function ConvertFrom-OmreportStream { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts the output of omreport to a rich object. .DESCRIPTION ConvertFrom-OmreportStream converts the output of the Dell Open Management Server Administation command line tool "omreport". The output of omreport is a character stream. ConvertFrom-OmreportStream outputs a rich object representing the contents of the character stream. The objects output by ConvertFrom-OmreportStream can be manipulated using idiomatic PowerShell. The output of omreport should be in semicolon-separated-values "ssv" format. ssv format is selected by providing the "-fmt ssv" option to omreport. Other delimiters might work and can be specified by Delimiter. .OUTPUTS An array of objects. Each non-heading line of OmreportStream produces an object whose property values are derived from the values in each line and whose property name are derived from the heading line. When ParentData is provided, a parent object is created with the following properties: * Objects: The array of objects described above * Delimiter: The Delimiter parameter provided to ConvertFrom-OmreportStream * DelimitedLines: An array containing the delimited lines in OmreportStream * UndelimitedLines: An array containing the lines in OmreportStream that are not DelimitedLines * HeadingsLine: The line in OmreportStream containing the headings. * Headings: The headings contained in HeadingsLines .EXAMPLE Out-Null omreport storage pdisk controller=0 -fmt ssv | ConvertFrom-OmreportStream | ? {$_.'Hot Spare' -eq 'Dedicated'} | select ID,Capacity The code above outputs the physical ID and capacity of hard drives that are dedicated hot spares connected to controller 0. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The stream object output by omreport when invoked from PowerShell. [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyname=$true)] [object[]] $OmreportStream, # The character(s) used to delimit the fields in the omreport character stream. [string] $Delimiter = ';', # ParentData builds a parent object with objects resultant from parsing of OmreportStream. [switch] $ParentData ) begin { $accumulator = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } process { $OmreportStream | % { $accumulator.Add($_) | Out-Null } } end { $h = @{} $h.Delimiter = $delimiter $h.DelimitedLines = $accumulator | ? { $_ -match $delimiter } if ($h.DelimitedLines.Count -lt 2) { throw New-Object System.ArgumentException( 'OmreportStream contained fewer than 2 delimited lines.', 'OmreportStream' ) } $h.UndelimitedLines = $accumulator | ? { $_ -notmatch $delimiter } $h.HeadingsLine = $h.DelimitedLines | Select -First 1 $h.Headings = $h.HeadingsLine.Split($delimiter) if ($h.Headings | ? {$_ -eq [System.String]::Empty}) { throw New-Object System.ArgumentException( 'OmreportStream contains blank headings.', 'OmreportStream' ) } $objects = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ( $line in $h.DelimitedLines | ? {$_ -ne $h.HeadingsLine} ) { $properties = $line.Split($delimiter) if ( $h.Headings.Count -lt $properties.Count ) { Write-Warning "Number of columns in higher than number of columns in header. Omitting line: $line" continue } $i = 0 $thisHash = @{} foreach ($heading in $h.Headings) { $thisHash.$heading = $properties[$i] $i++ } $objects.Add( (New-Object psobject -Property $thisHash) ) | Out-Null } $h.Objects = [array]$objects if ( $ParentData ) { return New-Object psobject -Property $h } return ,$h.Objects } } function ConvertFrom-OmreportSystemVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The stream object output by omreport when invoked from PowerShell. [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyname=$true)] [object[]] $OmreportStream, # The character(s) used to delimit the fields in the omreport character stream. [string] $Delimiter = ';' ) begin { $accumulator = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } process { $OmreportStream | % { $accumulator.Add($_) | Out-Null } } end { if ( $accumulator[0] -ne 'Version Report') { throw New-Object System.ArgumentException( 'OmreportStream does not begin with "Version Report".', 'OmreportStream' ) } $h = @{} $h.Title = $accumulator[0] $h.Sections = @{} $i = 0 $sectionIndex = 0 foreach ( $line in $accumulator ) { $lineType = '' if ( $line -and $line -notmatch $Delimiter ) { $lineType = 'Section Title' } if ( $line -and $line -match $Delimiter -and $line.Split($Delimiter)[0] -eq 'Name' ) { $lineType = 'Name' } if ( $line -and $line -match $Delimiter -and $line.Split($Delimiter)[0] -eq 'Version' ) { $lineType = 'Version Number' } if ($i -eq 0) { $lineType = 'Report Title' } # report a stray Version if ( $lineType -eq 'Version Number' -and -not $currentName ) { $versionNumber = $line.Split($Delimiter)[1] Write-Warning "Version Number $versionNumber found without a name." $currentSection.StrayVersions.Add($versionNumber) } # finish a Name/Version pair if ( $currentName -and $lineType -eq 'Version Number' ) { $currentSection.Versions.$currentName = $line.Split($Delimiter)[1] } # finish the section if ( $lineType -eq 'Section Title' -and $sectionIndex ) { $currentSection.EndIndex = $i-1 if ($currentSection.Versions.Count) { $currentSection.Versions = New-Object psobject -Property $currentSection.Versions } $h.Sections.$currentSectionName = New-Object psobject -Property $currentSection } # start the section if ($lineType -eq 'Section Title') { $sectionIndex++ $currentName = $null $currentSection = @{} $currentSection.Versions = @{} $currentSection.StrayVersions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $currentSection.CellLines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $currentSectionName = $line $currentSection.StartIndex = $i } # start a Name/Version pair if ($lineType -eq 'Name') { $currentName = $line.Split($Delimiter)[1] $currentSection.Versions.$currentName = $null } # finish the last section if ( $i -eq ($accumulator.Count-1) ) { $currentSection.EndIndex = $i if ($currentSection.Versions.Count) { $currentSection.Versions = New-Object psobject -Property $currentSection.Versions } $h.Sections.$currentSectionName = New-Object psobject -Property $currentSection } $i++ } foreach ($sectionName in $h.Sections.Keys) { foreach ($versionName in ($h.Sections.$sectionName.Versions | gm -MemberType NoteProperty | % {$_.Name})) { if ($null -eq $h.Sections.$sectionName.Versions.$versionName) { Write-Warning "Section $sectionName has name $versionName but no corresponding version." } } } $h.Sections = New-Object psobject -Property $h.Sections return New-Object psobject -Property $h } } |