function New-DockerSqlServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns connection parameter for a SQL server in a new Docker container. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Docker container with a SQL server installed. Returns a object with the properties DataSource and ConnectionString. .EXAMPLE PS> New-DockerSqlServer -AcceptEula Name : Sandbox Hostname : localhost UserId : sa ConnectionString : Server='localhost';Encrypt=False;User Id='sa';Password='pa$$w0rd' IsDocker : True Id : 693d5e79169c50af4ab5b10e1af9069a987ec8902033f3c55f325e12199a61c1 Names : {Sandbox} Image : Command : "/opt/mssql/bin/ /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr" LocalVolumes : {0} Labels : { SQL Server,, vendor=Microsoft} Mounts : {} Networks : {bridge} Ports : {>1433/tcp} CreatedAt : 2021-12-01 00:00:00 +0100 CET RunningFor : 2 seconds ago Status : Up 1 second Size : 0B (virtual 1.54GB) #> [CmdletBinding( PositionalBinding=$false )] param ( # Specifies the name of the new Docker container. [Parameter()] [string] $DockerContainerName = ( ( New-Guid ).ToString().Substring(0, 8) ), # Specifies the password for the sa user. [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ServerAdminPassword = 'Pa$$w0rd!', # Confirms your acceptance of the [End-User Licensing Agreement]( [Parameter( Mandatory )] [switch] $AcceptEula ) Import-Module PsDocker -MinimumVersion 1.5.0 -ErrorAction Stop if ( -not $AcceptEula ) { throw "Accept the Microsoft EULA with -AcceptEula" } $environment = @{ 'ACCEPT_EULA' = "Y" } switch ( ( Get-DockerVersion -ErrorAction Stop ).Server.Engine.OSArch ) { 'linux/amd64' { $environment['MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD'] = $ServerAdminPassword # create container $container = New-DockerContainer ` -Image '' ` -Name $DockerContainerName ` -Environment $environment ` -Ports @{ 1433 = 1433 } -Detach $readyMessage = 'SQL Server is now ready for client connections' foreach ( $index in (1..30)) { $sqlServerLog = Invoke-DockerCommand -Name $container.Name -Command 'tail --lines=100 /var/opt/mssql/log/errorlog' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -StringOutput if ( $sqlServerLog -and $sqlServerLog.Contains($readyMessage) ) { Write-Verbose $readyMessage break } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } 'windows/amd64' { $environment['sa_password'] = $ServerAdminPassword # create container $container = New-DockerContainer ` -Image 'microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer' ` -Name $DockerContainerName ` -Environment $environment ` -Ports @{ 1433 = 1433 } -Detach -ErrorAction Stop foreach ( $index in (1..30)) { $status = Invoke-DockerCommand -Name $container.Name -Command 'powershell -C "Get-Service -Name MSSQLSERVER" | Select -ExpandProperty Status' -StringOutput -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' if ( $status -eq 'Running' ) { break } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } default { throw "$_ not implemented" } } $container | Add-Member 'Hostname' 'localhost' $container | Add-Member 'UserId' 'sa' $container | Add-Member 'SecurePassword' ( ConvertTo-SecureString $ServerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force ) $container | Add-Member 'ConnectionString' "Server='$( $container.Hostname )';Encrypt=False;User Id='$( $container.UserId )';Password='$ServerAdminPassword'" $container | Add-Member 'IsDocker' $true # return $container | Write-Output } |