about_PsdKit SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell data (psd1) tool kit LONG DESCRIPTION The module provides the following commands: - Data persistence via PowerShell data (psd1) files: - ConvertTo-Psd - Converts objects to psd1 strings. - Import-Psd - Imports objects from a psd1 file. - Updates of psd1 files preserving comments and structure: - Convert-PsdToXml - Converts a psd1 string to PSD-XML. - Convert-XmlToPsd - Converts PSD-XML to a psd1 string. - Export-PsdXml - Exports PSD-XML to a psd1 file. - Import-PsdXml - Imports a psd1 file as PSD-XML. - Get-Psd - Gets node PowerShell data. - Set-Psd - Sets node PowerShell data. PSD-XML import/export scenarios: - Expressions except values and casts are not supported. - New lines, comments, and separators are preserved. - Spaces and tabs are not necessarily preserved. - The order of values is preserved. - Supported data: - Table @{} with items separated by new lines or semicolons - Array @() with values separated by new lines or commas - String single quoted simple or verbatim strings are preserved, other strings are saved as single quoted simple strings - Number numbers with optional hex notation and suffixes - Variable $null, $true, $false other variables are supported but unusual in psd1 - Cast Expressions like [DateTime] '2018-01-01' EXAMPLE Dump object properties $Host | ConvertTo-Psd -Depth 2 EXAMPLE Write and read psd1 log file # Append log records several times @{time = Get-Date; text = ...} | ConvertTo-Psd | Add-Content log.psd1 # Read log records Import-Psd log.psd1 EXAMPLE Convert JSON to psd1 # some data $json = $Host | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 # convert to psd1 $json | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Psd EXAMPLE Change the version in a psd1 module manifest # Read psd1 as PSD-XML $xml = Import-PsdXml $FilePath # Set the new version Set-Psd $xml 1.0.2 'Data/Table/Item[@Key="ModuleVersion"]' # Save changed PSD-XML Export-PsdXml $FilePath $xml PSD-XML SCHEMA With Get-Psd and Set-Psd you do not have to know much about the schema, they operate with native PowerShell data. But for some XPath paths, often simple and similar, some understanding is needed. <Data> The root node. Attributes: Indent: inferred non-default indent (two spaces or one tab) or some custom indent used as default on exporting Nodes: Table, Array, String, Number, Variable, Cast, Comment, NewLine, Comma, Semicolon <Table> Hashtable nodes for `@{}`. Nodes: Item, Comment, NewLine, Semicolon <Item> Hashtable item for `key = value`. Attributes: Key: hashtable key value Type: "" ~ usual not quoted string key "String" ~ quoted string key "Number" ~ numeric key Nodes: same as <Data> <Array> Array nodes for `@()`. Nodes: same as <Data> <String> Attributes: Type: "1" ~ single quoted here-string Text: string value <Number> Text: number value <Variable> Text: variable name without `$` <Cast> Attributes: Type: type literal, e.g. `[DateTime]` Nodes: String, Number, Variable <Comment> Text: comment text including `#` or `<# #>` <NewLine> <Comma> <Semicolon> Empty nodes representing separators. |