function New-PsstGeneratorModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Scaffolds the code files needed to create a PsstGeneratorModule generator. .DESCRIPTION This function scaffolds out a new Psst Generator project. .PARAMETER OutputPath The optional output directory where the new PsstGeneratorModule generator will be located. .PARAMETER Name The name of the brand new Psst generator module. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Name, [string] $OutputPath = $PWD, [string] $Version = '1.0.0' ) $TemplateDir = "$PSScriptRoot\PsstGeneratorModule" # Build the model $Model = @{ Name = (Get-NamingConventions $Name) TemplateDir = $TemplateDir Version = $Version Tests = "Tests" FullName = (Get-NamingConventions "Psst.$Name") } # A list of paths in the template directory which will not be expanded. $Exclude = @() Expand-TemplateDirectory -InputPath $TemplateDir -OutputPath $OutputPath -Model $Model -Exclude $Excludes } |