
using module Microsoft.AVS.Management
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

 . $PSScriptRoot/CommonUtil.ps1
 . $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.SPBM.ps1
 . $PSScriptRoot/PureStorage.CBS.AVS.Replication.ps1

function Build-PCBSCluster {
    Build or update settings for a cluster of ESXi servers

    Build or update settings for a cluster of ESXi servers. Creates a hostgroup in Pure Cloud Block Store if it does not exists and
    updates iSCSI settings. Can be used when creating a new cluster or when adding hosts to a cluster.

    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreAddress
    Pure Cloud Block Store IP address or FQDN

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    Pure Cloud BlockStore Credentials

    Build-PCBSCluster -ClusterName "mycluster" -PureCloudBlockStoreAddress $endpoint -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)


    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]




    $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName
    if (-not $cluster) {
        throw "Could not find cluster '$ClusterName'..."

    $fa = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $PureCloudBlockStoreAddress -Credential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -IgnoreCertificateError

    $updated_hosts = New-PCBSHostGroupfromVcCluster -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $cluster
    Remove-PCBSUnusedHosts -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $cluster | Out-Null

    foreach ($esxHostName in $updated_hosts) {

        $ESXHost = Get-VMHost -Name $esxHostName
        Write-Host "Removing static iSCSI targets for $ESXHost ..."
        Remove-PCBSStaticiSCSITargets -esxi $ESXHost
        Write-Host "Rescanning HBA for $ESXHost ..."
        Get-VMHostStorage -VMHost $ESXHost -RescanAllHba | Out-Null

function New-PCBSVVolDataStore {

    Mount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    Mount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name

    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
    Datastore name

    .PARAMETER UseDefaultStore
    Indicates whether to use default root container

     .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreAddress
    Pure Cloud Block Store IP address or FQDN

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    Pure Cloud BlockStore Credentials

    New-PCBSVVolDataStore -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName "myDatastore" -PureCloudBlockStoreAddress $endpoint -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)


    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]


        [bool] $UseDefaultStore,



    $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $Cluster) {
        throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."

    $fa = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $PureCloudBlockStoreAddress -Credential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -IgnoreCertificateError
    $datastore = Mount-PCBSVvolDatastore -DatastoreName $DatastoreName -Cluster $Cluster -FlashArray $fa -FlashArrayCredential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -UseDefaultStore $UseDefaultStore
    if ("Available" -ne $datastore.State -or -not $datastore.Accessible) {
      throw "The datastore '$($datastore.Name)' is either not available or not acessible."

function Remove-PCBSVVolDataStore {
    UnMount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    UnMount a vVol datastore on all of the hosts in the cluster.

    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name

    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
    Datastore name

    Remove-PCBSVVolDataStore -ClusterName "mycluster" -DatastoreName "myDatastore"

    General notes

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]


    $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $Cluster) {
        throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."
    $Datastore = Get-Datastore -Name $DatastoreName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $Datastore) {
        throw "Datastore ($DatastoreName) does not exist."

    if ("VVOL" -ne $Datastore.Type) {
        throw "Datastore $DatastoreName is of type $($Datastore.Type). This cmdlet can only process VVol datastores"
    $VMHosts = $Cluster | Get-VMHost
    foreach ($VMHost in $VMHosts) {
        Write-Host "Removing datastore $DatastoreName from $($VMHost.Name)..."
        Remove-Datastore -Datastore $Datastore -VMHost $VMHost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

function New-PCBSVASAProvider {
    Register Pure Cloud Block Store VASA providers with vCenter

    Register Pure Cloud Block Store VASA providers for all array controllers with vCenter. If a VASA provider has a certificate problem, it will be created

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreAddress
    Pure Cloud Block Store IP address or FQDN

    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
    Pure Cloud BlockStore Credentials

    New-PCBSVASAProvider -PureCloudBlockStoreAddress $endpoint -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)


    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]


    $FlashArray = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $PureCloudBlockStoreAddress -Credential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -IgnoreCertificateError
    $vasaProviders = Update-PCBSVASAProvider -FlashArray $FlashArray -FlashArrayCredential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential

    $NamedOutputs = @{}
    $index = 0;
    foreach ($vasaProvider in $vasaProviders){
      $NamedOutputs["CreatedVASAProvider$index"] = $vasaProvider.Name
      $index = $index+1

    Set-Variable -Name NamedOutputs -Value $NamedOutputs -Scope Global

function New-PCBSStoragePolicy {
    Creates a new Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy
    Creates a new Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy with specified capabilities
    New storage policy
  .PARAMETER PolicyName
    Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy name
  .PARAMETER PolicyDescription
    Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy description
  .PARAMETER SourcePureCloudBlockStores
    Name of one or more Pure Cloud Block Store to use. Use comma as seperater if there are multiple names
  .PARAMETER ReplicationEnabled
    Replication capability rule. The input value could be yes, no or empty
  .PARAMETER ReplicationIntervalSeconds
    Replication capability rule. Protection group remote snapshot creation interval in seconds
  .PARAMETER ReplicationRetentionShortSeconds
    Replication capability rule. Protection group remote snapshot retention interval in seconds
  .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled
    Replication capability rule. The input value could be yes, no or empty
  .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds
    Replication capability rule. Protection group local snapshot creation interval in seconds
  .PARAMETER ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds
    Replication capability rule. Protection group local snapshot retention interval in seconds
  .PARAMETER ReplicationConcurrency
    Replication capability rule. The number of target Pure Cloud Block Store to replicate to at once
  .PARAMETER TargetPureCloudBlockStores
    Replication capability rule. Names of specific Pure Cloud Block Store desired as replication targets. Use comma as seperater if there are multiple names
  .PARAMETER ConsistencyGroupName
    Replication capability rule. A Pure Cloud Block Store protection group name
  .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit
    QoS placement capability rule. IOPS limit get applied to per virtual disk
  .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit
    QoS placement capability rule. IOPS limit unit (K, M, or -)
  .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit
    QoS placement capability rule. Bandwidth limit get applied to per virtual disk
  .PARAMETER PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit
    QoS placement capability rule. Bandwidth limit unit (KB/s, MB/s or GB/s)
  .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingKey
    Volume tagging placement capability. Volumes with this policy will be tagged with the key
  .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingValue
    Volume tagging placement capability. Volumes with this policy will be tagged with the value
  .PARAMETER VolumeTaggingCopyable
    Volume tagging placement capability. When set to yes, any volume copies of this volume will receive the tag
  .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds
    Local snapshot protection placement capability. Snapshots will be taken in the specified interval in seconds
  .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds
    Local snapshot protection placement capability. Snapshots will be retained for the timespan in seconds
  .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalSnapshots
    Local snapshot protection placement capability. Optional additional retention: After the retention timespan specified above is up, a number of snapshots will be selected, evenly spaced out, from the last retention timespan. This parameter specifies the number of snapshots to select from the last retention timespan. These snapshots will be retained for a number of additional days (see parameter below). Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.
  .PARAMETER PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalDays
    Local snapshot protection placement capability. Optional additional retention: This parameter specifies the number of days that additional snapshots should be retained. If a selection for "Retain additional snapshots" (see above) was made, this parameter must also be specified. Leave this parameter as "0" if additional retention is not required.

    Creates the default SPBM policy that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols. Default generated name and description.
    New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatPolicy

    Creates a SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols. Default generated description.
    New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatReplicationPolicy -ReplicationIntervalSeconds 7200 -ReplicationEnabled "yes" -ReplicationConcurrency 2

    Creates a replication-type SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on a Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols, replicated every 2 hours to at least two other Pure Cloud Block Stores. Default generated description.

    New-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myGreatReplicationPolicy -SourcePureCloudBlockStores "MyArrayOne,MyArrayTwo"

    Creates a SPBM policy with the specified name that indicates a VM should be on the specific Pure Cloud Block Store using vVols.

  [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

        [int]$ReplicationIntervalSeconds = 0,
        [int]$ReplicationRetentionShortSeconds = 0,
        [int]$ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds = 0,
        [int]$ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds = 0,




        [int]$PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds = 0,
        [int]$PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds = 0,

    $params = @{
       PolicyName = $PolicyName
       PolicyDescription = $PolicyDescription

       ReplicationEnabled = $ReplicationEnabled
       ReplicationIntervalSeconds = $ReplicationIntervalSeconds
       ReplicationRetentionShortSeconds = $ReplicationRetentionShortSeconds
       ReplicationConcurrency = $ReplicationConcurrency
       ConsistencyGroupName = $ConsistencyGroupName

       ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled = $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotEnabled
       ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds = $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds
       ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds = $ReplicationRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds

       PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit = $PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimit
       PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit = $PerVirtualDiskIOPSLimitUnit
       PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit = $PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimit
       PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit = $PerVirtualDiskBandwidthLimitUnit

       VolumeTaggingKey = $VolumeTaggingKey
       VolumeTaggingValue = $VolumeTaggingValue
       VolumeTaggingCopyable = $VolumeTaggingCopyable

       PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds = $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotIntervalSeconds
       PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds = $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotRetentionShortSeconds
       PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalSnapshots = $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalSnapshots
       PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalDays = $PlacementRuleLocalSnapshotForAdditionalDays

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourcePureCloudBlockStores')) {
        $params['SourceFlashArrays'] = $SourcePureCloudBlockStores
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TargetPureCloudBlockStores')) {
        $params['TargetFlashArrays'] = $TargetPureCloudBlockStores

    New-PfaVvolStoragePolicy @params

function Remove-PCBSStoragePolicy {
      Remove a Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy
      Remove a Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy using policy name. The policy must be unused and belong to Pure
      SPBM policy name
    .PARAMETER PolicyName
      Pure Cloud Block Store vVol Storage Policy name
      Remove-PCBSStoragePolicy -PolicyName myPolicyName

  [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

  return (Remove-PfaVvolStoragePolicy -PolicyName $PolicyName)

function New-PCBSVmfsFromSnapshot {
      Mounts a copy of a VMFS datastore to a VMware cluster from a Pure Cloud BlockStore snapshot.
      Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding Pure Cloud BlockStore, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
      Cluster name
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreAddress
      Pure Cloud Block Store IP address or FQDN
    .PARAMETER PureCloudBlockStoreCredential
      Pure Cloud BlockStore Credentials
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
      Datastore name
      New-PCBSVmfsFromSnapshot -ClusterName myClusterName -SnapshotName mySnapshotName -PureCloudBlockStoreAddress $endpoint -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)

      Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding Pure Cloud BlockStore, and a cluster. The VMFS copy will be resignatured and mounted.
      New-PCBSVmfsFromSnapshot -ClusterName myClusterName -SnapshotName mySnapshotName -DatastoreName myDataStoreName -PureCloudBlockStoreAddress $endpoint -PureCloudBlockStoreCredential (Get-Credential)

      Takes in a snapshot name, the corresponding Pure Cloud BlockStore, the specified datastore name, and a cluster. The VMFS copy with the specified name will be resignatured and mounted.
      Pure Cloud BlockStore connection, a snapshotName, and a cluster.
      Returns the new datastore.

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]
    Param (





    $Cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -ErrorAction Ignore
    if (-not $Cluster) {
        throw "Cluster $ClusterName does not exist."

    $fa = Connect-Pfa2Array -EndPoint $PureCloudBlockStoreAddress -Credential $PureCloudBlockStoreCredential -IgnoreCertificateError
    New-PfaVmfsFromSnapshot -FlashArray $fa -Cluster $cluster -SnapName $SnapshotName -VolumeName $DatastoreName | Out-Null

function Start-PCBSFailover {
    Issue test failover or failover operation against replication group
    Issue test failover or failover operation against replication group. Must be run on a "Target" Replication Group.
  .PARAMETER ReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id to be used on failover
  .PARAMETER ClusterName
    Cluster name where failover VMs will be created
    (bool) Indicates whether to or not to power on created VMs
  .PARAMETER Failover
    (bool) Indicates whether to actually perform a failover(true) or to only perform a test failover(false)
    Start-PCBSFailover -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername

    Issues test failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", and group replication state will be set to "InTest"
    Start-PCBSFailover -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername -PowerOn $true

    Issues test failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", VMs created will be powered on, and group replication state will be set to "InTest"
    Start-PCBSFailover -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId -ClusterName myclustername -PowerOn $true Failover $true

    Issues Failover on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", new VMs will be created under cluster "myclustername", VMs created will be powered on, and group replication state will be set to "FailedOver"

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

    Start-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailover -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID -ClusterName $ClusterName -PowerOn $PowerOn -Failover $Failover

function Stop-PCBSFailoverTest {
    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group
    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group. Must be used on a "InTest" Replication Group
  .PARAMETER ReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id that was used on the test failover
    Stop-PCBSFailover -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId

    Stops a test failover that was started on replication group specified by id "myGroupId", test VMs will be stopped and deleted and group replication state will be set to "Target"

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

    Stop-PCBSVvolReplicationGroupFailoverTest -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID

function Start-PCBSFailoverCleanup {
    Cleans up the original source site after failing over to a new site.
    Cleans up the original source site after failing over to a new site. Must be run on source site. Will stop and unregister VMs protected by replication group.
  .PARAMETER ReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id for source group used on the failover
    Start-PCBSFailoverCleanup -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId

    Will stop and unregister VMs protected by replication group identified by "myGroupId".

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

    Start-PCBSVvolCleanupSourceReplicationGroupForFailover -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID -RemoveFromDisk $RemoveFromDisk

function Start-PCBSReprotect {
    Reverse replication on a FailedOver replication group and reprotect by assigning a storage policy to affected objects
    Reverse replication on a FailedOver replication group and reprotect by assigning a storage policy to affected objects. Must be used on a FailedOver Replication Group.
  .PARAMETER ReplicationGroupID
    Replication Group Id that was used on failover
  .PARAMETER PolicyName
    Policy Name to be used to reprotect objects
    Affected VMs names
    Start-PCBSReprotect -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId

    Reprotect replication group specified by id "myGroupId", and sets objects storage policy to the default "VVol No Requirements Policy"
    Start-PCBSReprotect -ReplicationGroupID myGroupId -PolicyName PolicyName

    Reprotect replication group specified by id "myGroupId", and sets objects storage policy to "PolicyName"

    [AVSAttribute(10, UpdatesSDDC = $false)]

    return Start-PCBSVvolReprotectReplicationGroup -ReplicationGroupID $ReplicationGroupID -PolicyName $PolicyName