#region Copyright & License # Copyright © 2012 - 2022 François Chabot # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #endregion Set-StrictMode -Version Latest <# .SYNOPSIS Compare two HashTables and returns an array of differences. .DESCRIPTION The Compare-HashTable function computes differences between two HashTables. Results are returned as an array of objects with the properties: "Key" (the name of the key for which there is a difference), "SideIndicator" (one of "<=", "!=" or "=>"), "ReferenceValue" an "DifferenceValue" (resp. the Reference and Difference value associated with the Key). .PARAMETER ReferenceHashTable The HashTable used as a reference for comparison. .PARAMETER DifferenceHashTable The HashTable that is compared to the reference HashTable. .EXAMPLE Compare-HashTable @{ a = 1 ; b = 2 ; c = 3 } @{ b = 2 ; c = 4 ; e = 5} Returns a difference for ("3 <="), c (3 "!=" 4) and e ("=>" 5). .EXAMPLE $ReferenceHashTable = @{ a = 1 ; b = 2 ; c = 3 ; f = $null ; g = 6 } $DifferenceHashTable = @{ b = 2 ; c = 4 ; e = 5 ; f = $null ; g = $null } Compare-HashTable $ReferenceHashTable $DifferenceHashTable Returns a difference for a ("3 <="), c (3 "!=" 4), e ("=>" 5) and g (6 "<="). .NOTES See https://gist.github.com/dbroeglin/c6ce3e4639979fa250cf #> function Compare-HashTable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [HashTable] $ReferenceHashTable, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [HashTable] $DifferenceHashTable, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, DontShow)] [string] $Prefix = '' ) Resolve-ActionPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $ReferenceHashTable.Keys + $DifferenceHashTable.Keys | Sort-Object -Unique -PipelineVariable key | ForEach-Object -Process { $propertyName = if ($Prefix) { "$Prefix.$key" } else { $key } if ($ReferenceHashTable.ContainsKey($key) -and !$DifferenceHashTable.ContainsKey($key)) { [PSCustomObject]@{Key = $propertyName ; ReferenceValue = $ReferenceHashTable.$key ; SideIndicator = '<' ; DifferenceValue = $null } | Tee-Object -Variable difference Write-Verbose -Message $difference } elseif (!$ReferenceHashTable.ContainsKey($key) -and $DifferenceHashTable.ContainsKey($key)) { [PSCustomObject]@{Key = $propertyName ; ReferenceValue = $null ; SideIndicator = '>' ; DifferenceValue = $DifferenceHashTable.$key } | Tee-Object -Variable difference Write-Verbose -Message $difference } else { $referenceValue, $differenceValue = $ReferenceHashTable.$key, $DifferenceHashTable.$key if ($referenceValue -ne $differenceValue) { [PSCustomObject]@{Key = $propertyName ; ReferenceValue = $referenceValue ; SideIndicator = '<>' ; DifferenceValue = $differenceValue } | Tee-Object -Variable difference Write-Verbose -Message $difference } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a new HashTable which is the merging of the input hash tables. .DESCRIPTION Properties are not overwritten during the merge operation unless forced. Even when forced it is possible to provide a list of properties not to overwrite. .EXAMPLE .NOTES © 2022 be.stateless. #> function Merge-HashTable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([HashTable])] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [HashTable[]] $HashTable, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $Exclude = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) begin { Resolve-ActionPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $result = @{ } } process { $HashTable | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ } -PipelineVariable currentHashTable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Keys -PipelineVariable key | ForEach-Object -Process { $propertyExists = $result.ContainsKey($key) if (-not $propertyExists -or ($Force -and $key -notin $Exclude) ) { $result.$key = $currentHashTable.$key if ($propertyExists) { Write-Verbose -Message "Property '$key' has been overwritten because it has been defined multiple times." } } } } end { $result } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIII0QYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIIwjCCCL4CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQURnJJEkQ8abgLzkoJlryAb3st # Y++gggVMMIIFSDCCAzCgAwIBAgIJAJkr3mJdTBkUMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEEx # PzA9BgNVBAMeNgBpAGMAcgBhAGYAdABzAG8AZgB0AHcAYQByAGUAQABzAHQAYQB0 # AGUAbABlAHMAcwAuAGIAZTAeFw0yMTA2MjUxNDEyMjNaFw00MTA2MjAxNDEyMjNa # MEExPzA9BgNVBAMeNgBpAGMAcgBhAGYAdABzAG8AZgB0AHcAYQByAGUAQABzAHQA # YQB0AGUAbABlAHMAcwAuAGIAZTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoC # ggIBAOeqdUHBv7sxSeX3aj6yPKj7PAvs8izpVXjyEBl5aR8mQneVcXuF53AH7EW1 # 6E5p4+Az5pJPGUD5c3tXhiGMF7vgLhQjO6hlaVBRIqiIYHikNLwMNy6YBMc/QQYM # rPhqHEFsZ53dkBIIj3M8e3kFcTFA09n25yDtTPDab4nd9yUhc9Qc8+nfpIzfYsoP # 1pZ3nCzhw6hN2/44v1dkQrG3dRYwt+px65p6NPNZWEJpt4VCJjIFh+lBYJdxm9d4 # X/rAnlHIkbv7liOavWDzgHVabS3hdAWtcDmynm+7+FcZDFqPWNCl3e4SS7xe4s/R # CKFKA0IsfKkSk9YJlLgeSQIEXUOOWXJAGaLqnRD8xWLZsc4Oi9GZg7XV1mv/S88c # oztXnwtAN3OOlRKBh2QbomMgxeMO0GvsLE/cq5Q/YKAoz+KGr/7LcZq9jzQ8IPus # ZvWLeDXmxPiwJjpZc1koLgfGIEX2NStQTT3QmacWr9thrWcKvI+4uBmI4exS9B4a # R3nV91w5EY+2RoYsHqej9LWwNamO96+jMX9pxprTX+EkLUuMAikw/po8sBC9MUUn # 5pMWmUv7DCtQOLGGBDDMMMkn4ZcjpCEEdPGHRKfqNnD27ssGtDjiNzfQrsm67toU # bBwUF+gyJq/YckWquYJhA9ZOFWEADuIwGnsOzsoRvuQyY+p9AgMBAAGjQzBBMA4G # A1UdDwEB/wQEAwIHgDAWBgNVHSUBAf8EDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAXBgNVHREEEDAO # ggxzdGF0ZWxlc3MuYmUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBACithYM3qckZRc9+Xbfu # a6gWr3HwjrW+FHKgjfrcOm8ZnLVapb9xFqsqrRQqd3RXWQDINEGrtI2rSfrzyfoK # UiTgldIfQNP1ZcGY229d++90t3hdo2mlt05hjYlbMENloJHpsEP0vQZmwOcEimCT # ex1pymYM+P9pj3j8UD1PT1eIZot6or8fBRl63UybyDSrM7L4UOkkAOniKxWy5pW6 # 6duS8SR+SZpr3Bv44NyXPj0Nv+MIpLmsLrd7XPBFmnGxzY01ZO9vzi9KEhM2wT5i # jPqHDNOvfPiADtAa+EyUBzdJiqy9heCz/TMZQgMWGwtfqJNxWZmsHcha2anW4Qt+ # mzrLO4GojWoVog9uVSAq+l0a+YQsd1u1kUmm4vgZCFyUA+lEp4LkI7ca2VBHkLPD # w+u2DoDMRiqFPZjO7BCKjGc0jj9B/qGR3JVt+tqDdB621xXf2YGF2oFvxZQ/keGt # 0ujfJ+JwN3nCulDAA4773q6KUnfykyrvAgITNbRJL6TngeRKtw9VIJBPxzqMzLpV # 5ggXNituwLaD1CCBJ1oo9DZHpL9gplXp1wGrelJOTiJhh+pdNsPtRH7CrranWa5h # LFLuigqin0eewQ5giJ1VaiBVEseOmiZog+27UpFIv40aDzgGL3YxB/Mu0ojwrQtp # WLmqJCmWnR5qxOm0yK+zNWe0MYIC7zCCAusCAQEwTjBBMT8wPQYDVQQDHjYAaQBj # AHIAYQBmAHQAcwBvAGYAdAB3AGEAcgBlAEAAcwB0AGEAdABlAGwAZQBzAHMALgBi # AGUCCQCZK95iXUwZFDAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoHgwGAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBDDEKMAigAoAA # oQKAADAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxDAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBBDAcBgorBgEEAYI3AgELMQ4w # DAYKKwYBBAGCNwIBFTAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQU2n6WQtOIRd33HQZZV/SctXdG # 8ZowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggIAO15s8sUbdxKw52j6LwBYp6Cqe/9noUCASuSX # EvgP7JzfHoTnWxQk72UREPfccUuBjN+XEEyuDUsm1NN+x+F4GhWisxe4VpEIKxM6 # 2ZcETAf4FZ8lyD8arUBJSYeIim7wUs98eDT0hP+QFepYQY2lhYKI7FQWAMfGQurh # NhnkTT1lzVkULNl3J82TKTjuED/jCbHEiRLZ2sUYoObeYvtQfpNSp0Y8saPGz5a+ # XREnqrPtv4eKF4AjaybOK8WaRr5eSTY2V5JhtO0/GrWLnj6HBuyFr7xFrHBqO0+o # G4S/+y1HCCXdX7zgVjQJAgKXhDjNc+AZ7zdp/BW9GYdxc+ZqAHbe7UVid7XujvVE # xn6YGduyndgnW4IH3huK2oDsJC9bF0mcN78TvhLsVaDJPQ99sx/vwxt7AfmgFnVJ # 6A9f68lvQ3NS8faOkC9AfkiPZJdKEKp9Yhx9ZVMGFgACRbKxCieuO56JDk+VYmO0 # vtFS4Kef0rZgqOlT0MhdinfUK22dzMu4zOYLTRtqAFc5KgnjL8f//0hbgRBhmSyx # pP+gA+5LuKEAyGlPnq9dpqMxmJLXe3a9KGVUqKbrxZdXk9l+jvQDWjpQE35R5Dk9 # W60q/WrE/GhmXc4+s9yLtg+TlPuAF7+7HeHetIqRPy7jlUGH+oKqXyP/Lz1Hef3w # GNJn4ho= # SIG # End signature block |