
function Import-TodoTxt
    Imports todotxt strings and converts them to objects.
    Imports todotxt strings from the source file and converts them to objects.
    Author : Paul Broadwith (
    History : 1.0 - 29/04/16 - Initial version.
                : 1.1 - 06/09/16 - Removed forcing output to be an array and replaced return with Write-Output.
    Path to the todo file. The file must exist.
    Throws an exception if the file does not exist. Nothing is returned if file is empty.
    Output is [object]
    Import-Todo -Path c:\todo.txt
    Reads the todotxt strings from the file c:\todo.txt and converts them to objects.

    Param (
                   HelpMessage='Enter the path to the todotxt file.')]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ } )]

    Write-Verbose "Reading todo file ($Path) contents."
    $todos = Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8
    if ($null -eq $todos) {
        Write-Verbose "File $Path is empty."
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Read $(@($todos).count) todos."
        Write-Output $todos | ConvertTo-TodoTxt