Function Invoke-RwPowerShellCommand { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByName')] param ( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ByName', Mandatory )] [Alias('Name','AssetName')] [string]$RunnerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ById', Mandatory )] [Alias('Id')] [string]$RunnerId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('Command')] [scriptblock]$ScriptBlock, [switch]$PWSH, [switch]$LeaveJob, [int]$SerializeDepth = 2, [switch]$DefaultPropertiesOnly ) # Load the run command from the Action Repository $runCommand = Import-RwRepository -Name 'PowerShell:RunCommand' if ($null -ne $runCommand) { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName') { $runners = (Get-RwRunner).Items $RunnerId = ($runners | Where-Object {$_.AssetName -eq $RunnerName}).AssetId } $assignSet = New-RwSet Add-RwSetToSet -TargetSetId $assignSet -ObjectIds $RunnerId| Out-Null $jobName = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Session $($env:RunwaySessionToken)"} -Uri '' -Method Get) $nj = New-RwJob -IsEnabled -IsHidden:$false -EndpointSetId $assignSet -Name $jobName -ScheduleType 'RunNow' -scheduleRepeatMinutes 0 -ScheduleWeekdays '-------' -Actions @( [Runway.PowerShell.Models.IActionSettingRequest]@{ RepositoryActionId = $runCommand.Id Settings = [Runway.PowerShell.Models.IActionSettingRequestSettings]@{ Command = $ScriptBlock PWSH = $PWSH.IsPresent 'Serialize Depth' = $SerializeDepth 'Default Properties Only' = $DefaultPropertiesOnly.IsPresent 'Debug' = $true } } ) #$waiting = $true $job = Import-RwJob -JobId $nj.JobId While($job.TotalEndpointsFinished -lt $job.TotalEndpointsAssigned) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 $job = Import-RwJob -JobId $nj.JobId } $completedRunner = (Invoke-RwQueryEndpointAsset -RootContainerId $assignSet -MembershipCheckId $nj.JobId -IncludeSubgroups -Skip 0 -Take 20 -SortDirection 0).Items Get-RwJobThreadLastLog -ThreadId $completedRunner.LastThreadId -OutFile .\rwtmp.txt Get-Content .\rwtmp.txt | Where-Object {$_ -notlike '# *'} | Out-File .\results.xml -Force Import-Clixml .\results.xml Remove-Item .\rwtmp.txt Remove-Item .\results.xml if (-not $LeaveJob.IsPresent) { Remove-RwJob -JobId $nj.JobId -OutFile .\out.txt | Out-Null } } else { Write-Warning "Unable to find 'PowerShell:RunCommand' action. Add the command to your Runway tenant and then retry." } } |