function Add-PsCommand { <# .Synopsis Add a command to a [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell] instance .Description Used by Invoke-Thread Uses AddScript() or AddStatement() and AddCommand() depending on the command .EXAMPLE [powershell]::Create() | Add-PsCommand -Command 'Write-Output' Add a command by sending a Cmdlet name to the -Command parameter #> param( # Powershell interface to add the Command to [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [powershell[]]$PowershellInterface, <# Command to add to the Powershell interface This can be a scriptblock object, or a string that specifies a: Alias Function (the name of the function) ExternalScript (the path to the .ps1 file) All, Application, Cmdlet, Configuration, Filter, or Script #> [Parameter(Position = 0)] $Command, # Output from Get-PsCommandInfo # Optional, to improve performance if it will be re-used for multiple calls of Add-PsCommand [pscustomobject]$CommandInfo, # Add Commands rather than their definitions [switch]$Force, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages ) begin { $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $CommandInfoParams = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } if ($CommandInfo -eq $null) { $CommandInfo = Get-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -Command $Command } } process { ForEach ($ThisPowershell in $PowershellInterface) { switch ($CommandInfo.CommandType) { 'Alias' { # Resolve the alias to its command and start from the beginning with that command. $CommandInfo = Get-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -Command $CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition $null = Add-PsCommand @CommandInfoParams -Command $CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition -CommandInfo $CommandInfo -PowershellInterface $ThisPowerShell } 'Function' { if ($Force) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Adding command '$Command' of type '$($CommandInfo.CommandType)' (treating it as a command instead of a Function because -Force was used)" # If the type is All, Application, Cmdlet, Configuration, Filter, or Script then run the command as-is Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddStatement().AddCommand('$Command')" $null = $ThisPowershell.AddStatement().AddCommand($Command) } else { # Add the definitions of the function # BUG: Look at the definition of Get-Member for example, it is not in a ScriptModule so its definition is not PowerShell code [string]$ThisFunction = "function $($CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Name) {`r`n$($CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition)`r`n}" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Adding Script (the Definition of a Function, `$CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition not expanded below for brevity)" ##Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript('function $($CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Name) { `$CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition }')" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript('$ThisFunction')" $null = $ThisPowershell.AddScript($ThisFunction) } } 'ExternalScript' { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Adding Script (the ScriptBlock of an ExternalScript, `$CommandInfo.ScriptBlock not expanded below for brevity)" ##Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript(`"`$(`$CommandInfo.ScriptBlock)`") # " Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript('$($CommandInfo.ScriptBlock)')" $null = $ThisPowershell.AddScript($CommandInfo.ScriptBlock) } 'ScriptBlock' { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Adding Script (a ScriptBlock, not expanded below for brevity)" ##Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript(`"`$Command`") Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddScript('$Command')" $null = $ThisPowershell.AddScript($Command) } default { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Adding command '$Command' of type '$($CommandInfo.CommandType)'" # If the type is All, Application, Cmdlet, Configuration, Filter, or Script then run the command as-is Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddStatement().AddCommand('$Command')" $null = $ThisPowershell.AddStatement().AddCommand($Command) } } } } } function Add-PsModule { <# .Synopsis Import a Module in a [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState] instance .Description Used by Add-PsCommand Uses ImportPSModule() or ImportPSModulesFromPath() depending on the module .EXAMPLE $InitialSessionState = []::CreateDefault() Add-PsModule -InitialSessionState $InitialSessionState -ModuleInfo $ModuleInfo #> param( # Powershell interface to add the Command to [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]$InitialSessionState, <# ModuleInfo object for the module to add to the Powershell interface #> [Parameter( Position = 0 )] [System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo[]]$ModuleInfo, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages ) begin { $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } } process { ForEach ($ThisModule in $ModuleInfo) { switch ($ThisModule.ModuleType) { 'Binary' { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$InitialSessionState.ImportPSModule('$($ThisModule.Name)')" $InitialSessionState.ImportPSModule($ThisModule.Name) } 'Script' { $ModulePath = Split-Path -Path $ThisModule.Path -Parent Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$InitialSessionState.ImportPSModulesFromPath('$ModulePath')" $InitialSessionState.ImportPSModulesFromPath($ModulePath) } 'Manifest' { $ModulePath = Split-Path -Path $ThisModule.Path -Parent Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$InitialSessionState.ImportPSModulesFromPath('$ModulePath')" $InitialSessionState.ImportPSModulesFromPath($ModulePath) } default { # Scriptblocks or Functions not from modules will have no module to import so ModuleInfo will be null } } } } } function Convert-FromPsCommandInfoToString { param ( [Parameter ( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [PSCustomObject[]]$CommandInfo, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages ) begin { $CommandInfoParams = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } } process { ForEach ($ThisCmd in $CommandInfo) { switch ($ThisCmd.CommandType) { 'Alias' { # Resolve the alias to its command and start from the beginning with that command $ThisCmd = Get-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -Command $ThisCmd.CommandInfo.Definition Convert-FromPsCommandInfoToString @CommandInfoParams -CommandInfo $ThisCmd } 'Function' { "function $($ThisCmd.CommandInfo.Name) {`r`n$($ThisCmd.CommandInfo.Definition)`r`n}" } 'ExternalScript' { "$($ThisCmd.ScriptBlock)" #"$($ThisCmd.CommandInfo.ScriptBlock)" #"$Command" } 'ScriptBlock' { "$Command" } default { "$Command" } } } } } function Expand-PsCommandInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the original PsCommandInfo object as well as CommandInfo objects for any nested commands #> param ( # CommandInfo object for the command whose nested command names to return [PSCustomObject]$PsCommandInfo, # Cache of already identified CommmandInfo objects [hashtable]$Cache = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages ) $CommandInfoParams = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } # Add the first object to the cache if (-not $PsCommandInfo.CommandInfo.Name) { $PsCommandInfo } else { $Cache[$PsCommandInfo.CommandInfo.Name] = $PsCommandInfo } # Tokenize the function definition $PsTokens = $null $TokenizerErrors = $null $AbstractSyntaxTree = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput( # We need the property which contains tokenizable PowerShell # For a function in a ScriptModule, the definition and scriptblock properties are the same # For an ExternalScript, the definition is the filepath and the scriptblock is tokenizable powershell # This is why the Scriptblock property has been chosen #$PsCommandInfo.CommandInfo.Definition, $PsCommandInfo.CommandInfo.Scriptblock, [ref]$PsTokens, [ref]$TokenizerErrors ) # Get all nested tokens $AllPsTokens = Expand-PsToken -InputObject $PsTokens # Find any other functions we also need to add $CommandTokens = $AllPsTokens | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Kind -eq 'Generic' -and $_.TokenFlags.HasFlag([System.Management.Automation.Language.TokenFlags]::CommandName) } # PowerShell Class Tokens #$possibletypes = ($pstokens | ?{$_.kind -eq 'Identifier' -and $_.TokenFlags -eq 'None'}).Text | Sort -Unique #$definitetypes = ($pstokens | ?{$_.kind -eq 'Identifier' -and $_.TokenFlags -contains 'TypeName'}).Text | Sort -Unique #$overlappingtypes = $possibletypes | Where-Object {$_ -in $definitetypes} # ToDo: how to find their definitions? Necessary to regex the ScriptBlock instead of using the parsed tokens for this? # Add the definitions of those functions if available # TODO: Add modules if available? Not needed at this time but maybe later ForEach ($ThisCommandToken in $CommandTokens) { if ( -not $Cache[$ThisCommandToken.Value] -and $ThisCommandToken.Value -notmatch '[\.\\]' # Exclude any file paths since they are not PowerShell commands with tokenizable definitions (they contain \ or .) ) { $TokenCommandInfo = Get-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -Command $ThisCommandToken.Value $Cache[$ThisCommandToken.Value] = $TokenCommandInfo # Suppress the output of the Expand-PsCommandInfo function because we will instead be using the updated cache contents # This way the results are already deduplicated for us by the hashtable $null = Expand-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -PsCommandInfo $TokenCommandInfo -Cache $Cache } } # Output the objects in the cache ForEach ($ThisKey in $Cache.Keys) { $Cache[$ThisKey] } } function Expand-PsToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Recursively get nested tokens .DESCRIPTION Recursively emits all tokens embedded in a token of type "StringExpandable" The original token is also emitted. .EXAMPLE $Tokens = $null $TokenizerErrors = $null $AbstractSyntaxTree = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput( [string]$Code, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$TokenizerErrors ) $Tokens | Expand-PsToken Return all tokens nested inside the provided $Code string (not scriptblock) #> param ( # Management.Automation.Language.StringExpandableToken or # Management.Automation.Language.Token [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [psobject]$InputObject ) process { if ($InputObject.GetType().FullName -eq 'Management.Automation.Language.StringExpandableToken]') { ForEach ($ThisToken in $InputObject.NestedTokens) { if ($ThisToken) { Expand-PsToken -InputObject $ThisToken } } } $InputObject } } function Get-PsCommandInfo { <# .Synopsis Get info about a PowerShell command .Description Used by Split-Thread, Invoke-Thread, and Add-PsCommand Determine whether the Command is a [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] object If not, passes it to the Name parameter of Get-Command .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates sending a Cmdlet name to the -Command parameter Get-PsCommandInfo -Command 'Write-Output' #> param( <# Command to retrieve info on This can be a scriptblock object, or a string that specifies an: Alias Function (the name of the function) ExternalScript (the path to the .ps1 file) All, Application, Cmdlet, Configuration, Filter, or Script #> $Command, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages ) $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } if ($Command.GetType().FullName -eq 'System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock') { [string]$CommandType = 'ScriptBlock' } else { $CommandInfo = Get-Command $Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [string]$CommandType = $CommandInfo.CommandType if ($CommandInfo.Source -like "*\*") { $ModuleInfo = Get-Module -Name $CommandInfo.Source -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { if ($CommandInfo.Source) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-Module -Name '$($CommandInfo.Source)'" $ModuleInfo = Get-Module -Name $CommandInfo.Source -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } if ($ModuleInfo.Path -like "*.ps1") { $ModuleInfo = $null $SourceModuleName = $null } else { $SourceModuleName = $CommandInfo.Source } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $Command is a $CommandType" [pscustomobject]@{ CommandInfo = $CommandInfo ModuleInfo = $ModuleInfo CommandType = $CommandType SourceModuleDefinition = $ModuleInfo.Definition SourceModuleName = $SourceModuleName } } function Open-Thread { <# .Synopsis Prepares each thread so it is ready to execute a command and capture the output streams .Description Used by Split-Thread For each InputObject an instance will be created of [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell] Then a series of commands will be run to enable the specified output streams (all by default) #> Param( # Objects to pass to the Command as an argument or parameter [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] $InputObject, # .Net Framework runspace pool to use for the threads [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]$RunspacePool, <# Name of a property (whose value is a string) that exists on each $InputObject It will be used to represent the object in text form If left null, the object's ToString() method will be used instead. #> [string]$ObjectStringProperty, # PowerShell Command or Script to run against each InputObject [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Command, # Output from Get-PsCommandInfo [pscustomobject[]]$CommandInfo, # Named parameter of the Command to pass InputObject to # If this is not specified, InputObject will be passed to the Command as an argument [string]$InputParameter = $null, <# Parameters to add to the Command Each parameter is a name-value pair in the hashtable: @{"ParameterName" = "Value"} @{"ParameterName" = "Value" ; "ParameterTwo" = "Value2"} #> [HashTable]$AddParam = @{}, # Switches to add to the Command [string[]]$AddSwitch = @(), # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages, # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) begin { $Progress = @{ Activity = "Open-Thread -Command '$Command'" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $CommandInfoParams = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } [int64]$CurrentObjectIndex = 0 $ThreadCount = @($InputObject).Count Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Received $(($CommandInfo | Measure-Object).Count) PsCommandInfos from Split-Thread for '$Command'" if ($CommandInfo) { # Begin to build the command that the script will run with all its parameters if (Test-Path $Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { # If $Command is a valid file path, dot-source it and wrap it in single quotes to handle spaces $CommandStringForScriptDefinition = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new(". '$Command'") } else { $CommandStringForScriptDefinition = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new($Command) } # Build the param block of the script. Along the way, add any necessary parameters and switches # Avoided using AppendJoin. It would provide slight performance and code readability but lacks support in PS 5.1 $ScriptDefinition = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine('param (') If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputParameter)) { $null = $ScriptDefinition.Append(" `$PsRunspaceArgument1") $null = $CommandStringForScriptDefinition.Append(" `$PsRunspaceArgument1") } else { $null = $ScriptDefinition.Append(" `$$InputParameter") $null = $CommandStringForScriptDefinition.Append(" -$InputParameter `$$InputParameter") } ForEach ($ThisKey in $AddParam.Keys) { $null = $ScriptDefinition.Append(",`r`n `$$ThisKey") $null = $CommandStringForScriptDefinition.Append(" -$ThisKey `$$ThisKey") } ForEach ($ThisSwitch in $AddSwitch) { $null = $ScriptDefinition.Append(",`r`n [switch]`$", $ThisSwitch) $null = $CommandStringForScriptDefinition.Append(" -$ThisSwitch") } $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine("`r`n)`r`n") # Define the command in the script ($Command) Convert-FromPsCommandInfoToString @CommandInfoParams -CommandInfo $CommandInfo | ForEach-Object { $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine("`r`n$_") } $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine() # Call the function in the script Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Command string is $($CommandStringForScriptDefinition.ToString())" $CommandStringForScriptDefinition | ForEach-Object { $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine("`r`n$_") } $null = $ScriptDefinition.AppendLine() # Convert the script to a single string $ScriptString = $ScriptDefinition.ToString() # Remove blank lines # Commented out due to risk of unintended side effects: what if the code includes a here-string that requires blank lines, etc) #while ( $ScriptString -match '\r\n\r\n' ) { # $ScriptString = $ScriptString -replace "`r`n`r`n", "`r`n" #} # Convert the script to a single scriptblock $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($ScriptString) } } process { ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { $CurrentObjectIndex++ if ($ObjectStringProperty -ne '') { [string]$ObjectString = $Object."$ObjectStringProperty" } else { [string]$ObjectString = $Object.ToString() } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface = [powershell]::Create() # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $PowershellInterface = [powershell]::Create() Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.RunspacePool = `$RunspacePool # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $PowershellInterface.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool # Do I need this one? What commands would be in there? Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.Commands.Clear() # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $null = $PowershellInterface.Commands.Clear() if ($ScriptBlock) { $null = Add-PsCommand @CommandInfoParams -Command $ScriptBlock -PowershellInterface $PowershellInterface #-DebugOutputStream 'Debug' <# If: the Command is a ScriptBlock (such as the content of a .ps1 file) and $InputParameter is null Then: Pass $Object into the runspace as a parameter (not an argument) Otherwise we will: Pass $Object into the runspace as an argument Because: This allows more flexibility in the ScriptBlock TODO: Need more detail here, this was a bugfix for .ps1 files but I didn't save the details (or maybe I did and forgot) #> If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputParameter)) { $InputParameter = 'PsRunspaceArgument1' } } else { $null = Add-PsCommand @CommandInfoParams -Command $Command -CommandInfo $CommandInfo -PowershellInterface $PowershellInterface -Force } # Prepare to # Do this even if we end up passing it as an argument to the command inside the runspace ## WHY?? past self did not explain this and it's causing problems for non-script values of Command ## Therefore I have re-introduced AddArgument until I figure out what was wrong with it # If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputParameter)) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddArgument('$ObjectString') # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $null = $PowershellInterface.AddArgument($Object) <#NormallyCommentThisForPerformanceOptimization#>$InputParameterStringForDebug = " '$ObjectString'" } else { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddParameter('$InputParameter', '$ObjectString') # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $null = $PowershellInterface.AddParameter($InputParameter, $Object) <#NormallyCommentThisForPerformanceOptimization#>$InputParameterStringForDebug = "-$InputParameter '$ObjectString'" } $AdditionalParameters = @() $AdditionalParameters = ForEach ($Key in $AddParam.Keys) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddParameter('$Key', '$($AddParam.$key)') # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $null = $PowershellInterface.AddParameter($Key, $AddParam.$key) <#NormallyCommentThisForPerformanceOptimization#>"-$Key '$($AddParam.$key)'" } $Switches = @() $Switches = ForEach ($Switch in $AddSwitch) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowershellInterface.AddParameter('$Switch') # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $null = $PowershellInterface.AddParameter($Switch) <#NormallyCommentThisForPerformanceOptimization#>"-$Switch" } $NewPercentComplete = $CurrentObjectIndex / $ThreadCount * 100 if (($NewPercentComplete - $OldPercentComplete) -ge 1) { $OldPercentComplete = $NewPercentComplete $AdditionalParametersString = $AdditionalParameters -join ' ' $SwitchParameterString = $Switches -join ' ' $StatusString = "Invoking thread $CurrentObjectIndex`: $Command $InputParameterStringForDebug $AdditionalParametersString $SwitchParameterString" $Status = "$([int]$NewPercentComplete)% ($($ThreadCount - $CurrentObjectIndex) of $ThreadCount remain)" Write-Progress @Progress -CurrentOperation $StatusString -PercentComplete $NewPercentComplete -Status $Status } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$Handle = `$PowershellInterface.BeginInvoke() # for '$Command' on '$ObjectString'" $Handle = $PowershellInterface.BeginInvoke() [PSCustomObject]@{ Handle = $Handle PowerShellInterface = $PowershellInterface Object = $Object ObjectString = $ObjectString Index = $CurrentObjectIndex Command = "$Command" } } } end { Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } } function Split-Thread { <# .Synopsis Split a command for a collection of input objects into multiple threads for asynchronous processing .Description The specified command will be run for each input object in a separate powershell instance with its own runspace These runspaces are part of the same runspace pool inside the same powershell.exe process .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates sending a Cmdlet name to the -Command parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command 'Write-Output' .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates sending a scriptblock to the -Command parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command [scriptblock]::create("Write-Output `$args[0]") .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates sending a script file path to the -Command parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command "C:\Test-Command.ps1" .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates sending a function to the -Command parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command 'Test-Function' .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates the -AddParam parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command "Get-Service" -InputParameter ComputerName -AddParam @{"Name" = "BITS"} .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates the -AddSwitch parameter $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command "Get-Service" -AddSwitch @('RequiredServices','DependentServices') .EXAMPLE The following demonstrates the use of a threadsafe hashtable to store results The hastable can be accessed and updated from inside each runspace $ThreadsafeHashtable = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) $InputObject | Split-Thread -Command "Fake-Function" -InputParameter ComputerName -AddParam @{"ResultHashTableParameter" = $ThreadsafeHashtable} #> param ( # PowerShell Command or Script to run against each InputObject [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Command, # Objects to pass to the Command as an argument or parameter [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] $InputObject, # Named parameter of the Command to pass InputObject to # If this is not specified, InputObject will be passed to the Command as an argument $InputParameter = $null, # Maximum number of concurrent threads to allow [int]$Threads = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum, # Milliseconds to wait between cycles of the loop that checks threads for completion [int]$SleepTimer = 200, # Seconds to wait without receiving any new results before giving up and stopping all remaining threads [int]$Timeout = 120, <# Parameters to add to the Command Each parameter is a name-value pair in the hashtable: @{"ParameterName" = "Value"} @{"ParameterName" = "Value" ; "ParameterTwo" = "Value2"} #> [HashTable]$AddParam = @{}, # Switches to add to the Command [string[]]$AddSwitch = @(), # Names of modules to import in each runspace [String[]]$AddModule, <# Name of a property (whose value is a string) that exists on each $InputObject and can be used to represent the object in text form If left null, the object's ToString() method will be used instead. #> [string]$ObjectStringProperty, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) begin { $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() # for '$Command'" $InitialSessionState = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() $CommandInfoParams = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } $OriginalCommandInfo = Get-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -Command $Command Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Found 1 original PsCommandInfo for '$Command'" $CommandInfo = Expand-PsCommandInfo @CommandInfoParams -PsCommandInfo $OriginalCommandInfo Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Found $(($CommandInfo | Measure-Object).Count) nested PsCommandInfos for '$Command' ($($CommandInfo.CommandInfo.Name -join ','))" # Import the source module containing the specified Command in each thread # Prepare our collection of PowerShell modules to import in each thread # This will include any modules specified by name with the -AddModule parameter $ModulesToAdd = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]]::new() ForEach ($Module in $AddModule) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-Module -Name '$Module'" $ModuleObj = Get-Module -Name $Module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $null = $ModulesToAdd.Add($ModuleObj) } # This will also include any modules identified by tokenizing the -Command parameter or its definition, and recursing through all nested command tokens $CommandInfo.ModuleInfo | ForEach-Object { $null = $ModulesToAdd.Add($_) } $ModulesToAdd = $ModulesToAdd | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique $CommandsToAdd = $CommandInfo | Where-Object -FilterScript { ( -not $_.ModuleInfo.Name -or $ModulesToAdd.Name -notcontains $_.ModuleInfo.Name ) -and $_.CommandType -ne 'Cmdlet' } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Found $(($CommandsToAdd | Measure-Object).Count) remaining PsCommandInfos to define for '$Command' (not in modules: $($CommandsToAdd.CommandInfo.Name -join ','))" if ($ModulesToAdd.Count -gt 0) { $null = Add-PsModule -InitialSessionState $InitialSessionState -ModuleInfo $ModulesToAdd @CommandInfoParams } # Set the preference variables for PowerShell output streams in each thread to match the current preferences $OutputStream = @('Debug', 'Verbose', 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error') ForEach ($ThisStream in $OutputStream) { if ($ThisStream -eq 'Error') { $VariableName = 'ErrorActionPreference' } else { $VariableName = "$($ThisStream)Preference" } $VariableValue = (Get-Variable -Name $VariableName).Value $VariableEntry = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry]::new($VariableName, $VariableValue, '') $InitialSessionState.Variables.Add($VariableEntry) } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threads, `$InitialSessionState, `$Host) # for '$Command'" $RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threads, $InitialSessionState, $Host) Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$RunspacePool.Open() # for '$Command'" $RunspacePool.Open() $Global:TimedOut = $false $AllInputObjects = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new() } <# process { # Add all the input objects from the pipeline to a single collection; allows progress bars later ForEach ($ThisObject in $InputObject) { $null = $AllInputObjects.Add($ThisObject) } } #> end { # Add all the input objects from the pipeline to a single collection; allows progress bars later <# $input is ancient PowerShell v1 In a scriptblock it contains every input to the scriptblock at that point in time in the end block, $input contains every input It is faster than accumulating input in the process block Watch Out: $input can only be read once #> $AllInputObjects = $input Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Entered end block. Sending $(($CommandsToAdd | Measure-Object).Count) PsCommandInfos to Open-Thread for '$Command'" $ThreadParameters = @{ Command = $Command InputParameter = $InputParameter InputObject = $AllInputObjects AddParam = $AddParam AddSwitch = $AddSwitch ObjectStringProperty = $ObjectStringProperty CommandInfo = $CommandsToAdd RunspacePool = $RunspacePool DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $ThreadParameters['ProgressParentId'] = $ProgressParentId } $AllThreads = Open-Thread @ThreadParameters Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Received $(($AllThreads | Measure-Object).Count) threads from Open-Thread for $Command" $ThreadParameters = @{ Thread = $AllThreads Threads = $Threads SleepTimer = $SleepTimer Timeout = $Timeout Dispose = $true DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $ThreadParameters['ProgressParentId'] = $ProgressParentId } Wait-Thread @ThreadParameters $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' if ($Global:TimedOut -eq $false) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]::Close()" $null = $RunspacePool.Close() Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]::Close() completed" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]::Dispose()" $null = $RunspacePool.Dispose() Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspacePool]::Dispose() completed" } else { # Statement-terminating error #$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError() # Script-terminating error throw 'Split-Thread timeout reached' } } } function Wait-Thread { <# .Synopsis Waits for a thread to be completed so the results can be returned, or for a timeout to be reached .Description Used by Split-Thread .INPUTS [PSCustomObject]$Thread .OUTPUTS Outputs the specified output streams from the threads #> param ( # Threads to wait for [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [PSCustomObject[]]$Thread, # Maximum number of concurrent threads that are allowed (used only for progress display) [int]$Threads = 20, # Milliseconds to wait between cycles of the loop that checks threads for completion [int]$SleepTimer = 200, # Seconds to wait without receiving any new results before giving up and stopping all remaining threads [int]$Timeout = 120, # Dispose of the thread when it is finished [switch]$Dispose, # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [string]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [string]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [hashtable]$LogBuffer = $Global:LogMessages, # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) begin { $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $StopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::new() $StopWatch.Start() $AllThreads = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() $FirstThread = @($Thread)[0] $RunspacePool = $FirstThread.PowershellInterface.RunspacePool $CommandString = $FirstThread.Command $Progress = @{ Activity = "Wait-Thread '$CommandString'" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } $ThreadCount = @($Thread).Count } process { ForEach ($ThisThread in $Thread) { # If the threads do not have handles, there is nothing to wait for, so output the thread as-is. # Otherwise wait for the handle to indicate completion (or a timeout to be reached) if ($ThisThread.Handle -eq $false) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowerShellInterface.Streams.ClearStreams() # for '$CommandString' on '$($ThisThread.ObjectString)'" $null = $ThisThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.ClearStreams() $ThisThread } else { $null = $AllThreads.Add($ThisThread) } } } end { # If the threads have handles, we can check to see if they are complete. While (@($AllThreads | Where-Object -FilterScript { $null -ne $_.Handle }).Count -gt 0) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer # for '$CommandString'" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer if ($RunspacePool) { $AvailableRunspaces = $RunspacePool.GetAvailableRunspaces() } $CleanedUpThreads = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() $CompletedThreads = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() $IncompleteThreads = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() ForEach ($ThisThread in $AllThreads) { if ($null -eq $ThisThread.Handle) { $null = $CleanedUpThreads.Add($ThisThread) } if ($ThisThread.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $true) { $null = $CompletedThreads.Add($ThisThread) } if ($ThisThread.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $false) { $null = $IncompleteThreads.Add($ThisThread) } } $ActiveThreadCountString = "$($Threads - $AvailableRunspaces) of $Threads are active" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $ActiveThreadCountString for '$CommandString'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThreads.Count) completed threads for '$CommandString'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CleanedUpThreads.Count) cleaned up threads for '$CommandString'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($IncompleteThreads.Count) incomplete threads for '$CommandString'" $NewPercentComplete = $CleanedUpThreads.Count / $ThreadCount * 100 if (($NewPercentComplete - $OldPercentComplete) -ge 1) { $OldPercentComplete = $NewPercentComplete $RemainingString = "$($IncompleteThreads.ObjectString)" If ($RemainingString.Length -gt 60) { $RemainingString = $RemainingString.Substring(0, 60) + "..." } $CurrentOperation = "Waiting on threads - $ActiveThreadCountString`: $CommandString" $Status = "$([int]$NewPercentComplete)% ($($IncompleteThreads.Count) of $ThreadCount remain): $RemainingString" Write-Progress @Progress -PercentComplete $NewPercentComplete -CurrentOperation $CurrentOperation -Status $Status } ForEach ($CompletedThread in $CompletedThreads) { # TODO: Debug these counts, something seems off, they vary wildly with Test-Multithreading.ps1 but I would expect consistency (same number of Warnings per thread) Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Progress.Count) Progress messages for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Information.Count) Information messages for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Verbose.Count) Verbose messages for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Debug.Count) Debug messages for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # $($CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Warning.Count) Warning messages for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" # Because $Host was used to create the RunspacePool, any output to $Host (which includes Write-Host and Write-Information and Write-Progress) has already been displayed #$CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Progress | ForEach-Object {Write-Progress "$_"} #$CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Information | ForEach-Object { Write-Information "$_" } #$CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Verbose | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "$_" } #$CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Debug | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug "$_" } #$CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.Warning | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning "$_" } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowerShellInterface.Streams.ClearStreams() # for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" $null = $CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Streams.ClearStreams() Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowerShellInterface.EndInvoke(`$Handle) # for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" $ThreadOutput = $CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.EndInvoke($CompletedThread.Handle) if (@($ThreadOutput).Count -gt 0) { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Output (count of $(@($ThreadOutput).Count)) received from thread $($CompletedThread.Index): $($CompletedThread.ObjectString)" } else { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Null result for thread $($CompletedThread.Index) ($($CompletedThread.ObjectString))" } if ($Dispose -eq $true) { $ThreadOutput Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$PowerShellInterface.Dispose() # for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" $null = $CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface.Dispose() $CompletedThread.PowerShellInterface = $null $CompletedThread.Handle = $null } else { Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Thread $($CompletedThread.Index) is finished opening for '$CommandString' on '$($CompletedThread.ObjectString)'" $CompletedThread.Handle = $null $CompletedThread } $StopWatch.Reset() $StopWatch.Start() } If ($StopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 -gt $Timeout) { Write-Warning " Reached Timeout of $Timeout seconds. Skipping $($IncompleteThreads.Count) remaining threads: $RemainingString" $Global:TimedOut = $true $IncompleteThreads | ForEach-Object { $_.Handle = $null [PSCustomObject]@{ Handle = $null PowerShellInterface = $_.PowershellInterface Object = $_.Object ObjectString = $_.ObjectString Index = $_.CurrentObjectIndex Command = $_.Command } } } } $StopWatch.Stop() Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text " # Finished waiting for threads" Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } } <# # Dot source any functions ForEach ($ThisScript in $ScriptFiles) { # Dot source the function . $($ThisScript.FullName) } #> Import-Module PsLogMessage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Add-PsCommand','Add-PsModule','Convert-FromPsCommandInfoToString','Expand-PsCommandInfo','Expand-PsToken','Get-PsCommandInfo','Open-Thread','Split-Thread','Wait-Thread') |