$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".") . "$here\$sut" Describe "Merge-Tokens" { # # arrange # $data=@" /* Author: __Author.Name__ <__Author.Email__> Analyst: __Analyst.Name__ <__Analyst.Email__> ID: __Id__ Title: __Title__ */ "@ $template = "TestDrive:\template.txt" Set-Content $template -value $data $tokens = @{ Id=9999; Title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; Author= @{Name="John Doe"; Email='john.doe@domain.tdl'}; Analyst= @{Name="Jane Doe"; Email='jane.doe@domain.tdl'} } $document = "TestDrive:\document.txt" # # act # $content = Get-Content $template | Merge-Tokens -tokens $tokens Set-Content $document -value $content It "Merges Id, Title" { # # assert # ($document | Should Contain $tokens.Id and Should Contain $tokens.Title) } It "Merges Author information" { # # assert # ($document | Should Contain $tokens.Author.Name and Should Contain $tokens.Author.Email) } It "Merges Analyst information" { # # assert # ($document | Should Contain $tokens.Analyst.Name and Should Contain $tokens.Analyst.Email) } } |