function Add-DscResourceModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Vendor PowerShell modules into the build folder either by path or by retrieving the modules from the Gallery .DESCRIPTION Given a DSC module name (and optional version) this will download and unpack the module and its dependencies to the local machine. See Save-Module for additional information on what is happening. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the name of the module to save. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the location on the local computer to store the saved module. .PARAMETER RequiredVersion Specifies the exact version number of the module to save. If left blank, will default to latest available. .PARAMETER Repository Specifies a PSRepository. .PARAMETER AllowPrerelease Allows you to Puppetize a module marked as a prerelease. .EXAMPLE Add-DscResourceModule -TargetDir ./tmp -Name PowerShellGet -Version 2.2.3 -Repository PSGallery This example will search the PowerShell gallery for version `2.2.3` of the PowerShellGet and, if it finds it, save the module and its dependencies into a folder called `./tmp`. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Name, $Path, $RequiredVersion, $Repository, [switch]$AllowPrerelease ) Begin { } Process { if (-not(Test-Path $Path)) { if (-not(Test-Path $Path)) { $null = New-Item -Path $Path -Force -ItemType 'Directory' } $PathTmp = ($Path -Replace "(/|\\)$", $Null) + '_tmp' if (-not(Test-Path $PathTmp)) { $null = New-Item -Path $PathTmp -Force -ItemType 'Directory' } Save-Module -Name $Name -Path $PathTmp -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion -Repository $Repository -AllowPrerelease:$AllowPrerelease # Validate dependency modules are in the temp path $SavedModule = Get-Module -Name "$PathTmp/$Name" -ListAvailable ForEach ($RequiredModule in $SavedModule.RequiredModules) { # If the required module does not exist, as when it is not available on the gallery, # Try to find it locally and copy it over If ((Test-Path "$PathTmp/$RequiredModule")) { continue } Try { $Module = Get-Module -Name $RequiredModule -ListAvailable -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item -Path (Split-Path -Path $Module.Path -Parent) -Destination $PathTmp -Container -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } # Move the modules to the appropriate folder ForEach ($ModuleFolder in (Get-ChildItem $PathTmp)) { Move-Item -Path (Get-ChildItem $ModuleFolder.FullName).FullName -Destination "$Path/$($ModuleFolder.Name)" } Remove-Item $PathTmp -Recurse } } End { } } |