Function Get-TypeParameterContent { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the text for a Puppet Resource API Type attribute given a DSC resource's ParameterInfo .DESCRIPTION Return the text for a Puppet Resource API Type Attribute (a property or parameter), given a DSC Resouce's parameter information. It will return the text but _not_ directly write out the file. .PARAMETER ParameterInfo A PSCustomObject with the required parameter information added to a DSC resource via the Get-DscResourceTypeInformation function. .EXAMPLE Get-TypeParameterContent (Get-DscResourceTypeInformation -Name PSRepository).ParameterInfo This will retrieve a DSC resource from the PSModulePath, retrieve the information needed to represent the DSC resource's properties as Puppet Resource API type attributes and then return the representation of that DSC resource appropriate for the Puppet Resource API. #> [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [OutputType([String], [String[]])] [pscustomobject]$ParameterInfo ) ForEach ($Parameter in $ParameterInfo) { if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { if ($ -ne 'ensurable') { $ = "dsc_$($" } New-Object -TypeName System.String @" $($ { type: $(ConvertTo-PuppetRubyString -String ($Parameter.Type -split "`n" -join "`n ")), $( If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Parameter.Help)) { # This has to be a string with a single space to prevent writing `''` in the reference doc # See: " desc: ' '," } Else { # Assemble the Description String with appropriate indentation " desc: $(ConvertTo-PuppetRubyString -String ($Parameter.Help.Split("`n") -Join ' '))," } ) $( If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Parameter.DefaultValue)) { " default: $($Parameter.DefaultValue)," }) $( $Behaviours = @() If ($Parameter.is_namevar -eq 'true') { $Behaviours += ':namevar' } If ($Parameter.is_parameter -eq $true) { $Behaviours += ':parameter' } If ($Parameter.is_read_only -eq $true) { $Behaviours += ':read_only' } If ($Behaviours.count -eq 1) { " behaviour: $($Behaviours[0])," } ElseIf ($Behaviours.count -gt 1) { " behaviour: [$($Behaviours -join ', ')]," } ) mandatory_for_get: $($Parameter.mandatory_for_get), mandatory_for_set: $($Parameter.mandatory_for_set), mof_type: $(ConvertTo-PuppetRubyString -String $Parameter.mof_type), mof_is_embedded: $($Parameter.mof_is_embedded), }, "@ } } } |