
Initializes the connection with the redis server
Initializes the connection with the redis server
.Parameter ConnectionString
The connection string to connect to the redis server. Example: ",password=PaSSwOrd,ssl=True,abortConnect=False"
Connect-Redis -ConnectionString ",password=PaSSwOrd,ssl=True,abortConnect=False"

function Connect-Redis
    param (

    # first, disconnect any existing connection

    # open a new connection
    if (!(Test-RedisIsConnected $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection))
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ConnectionString)) {
            throw 'No connection string supplied when creating connection to Redis'

        $Global:PsRedisServerConnection = $null
        $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection = [StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer]::Connect($ConnectionString, $null)
        if (!$?) {
            throw 'Failed to create connection to Redis'

    # set the redis server
    $server = $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection.GetEndPoints()[0]

    if (!(Test-RedisIsConnected $Global:PsRedisServerConnection))
        $Global:PsRedisServerConnection = $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection.GetServer($server)
        if (!$?) {
            throw "Failed to open connection to server"

Closes the connection with the redis server
Closes the connection with the redis server

function Disconnect-Redis

    if (Test-RedisIsConnected $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection)
        if (!$?) {
            throw "Failed to dispose Redis connection"

        $Global:PsRedisCacheConnection = $null

Connects to Redis, invokes a script, and then disconencts the session.
Connects to Redis, invokes a script, and then disconencts the session.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
The connection string to connect to the redis server. Example: ",password=PaSSwOrd,ssl=True,abortConnect=False"
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock to be invoked with other PsRedis functions.
.PARAMETER Arguments
Any options Arguments to supply tot eh ScriptBlock
Invoke-RedisScript -ConnectionString '' -ScriptBlock { Get-RedisInfo }

function Invoke-RedisScript
    param (



    # connect to redis
    Connect-Redis -ConnectionString $ConnectionString

    try {
        # run the script
        if (($null -eq $Arguments) -or ($Arguments.Length -eq 0)) {
            . $ScriptBlock
        else {
            . $ScriptBlock @Arguments
    finally {
        # disconnect from redis

Gets the keys section of the redis info command
Gets the keys section of the redis info command

function Get-RedisInfoKeys

    $conn = Get-RedisConnection
    $k = 0

    if (($conn.Info() | Select-Object -Last 1)[0].Value -imatch 'keys=(\d+)') {
        $k = $Matches[1]

    return $k

Gets the results of the redis info command
Gets the results of the redis info command

function Get-RedisInfo

    $conn = Get-RedisConnection
    $info = $conn.Info()

    return $info

Gets the uptime of the redis server
Gets the uptime of the redis server
.Parameter Granularity
Sets the granularity of the up time of the redis server. Can be either Seconds or Days
Get-RedisUptime -Granularity 'Seconds'

function Get-RedisUptime
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Seconds', 'Days')]

    $info = Get-RedisInfo
    $key = "uptime_in_$($Granularity.ToLowerInvariant())"
    return ($info[0] | Where-Object { $_.Key -ieq $key } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)

Adds a new string redis key
Adds a new string redis key
.Parameter Key
The name of the key being added
.Parameter Value
The value of the key being added
.Parameter TTL
(Optional) When the key will expire. If not passed then a expire time will not be set
Add-RedisKey -Key 'SessionGuid' -Value 'SessionData'

function Add-RedisKey
    param (



    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $value = $db.StringSet($Key, $Value, $TTL)

    return $value

Removes all keys with a supplied pattern
Removes all keys with a supplied pattern
.Parameter Pattern
The pattern to match the keys to be removed. Example '*' will remove all keys, 'Session*' will remove all keys that start with 'Session'
Remove-RedisKeys -Pattern 'Cheese*'

function Remove-RedisKeys
    param (

    $conn = Get-RedisConnection
    $count = 0

    foreach ($k in $conn.Keys($Global:PsRedisDatabaseIndex, $Pattern))
        Remove-RedisKey -Key $k | Out-Null
        if (!$?) {
            throw "Failed to delete key: $($k)"


    return $count

Gets the count of all the keys with a supplied pattern
Gets the count of all the keys with a supplied pattern
.Parameter Pattern
The pattern to match the keys to be retrieved. Example '*' will retrieve all keys, 'Session*' will retrieve all keys that start with 'Session'
Get-RedisKeysCount -Pattern 'Cheese*'

function Get-RedisKeysCount
    param (
        $Pattern = '*'

    $conn = Get-RedisConnection

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
        $Pattern = '*'

    $keys = @{}

    foreach ($k in $conn.Keys($Global:PsRedisDatabaseIndex, $Pattern)) {
        $keys[($k -isplit ':')[0]]++

    return $keys

Gets the details of a redis key with the supplied key
Gets the details of a redis key with the supplied key
.Parameter Key
The key name of the key that will be retrieve
.Parameter Type
(Optional) The key type, helps to reduce the amount of round trips if already known
Get-RedisKeyDetails -Key 'Grapes' -Type 'Set'

function Get-RedisKeyDetails
    param (

        [ValidateSet('hash', 'set', 'string')]

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Type)){
        $Type = Get-RedisKeyType -Key $Key

    $value = Get-RedisKey -Key $Key -Type $Type

    return @{
        Key = $Key
        Type = $Type
        Value = $value
        TTL = (Get-RedisKeyTTL -Key $Key).TotalSeconds
        Size = (Get-RedisKeyValueLengthPrivate -Data $value)

Gets the value of a redis key with the supplied key
Gets the value of a redis key with the supplied key
.Parameter Key
The key name of the key that will be retrieve
.Parameter Type
(Optional) The key type, helps to reduce the amount of round trips if already known
Get-RedisKey -Key 'Grapes' -Type 'Set'

function Get-RedisKey
    param (


    $db = Get-RedisDatabase

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Type)){
        $Type = Get-RedisKeyType -Key $Key

    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'hash' {
            $value = [string]($db.HashGetAll($Key)).Value

        'set' {
            $value = @([string]($db.SetMembers($Key)) -isplit '\s+')

        default {
            $value = ($db.StringGet($Key)).ToString()

    return $value

Gets the length of a redis key value.
If the key is of type set then it will return the amount of items in the set.
Otherwise, it will return the amount of characters in the value
Gets the length of a redis key value.
If the key is of type set then it will return the amount of items in the set.
Otherwise, it will return the amount of characters in the value
.Parameter Key
The key name of the key that will be retrieve for the length
Get-RedisKeyValueLength -Key 'Grapes'

function Get-RedisKeyValueLength
    param (

    return Get-RedisKeyValueLengthPrivate -Key $Key

Gets a random key from the redis server
Gets a random key from the redis server

function Get-RedisRandomKey

    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $value = $db.KeyRandom()
    return $value

Gets random keys from the redis server matching a supplied pattern
Gets random keys from the redis server matching a supplied pattern
.Parameter Pattern
The pattern then the key name needs to match
.Parameter ScriptBlock
A script block that will be ran for each key that matches the pattern.
Return a value of $false to make the key not count to the total
.Parameter KeyCount
The amount of keys to retrieve
Get-RedisRandomKeys -Pattern 'Toaster*' -ScriptBlock {return $true} -KeyCount 10

function Get-RedisRandomKeys
    param (
        $Pattern = '',


        $KeyCount = 1

    $keys = @()

    if ($KeyCount -le 1){
        $KeyCount = 1

    while ($keys.Length -lt $KeyCount){
        $key = [string](Get-RedisRandomKey)

        if (!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) -and !($key -imatch $Pattern)) {

        $result = $true
        if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
            $result = (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $key)

        if ($result) {
            $keys += $k

        $i = ($keys.Length / $KeyCount) * 100
        Write-Progress -Activity "Search in Progress" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i

    return $keys

function Get-RedisRandomKeysQuick
    param (
        $Pattern = '*',


        $KeyCount = 1,

        $KeyOffset = 0,

        $PageSize = 10

    $keys = @()
    $progress = 0

    if ($KeyCount -le 1) {
        $KeyCount = 1

    while ($keys.Length -lt $KeyCount) {
        $keys += (Get-RedisKeys -Pattern $Pattern -KeyCount ($KeyCount - $keys.Length) -KeyOffset $KeyOffset -PageSize $PageSize -ScriptBlock {
            $allowed = ((Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 5) -eq 2)

            if ($allowed) {
                if ($null -ne $script:ScriptBlock) {
                    $allowed = (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script:ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $key)

                if ($allowed) {
                    $i = ($script:progress / $script:KeyCount) * 100
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Search in Progress" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i

            return $allowed

    return $keys

Get a key's type from Redis.
Get a key's type from Redis.
The Key name to lookup.
Get-RedisKeyType -Key 'UserId:123'

function Get-RedisKeyType
    param (

    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $value = $db.KeyType($key)
    return $value.ToString()

Get a key's TTL from Redis.
Get a key's TTL from Redis.
The Key name to lookup.
Get-RedisKeyTTL -Key 'UserId:123'

function Get-RedisKeyTTL
    param (

    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $value = $db.KeyTimeToLive($Key)
    return $value

Set a key's TTL in Redis.
Set a key's TTL in Redis.
The Key to update.
The TTL, in seconds.
Set-RedisKeyTTL -Key 'UserId:123' -TTL 3600

function Set-RedisKeyTTL
    param (


    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $db.KeyExpire($Key, [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($TTL)) | Out-Null

function Get-RedisKeys
    param (
        $Pattern = '*',


        $KeyCount = 0,

        $KeyOffset = 0,

        $PageSize = 10

    $conn = Get-RedisConnection
    $keys = @()

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Pattern)) {
        $Pattern = '*'

    if ($KeyOffset -lt 0) {
        $KeyOffset = 0

    if ($PageSize -lt 0) {
        $PageSize = 10

    foreach ($k in $conn.Keys($Global:PsRedisDatabaseIndex, $Pattern, $PageSize, 0, $KeyOffset)) {
        $result = $true
        if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
            $result = (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $k)

        if ($result) {
            $keys += $k

        if (($KeyCount -gt 0) -and ($keys.Length -ge $KeyCount)) {

    return $keys

function Remove-RedisKey
    param (

    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $db.KeyDelete($Key) | Out-Null

function Remove-RedisSetMember
    param (


    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $db.SetRemove($Key, $Member) | Out-Null

function Add-RedisSetMember
    param (


    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $db.SetAdd($Key, $Member) | Out-Null

function Set-RedisIncrementKey
    param (

        $Increment = 1

    $db = Get-RedisDatabase
    $value = $db.StringIncrement($Key, $Increment) | Out-Null
    return $value

function Test-RedisTiming
    param (

        $Seconds = 120,


    if ($Seconds -le 0) {
        $Seconds = 1

    $startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow
    $times = @()

    # run and get duration for each call
    while ([DateTime]::UtcNow.Subtract($startTime).TotalSeconds -le $Seconds)
        $_start = [DateTime]::UtcNow

        Set-RedisIncrementKey -Key $Key -Increment 1 | Out-Null

        $duration = [DateTime]::UtcNow.Subtract($_start).TotalMilliseconds
        $times += $duration

        if (!$NoSleep -and $duration -lt 1000) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (1000 - $duration)

    # remove the key
    Remove-RedisKey -Key $Key

    # loop through the duration, getting the average/min and max times
    $results = ($times | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum)

    return @{
        Average = $results.Average
        Minimum = $results.Minimum
        Maximum = $results.Maximum