMonitorArray
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PCBSCapacityMonitor
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-PCBSCapacityMonitorArray
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-PCBSRunCommandPackageAvailability
Export-ModuleMember -Function Clear-PCBSiSCSITargets
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-PCBSiSCSIConnection
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-PCBSVASAConnection
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-PCBSAVSConnectionFromCBS
Export-ModuleMember -Function Sync-PCBSClusterVMHostStorage

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# Fpsfe2vSo3toZXer2LEsP9NyBjJcW6xQZywlTVYGNvzBYkx9fYYWlZpdVLpQ0LB/
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# SIG # End signature block