
    Tests a date.
    Tests a date for the format yyy-MM-dd. It does not test to see if the date is in the future, past or present.
    Author : Paul Broadwith (
    History : 1.0 - 28/09/15 - Initial version
    TODO : Might be easier to this via a regular expression.
    The date to test. Note that this is a string and not a date object.
    Whether the date is valid or not. Output type is [bool]
    Test-TodoDate -TestDate '2015-10-10'
    Tests to ensure the date '2015-10-10' is in the valid todo date format and outputs $true or $false.

function Test-TodoTxtDate
    Param (

    # what we do here is first of all pass the date to Get-Date and ask it to format it in yyyy-MM-dd.
    # If it doesn't output the same as the input the date is not in a valid format.
    # also make sure we don't display errors if there is invalid input; instead return $false
    try {
        $result = Get-Date $Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    catch [System.Exception] {
        return $false

    if ($result.CompareTo($Date) -ne 0 -or $? -eq $false) # test if the date returned is not the same as the input or we have an error