
#Original file: Clone-Arm.Tags.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Clone-Arm.Tags"

Task -Name "Clone-Arm.Tags" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $valueObj = [ordered]@{}
    $armObj.resources[0].tags.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        $valueObj.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)

    for ($i = 1; $i -lt $armObj.resources.Count; $i++) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[$i].tags) {
            $armObj.resources[$i] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tags" -Value $valueObj
        else {
            $armObj.resources[$i].tags = $($valueObj)

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: ConvertTo-Arm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = "Converts the LogicApp json structure into a valid ARM template json"
    Alias       = "Converter.ConvertTo-Arm"

Task -Name "ConvertTo-Arm" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj = [ArmTemplate][PSCustomObject]@{
        '$schema'      = ""
        contentVersion = ""
        parameters     = @{}
        variables      = @{}
        outputs        = @{}

    $armObj.resources = @($lgObj)
    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: ConvertTo-Raw.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Converts the exported LogicApp json structure into the a valid LogicApp json,
this will remove different properties that are not needed

    Alias       = "Converter.ConvertTo-Raw"

Task -Name "ConvertTo-Raw" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Export-LogicApp.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = "Exports the raw version of the Logic App from the Azure Portal"
    Alias       = "Exporter.Export-LogicApp"

Task -Name "Export-LogicApp" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    if ($SubscriptionId -and $ResourceGroup) {
        $uri = "$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/$Name`?api-version=2019-05-01"
        # Write-Host "Direct URL '$($uri)'"

        if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
            $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
        else {
            $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
    else {
        # Write-Host "Searching for the Logic App"

        if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
            $id = az resource show --resource-group $ResourceGroup --resource-type "Microsoft.Logic/workflows" --name $Name --query "id" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $resObj = az rest --url "$id" --url-parameters api-version=2019-05-01 | ConvertFrom-Json
        else {
            $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Method Get -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ResourceProviderName 'Microsoft.Logic' -ResourceType 'workflows' -Name $Name -ApiVersion "2019-05-01" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $resObj) {
        #TODO! We need to throw an error
    Out-TaskFile -InputObject $resObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AmazonSQS.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type AmazonSQS
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the 'Access Key Secret' as a Secure String
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--The displayname will be configured to be the same as the name of the connection
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AmazonSQS.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AmazonSQS.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "amazonsqs"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/amazonsqs*"`
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*"))) {
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Amazon.SQS.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $parmApicId = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $parmApicQueueUrl = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_QueueUrl" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $parmApicAccessKeyId = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_AccessKeyId" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $parmApicAccessKeySecret = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_AccessKeySecret" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicId" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicQueueUrl" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$($resObj.Properties.parameterValues.queueUrl)" `
                -Description "The Url for the SQS as provided from Amazon."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicAccessKeyId" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$($resObj.Properties.parameterValues.accessKeyId)" `
                -Description "The Access Key as provided from Amazon."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicAccessKeySecret" `
                -Type "SecureString" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The Secret Access Key as provided from Amazon."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicQueueUrl')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicAccessKeyId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicAccessKeySecret')]"

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Depricated. Use Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Id.AsParameter instead.
Loops all `$connections children
-Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
-Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
-Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*") {
            $conName = $_.Value.connectionId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Connection_Prefix -Suffix $Connection_Suffix -Value $_.Name
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$namePreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
-Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('XYZ'))]
-Sets the connectionName to: [variables('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsVariable" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*") {
            $conName = $_.Value.connectionId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Connection_Prefix -Suffix $Connection_Suffix -Value $_.Name
            $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" -Value $conName
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', variables('$namePreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[variables('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AzureBlob.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type AzureBlob and is using the Managed Identity authentication scheme
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on the Managed Identity authentication
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AzureBlob.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AzureBlob.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "azureblob"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/azureblob*") {

            # This should only handle Managed Identity AzureBlob connections
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -ne "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }

            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.AzureBlob.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            # $ = $"'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$nsPreSuf')")

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"


    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Dataverse.ServicePrincipal.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Dataverse.ServicePrincipal.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Dataverse.ServicePrincipal.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/commondataservice*") {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($_.Value.connectionId)

            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $tenantId = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues."token:TenantId"
            $clientId = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues."token:clientId"
            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Dataverse.ServicePrincipal.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $tenantPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_TenantId" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $clientPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ClientId" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $secretPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ClientSecret" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$tenantPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$tenantId" `
                -Description "The Azure tenant id that the Dataverse instance is connected to. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$clientPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$clientId" `
                -Description "The ClientId used to authenticate against the Dataverse instance. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$secretPreSuf" `
                -Type "SecureString" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The ClientSecret used to authenticate against the Dataverse instance. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The id/name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues."token:TenantId" = "[parameters('$tenantPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues."token:clientId" = "[parameters('$clientPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues."token:clientSecret" = "[parameters('$secretPreSuf')]"

            # Update the api connection object type
            $ -match "/managedApis/(.*)"
            $conType = $Matches[1]
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ConnectionString.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type EventHub, and that is using the classic connection string approach
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the connection string as a Secure String
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ConnectionString approach
--Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--The displayname will be configured to be the same as the name of the connection
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ConnectionString.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ConnectionString.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "eventhubs"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/eventhubs*" `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*"))) {
            # Identity a way to identify the connection type - ConnectionString vs ManagedServiceIdentity
            # if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -eq "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.EventHub.ConnectionString.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $parmApicId = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $parmApicConnectionString = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ConnectionString" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicId" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicConnectionString" `
                -Type "SecureString" `
                -Value "Endpoint=sb://[EventHubNamespace];SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=[AccessKeyValue]" `
                -Description "The complete connection string for the namespace. Please note that you might need ';EntityPath=XYZ' appended based on your needs. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicConnectionString')]"
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type EventHub, and that is using the classic connection string approach
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the ResourceGroup, Namespace, AccessKey
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.EventHub.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "eventhubs"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/eventhubs*" `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*"))) {
            # Identity a way to identify the connection type - ConnectionString vs ManagedServiceIdentity
            # if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -eq "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.EventHub.ListKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $parmApicId = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $parmApicSubscription = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $parmApicResourceGroup = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $parmApicNamespace = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $parmApicAccessKey = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_AccessKey" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicId" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicSubscription" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicResourceGroup" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicNamespace" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicAccessKey" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "RootManageSharedAccessKey" `
                -Description "The name of the namespace access policy key that will be used during the deployment to fetch the connection string based on that key. ($($connectionObj.Name))"
            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$parmApicSubscription')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$parmApicResourceGroup')").Replace("'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$parmApicNamespace')").Replace("'##KEYNAME##'", "parameters('$parmApicAccessKey')")
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type ManagedApi
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--Extends the dependsOn property on the LogicApp resource, to depend on the ApiConnection object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -match "/managedApis/(.*)") {
            # We have specialized templates for these types
            if ($Matches[1] -in @("azureblob", "azurefile", "azuretables", "servicebus")) { continue }

            $found = $true
            $conType = $Matches[1]

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type ManagedApi
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
--Extends the dependsOn property on the LogicApp resource, to depend on the ApiConnection object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Generic.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -match "/managedApis/(.*)") {
            # We have specialized templates for these types
            if ($Matches[1] -in @("azureblob", "azurefile", "azuretables", "servicebus")) { continue }

            $found = $true
            $conType = $Matches[1]

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Id.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionId property
-Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
-Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Id.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Id.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*") {
            $conName = $_.Value.connectionId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Connection_Prefix -Suffix $Connection_Suffix -Value $_.Name
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$namePreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IdFormatted.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Sets the id value to: [format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/XYZ', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]
Creates the Arm parameter logicAppLocation if it doesn't exists

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IdFormatted"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IdFormatted" @parm -Action {
    $found = $false

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*" `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*")) `
        ) {
            $found = $true

            $conType = $"/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IntegrationAccount.Edifact.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type ManagedApis/edifact
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation,integrationAccount,integrationAccountResourceGroup exists
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
--Extends the dependsOn property on the LogicApp resource, to depend on the ApiConnection object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IntegrationAccount.Edifact.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.IntegrationAccount.Edifact.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "edifact"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/edifact*" `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*"))) {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.IntegrationAccount.Edifact.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.integrationAccount) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccount" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$($resObj.Properties.parameterValues.integrationAccountId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1))" `
                -Description "The name / id of the Integration Account that is being utilized by the Logic App."

        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.integrationAccountResourceGroup) {
            $resObj.Properties.parameterValues.integrationAccountId -match "resourceGroups/(.*)/providers"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccountResourceGroup" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $Matches[1] `
                -Description "The resource group where the Integration Account that is being utilized by the Logic App is located."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.KeyVault.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type KeyVault and is using the Managed Identity authentication scheme
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the Namespace
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on the Managed Identity authentication
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.KeyVault.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.KeyVault.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "keyvault"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/keyvault*") {

            # This should only handle Managed Identity KeyVault connections
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -ne "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }

            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName #fallback default value

            $resName = $resObj.Properties.parameterValueSet.values.vaultName.value

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.KV.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $resNamePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Name" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$resNamePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the key vault. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"##KEYVAULT##", "[parameters('$resNamePreSuf')]")

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"


    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.LogAnalyticsDataCollector.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type AzureLogAnalyticsDataCollector
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the 'InstrumentKey/Username' as a String
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--The displayname will be configured to be the same as the name of the connection
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.LogAnalyticsDataCollector.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.LogAnalyticsDataCollector.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "azureloganalyticsdatacollector"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/azureloganalyticsdatacollector*" `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*"))) {
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.LogAnalyticsDataCollector.InstrumentKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $parmApicId = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $parmApicInstrumentKey = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_InstrumentKey" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicId" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmApicInstrumentKey" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$($resObj.Properties.parameterValues.username)" `
                -Description "The InstrumentKey / Username as provided from Azure Log Analytics."
            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$parmApicInstrumentKey')]"

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$parmApicId'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$parmApicId')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Name.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from connectionName property
-Sets the connectionId to: [resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('XYZ'))]
-Sets the connectionName to: [parameters('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Name.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Name.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*" `
                -and (-not ($connectionObj.Value.connectionName -like "*[*(*)*]*")) `
                -and (-not ($ -like "*[*(*)*]*")) `
        ) {
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $conName = $connectionObj.Value.connectionName
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value $connectionObj.Name

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$namePreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ConnectionString.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus, and that is using the classic connection string approach
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the connection string as a Secure String
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ConnectionString approach
--Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--The displayname will be configured to be the same as the name of the connection
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ConnectionString.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ConnectionString.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "servicebus"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {
            # This should only handle the classic Servicebus connections based on ListKey
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -eq "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.ConnectionString.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $conStrPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ConnectionString" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$conStrPreSuf" `
                -Type "SecureString" `
                -Value "Endpoint=sb://[ServicebusNamespace];SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=[AccessKeyValue]" `
                -Description "The complete connection string for the namespace. Please note that you might need ';EntityPath=XYZ' appended based on your needs. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"##CONNECTIONSTRING##", "$conStrPreSuf")
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus, and that is using the classic connection string approach
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the ResourceGroup, Namespace, AccessKey
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "servicebus"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {
            # This should only handle the classic Servicebus connections based on ListKey
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -eq "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.ListKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $subPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $rgPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $objPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $keyPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Key" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$subPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rgPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$objPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($connectionObj.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$keyPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "RootManageSharedAccessKey" `
                -Description "The name of the namespace access policy key that will be used during the deployment to fetch the connection string based on that key. ($($connectionObj.Name))"
            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$subPreSuf')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$rgPreSuf')").Replace("'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$objPreSuf')").Replace("'##KEYNAME##'", "parameters('$keyPreSuf')")
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus, and that is using the classic connection string approach
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the ResourceGroup, Namespace, AccessKey
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
--The displayname will be configured to be the same as the name of the connection
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ListKey.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "servicebus"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {
            # This should only handle the classic Servicebus connections based on ListKey
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -eq "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }
            $found = $true
            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.ListKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $subPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $rgPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $objPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $keyPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Key" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$subPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rgPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the servicebus namespace is located. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$objPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($connectionObj.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$keyPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "RootManageSharedAccessKey" `
                -Description "The name of the namespace access policy key that will be used during the deployment to fetch the connection string based on that key. ($($connectionObj.Name))"
            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$subPreSuf')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$rgPreSuf')").Replace("'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$objPreSuf')").Replace("'##KEYNAME##'", "parameters('$keyPreSuf')")
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus and is using the Managed Identity authentication scheme
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the Namespace
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on the Managed Identity authentication
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "servicebus"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {

            # This should only handle Managed Identity Servicebus connections
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -ne "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }

            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $displayName #fallback default value

            if ($resObj.Properties.parameterValueSet.values.namespaceEndpoint.value -match "sb://(.*)") {
                $resName = $Matches[1]

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $nsPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$nsPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$nsPreSuf')")

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"


    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type servicebus and is using the Managed Identity authentication scheme
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the Namespace
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on the Managed Identity authentication
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Servicebus.ManagedIdentity.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {
    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
    $found = $false
    $conType = "servicebus"

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    foreach ($connectionObj in $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties) {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis/servicebus*") {

            # This should only handle Managed Identity Servicebus connections
            if ($connectionObj.Value.connectionProperties.authentication.type -ne "ManagedServiceIdentity") { continue }

            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($connectionObj.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json
            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName #fallback default value

            if ($resObj.Properties.parameterValueSet.values.namespaceEndpoint.value -match "sb://(.*)") {
                $resName = $Matches[1]

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SB.Managed.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"
            $nsPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Namespace" -Value "$($connectionObj.Name)"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$nsPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the servicebus namespace. ($($connectionObj.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##NAMESPACE##'", "parameters('$nsPreSuf')")

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()
            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $connectionObj.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"


    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.SftpWithSsh.Username.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type azuretable
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, Namespace, Key
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.SftpWithSsh.Username.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.SftpWithSsh.Username.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/sftpwithssh*") {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($_.Value.connectionId)

            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $hostName = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.hostName
            $userName = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.userName
            $portNumber = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.portNumber
            $rootFolder = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.rootFolder
            $accept = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.acceptAnySshHostKey
            $fingerprint = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.sshHostKeyFingerprint

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.SftpWithSsh.Username.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $hostPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Hostname" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $userPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Username" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $passPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Password" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $portPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Portnumber" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $rootPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Rootfolder" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $acceptPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_AcceptAnySshHostkey" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $fingerPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_SshHostKeyFingerprint" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$hostPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$hostName" `
                -Description "The host / server address for the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$userPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$userName" `
                -Description "The username used to authenticate against the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$passPreSuf" `
                -Type "SecureString" `
                -Value "" `
                -Description "The password used to authenticate against the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$portPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$portNumber" `
                -Description "The port used to communicate with the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rootPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$rootFolder" `
                -Description "The root folder path on the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$acceptPreSuf" `
                -Type "bool" `
                -Value $accept `
                -Description "True will accept any Ssh Host Keys presented from the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$fingerPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$fingerprint" `
                -Description "The fingerprint that you expect during the initial communication with the Sftp server. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."
            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.hostName = "[parameters('$hostPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.userName = "[parameters('$userPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.password = "[parameters('$passPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.portNumber = "[parameters('$portPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.rootFolder = "[parameters('$rootPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.acceptAnySshHostKey = "[parameters('$acceptPreSuf')]"
            $apiObj.Properties.ParameterValues.sshHostKeyFingerprint = "[parameters('$fingerPreSuf')]"

            # Update the api connection object type
            $ -match "/managedApis/(.*)"
            $conType = $Matches[1]
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type azureblob or azurefile
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, Namespace, Key
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/azureblob*" -or $ -like "*managedApis/azurefile*") {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($_.Value.connectionId)

            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.AccountName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Storage.BlobOrFile.AccessKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $subPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $rgPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $objPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_StorageAccount" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$subPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rgPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$objPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the storage account. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$objPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$subPreSuf')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$rgPreSuf')").Replace("'##ACCOUNTNAME##'", "parameters('$objPreSuf')")

            # Update the api connection object type
            $ -match "/managedApis/(.*)"
            $conType = $Matches[1]
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type azureblob or azurefile
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, Namespace, Key
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the ConnectionName property
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.BlobOrFile.ListKey.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/azureblob*" -or $ -like "*managedApis/azurefile*") {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($_.Value.connectionId)
            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.AccountName

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Storage.BlobOrFile.AccessKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $subPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $rgPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $objPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_StorageAccount" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$subPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rgPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$objPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the storage account. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$objPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$subPreSuf')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$rgPreSuf')").Replace("'##ACCOUNTNAME##'", "parameters('$objPreSuf')")

            # Update the api connection object type
            $ -match "/managedApis/(.*)"
            $conType = $Matches[1]
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)
            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.Table.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Validates that is of the type azuretable
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the ApiConnection object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, Namespace, Key
--Makes sure the ARM Parameters logicAppLocation exists
--The type is based on ListKey / ConnectionString approach
--Name & Displayname is extracted from the Api Connection Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.Table.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.Storage.Table.ListKey.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

    # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
    $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools

    $found = $false
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.parameters.'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

        if ($ -like "*managedApis/azuretable*") {
            $found = $true

            # Fetch the details from the connection object
            $uri = "{0}?api-version=2018-07-01-preview" -f $($_.Value.connectionId)

            if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
                $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
            else {
                $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Use the display name as the name of the resource
            $conName = $resObj.Name
            $displayName = $resObj.Properties.DisplayName
            $resName = $resObj.Properties.ParameterValues.storageaccount

            # Fetch base template
            $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
            $apiObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\API.Storage.Table.AccessKey.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # Set the names of the parameters
            $Prefix = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
            $subPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_Subscription" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $rgPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_ResourceGroup" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $objPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_StorageAccount" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $idPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $displayPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Prefix -Suffix "_DisplayName" -Value "$($_.Name)"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$subPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[subscription().subscriptionId]" `
                -Description "The subscription where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$rgPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().name]" `
                -Description "The resource group where the storage account is located. ($($_.Name))"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$objPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$resName" `
                -Description "The name of the storage account. ($($_.Name))"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$idPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $conName `
                -Description "The name / id of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App. Will be for the trigger and other actions that depend on connections."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$displayPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $displayName `
                -Description "The display name of the ManagedApi connection object that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            # Update the api object properties
            $apiObj.Name = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$displayPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[parameters('$objPreSuf')]"
            $ = $"'##SUSCRIPTIONID##'", "parameters('$subPreSuf')").Replace("'##RESOURCEGROUPNAME##'", "parameters('$rgPreSuf')").Replace("'##ACCOUNTNAME##'", "parameters('$objPreSuf')")

            # Update the api connection object type
            $ -match "/managedApis/(.*)"
            $conType = $Matches[1]
            $ = $"##TYPE##", $conType)

            # Append the new resource to the ARM template
            $armObj.resources += $apiObj

            if ($null -eq $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn) {
                # Create the dependsOn array if it does not exist
                $armObj.resources[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "dependsOn" -Value @()

            # Add the new resource to the dependsOn array, so that the deployment will work
            $armObj.resources[0].dependsOn += "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"

            # Adjust the connection object to depend on the same name
            $_.Value.connectionId = "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/connections', parameters('$idPreSuf'))]"
            $_.Value.connectionName = "[parameters('$idPreSuf')]"
            $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/{1}/managedApis/$conType', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('logicAppLocation'))]"

    if ($found) {
        # We need the location parameter
        if ($null -eq $armObj.parameters.logicAppLocation) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
                -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.Advanced.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
  Description = @"
Loops all diagnosticSettings children for the Logic App
-Validates that is of the type Log Analytics (Workspace)
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the diagnosticSettings object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the WorkspaceId, WorkspaceResourceGroup, Name
--WorkspaceId, WorkspaceResourceGroup & Name is extracted from the DiagnosticSettings Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

  Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.Advanced.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.Advanced.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

  # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
  $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
  $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"

  $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

  $subLocal = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

  if ($SubscriptionId) {
    $subLocal = $SubscriptionId
  $uri = "/subscriptions/$subLocal/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/$Name/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings?api-version=2021-05-01-preview"

  if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
    $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
  else {
    $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

  $diagSettings = @($resObj | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)

  if ($null -eq $diagSettings -or $diagSettings.Count -eq 0) {
    $diagFake = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\DIAG.Workspace.Simple.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    $diagSettings = @($diagFake)

  $counter = 0

  foreach ($diag in $diagSettings) {
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ {
    $orgName = $
    $orgResourceGroup = ($ | Select-String -Pattern ".*/resourceGroups/(.*?)/providers/").Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
    $orgWorkspace = $"/") | Select-Object -Last 1

    $counter += 1

    $parmName = "diagnostic$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))_Name"
    $parmWorkspace = "diagnostic$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))_WorkspaceId"
    $parmRgWorkspace = "diagnostic$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))_ResourceGroup"

    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
      -Type "string" `
      -Value "$orgName" `
      -Description "The name of diagnostic setting / profile for the Logic App."

    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$parmRgWorkspace" `
      -Type "string" `
      -Value "$orgResourceGroup" `
      -Description "The resource group where the Log Analytics (Workspace) is located."
    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmWorkspace `
      -Type "string" `
      -Value "$orgWorkspace" `
      -Description "The name / id of the Log Analytics (Workspace) that is referenced by the Logic App and its diagnostic settings."
    # Fetch base template
    $diagObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\DIAG.Workspace.Simple.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    $diagObj.Name = "[format('{0}/Microsoft.Insights/{1}', parameters('logicAppName'), parameters('$parmName'))]"
    $diagObj.Type = "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/diagnosticSettings"
    $ = "[resourceId(parameters('$parmRgWorkspace'), 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('$parmWorkspace'))]"
    $ = $
    $ = $
    $armObj.resources += $diagObj

  Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.AsArmObject.task.ps1
$parm = @{
  Description = @"
Loops all diagnosticSettings children for the Logic App
-Validates that is of the type Log Analytics (Workspace)
--Creates a new resource in the ARM template, for the diagnosticSettings object
--With matching ARM Parameters, for the WorkspaceId, Name
--WorkspaceId & Name is extracted from the DiagnosticSettings Object
Requires an authenticated session, either Az.Accounts or az cli

  Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.AsArmObject"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Diagnostics.Settings.Workspace.AsArmObject" @parm -Action {

  # We can either use the az cli or the Az modules
  $tools = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.Execution.Tools
  $pathArms = "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.ModulePath.Base)\internal\arms"
  $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

  $subLocal = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id

  if ($SubscriptionId) {
    $subLocal = $SubscriptionId
  $uri = "/subscriptions/$subLocal/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/$Name/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings?api-version=2021-05-01-preview"

  if ($tools -eq "AzCli") {
    $resObj = az rest --url $uri | ConvertFrom-Json
  else {
    $resObj = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path $uri -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content | ConvertFrom-Json

  $diagSettings = @($resObj | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)

  if ($null -eq $diagSettings -or $diagSettings.Count -eq 0) {
    $diagFake = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\DIAG.Workspace.Simple.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    $diagSettings = @($diagFake)

  $counter = 0

  foreach ($diag in $diagSettings) {
    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ {
    $orgName = $
    $orgWorkspace = $"/") | Select-Object -Last 1

    $counter += 1

    $parmName = "diagnostic$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))_Name"
    $parmWorkspace = "diagnostic$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))_WorkspaceId"

    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
      -Type "string" `
      -Value "$orgName" `
      -Description "The name of diagnostic setting / profile for the Logic App."

    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmWorkspace `
      -Type "string" `
      -Value "$orgWorkspace" `
      -Description "The name / id of the Log Analytics (Workspace) that is referenced by the Logic App and its diagnostic settings."
    # Fetch base template
    $diagObj = Get-Content -Path "$pathArms\DIAG.Workspace.Simple.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
    $diagObj.Name = "[format('{0}/Microsoft.Insights/{1}', parameters('logicAppName'), parameters('$parmName'))]"
    $diagObj.Type = "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/diagnosticSettings"
    $ = "[resourceId(resourceGroup().name, 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces', parameters('$parmWorkspace'))]"
    $ = $
    $ = $
    $armObj.resources += $diagObj

  Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Function" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {
            if ($ -match "/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/(.*)/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/(.*)/functions/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $parmGroup = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))ResourceGroup"

                $functionGroup = $Matches[1]
                $functionName = $Matches[2]
                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{2}/functions/$($Matches[3])', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('$parmGroup'), parameters('$parmName'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmGroup `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value $functionGroup `
                    -Description "The resource group where the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.WithMethod.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.WithMethod.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Advanced.WithMethod.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Function" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {
            if ($ -match "/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/(.*)/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/(.*)/functions/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $parmGroup = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))ResourceGroup"
                $parmMethod = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))Method"

                $functionGroup = $Matches[1]
                $functionName = $Matches[2]
                $functionMethod = $Matches[3]

                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{2}/functions/{3})', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('$parmGroup'), parameters('$parmName'), parameters('$parmMethod'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmGroup `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value $functionGroup `
                    -Description "The resource group where the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmMethod `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionMethod" `
                    -Description "The name the method exposed by the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Function" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {
            if ($ -match "/sites/(.*)/functions/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"

                $functionName = $Matches[1]
                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{2}/functions/$($Matches[2])', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('$parmName'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.WithMethod.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.WithMethod.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.FunctionApp.IdFormatted.Simple.WithMethod.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Function" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {
            if ($ -match "/sites/(.*)/functions/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $parmMethod = "functionApp$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))Method"

                $functionName = $Matches[1]
                $functionMethod = $Matches[2]

                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{2}/functions/{3}}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('$parmName'), parameters('$parmMethod'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmMethod `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$functionMethod" `
                    -Description "The name the method exposed by the FunctionApp that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: integrationAccount
-Set the default value to the original name, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Creates an Arm parameter: integrationAccountResourceGroup
-Set the default value to the original resource group, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Sets the value of the integrationAccount.Id: [format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('integrationAccountResourceGroup'), parameters('integrationAccount'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0] {
        if ($armObj.resources[0] -match "resourceGroups/(.*)/providers") {
            $integrationAccountName = $armObj.resources[0]"/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $armObj.resources[0] = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, parameters('integrationAccountResourceGroup'), parameters('integrationAccount'))]"


            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccount" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "$integrationAccountName" `
                -Description "The name / id of the Integration Account that is being utilized by the Logic App."

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccountResourceGroup" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $Matches[1] `
                -Description "The resource group where the Integration Account that is being utilized by the Logic App is located."


    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm variable: integrationAccount
-Set the value to the original name, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Creates an Arm variable: integrationAccountResourceGroup
-Set the value to the original resource group, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Sets the value of the integrationAccount.Id: [format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId,variables('integrationAccountResourceGroup'),variables('integrationAccount'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Advanced.AsVariable" @parm -Action {
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0] {
        if ($armObj.resources[0] -match "resourceGroups/(.*)/providers") {

            $integrationAccountName = $armObj.resources[0]"/") | Select-Object -Last 1

            $armObj.resources[0] = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId,variables('integrationAccountResourceGroup'),variables('integrationAccount'))]"


            $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccount" -Value "$integrationAccountName"
            $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccountResourceGroup" -Value "$($Matches[1])"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: integrationAccount
-Set the default value to the original name, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Sets the value of the integrationAccount.Id: [format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('integrationAccount'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0] {
        $integrationAccountName = $armObj.resources[0]"/") | Select-Object -Last 1
        $armObj.resources[0] = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('integrationAccount'))]"


        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccount" `
            -Type "string" `
            -Value "$integrationAccountName" `
            -Description "The name / id of the Integration Account that is being utilized by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm variable: integrationAccount
-Set the value to the original name, extracted from integrationAccount.Id
Sets the value of the integrationAccount.Id: [format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name,variables('integrationAccount'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.IntegrationAccount.IdFormatted.Simple.AsVariable" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0] {
        $integrationAccountName = $armObj.resources[0]"/") | Select-Object -Last 1
        $armObj.resources[0] = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name,variables('integrationAccount'))]"


        $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "integrationAccount" -Value "$integrationAccountName"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Location.AsResourceGroup.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: logicAppLocation
-Set the default value to: [resourceGroup().location]
This is the current best practice, and will supress any validation errors in the different tools that exists

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Location.AsResourceGroup.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Location.AsResourceGroup.AsParameter" @parm -Action {
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppLocation" `
        -Type "string" `
        -Value "[resourceGroup().location]" `
        -Description "Location of the Logic App. Best practice recommendation is to make this depending on the Resource Group and its location."
    $armObj.resources[0].location = "[parameters('logicAppLocation')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.LogicApp.Name.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: logicAppName
-Sets the default value to the original name

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.LogicApp.Name.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.LogicApp.Name.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $orgName = $armObj.resources[0].name
    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppName" `
        -Type "string" `
        -Value "$orgName" `
        -Description "Name of the Logic App. Makes it possible to override the name at deploy time."
    $armObj.resources[0].name = "[parameters('logicAppName')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all internal / inner LogicApp parm (parameters)
-Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the default value (Arm parameter) to the original value from the parm
-Sets the default value (LogicApp parm) to: [parameters('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.parameters.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.Name -ne '$connections') {
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Parm" -Prefix $Parm_Prefix -Suffix $Parm_Suffix -Value $_.Name

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" `
                -Type "$($_.Value.type)" `
                -Value $($_.Value.defaultValue) `
                -Description "A parameter that is defined inside in the Logic App. Not to be confused with parameters for the Arm Template deployment."
            $_.Value.defaultValue = "[parameters('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all internal / inner LogicApp parm (parameters)
-Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the value (Arm variable) to the original value from the parm
-Sets the default value (LogicApp parm) to: [variables('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.LogicApp.Parm.AsVariable" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.parameters.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.Name -ne '$connections') {
            $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Parm" -Prefix $Parm_Prefix -Suffix $Parm_Suffix -Value $_.Name

            $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" -Value $($_.Value.defaultValue)
            $_.Value.defaultValue = "[variables('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.LogicApp.State.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: logicAppState
-Sets the default value to the original state of the Logic App

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.LogicApp.State.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.LogicApp.State.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $orgValue = $armObj.resources[0].properties.state
    $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "logicAppState" `
        -Type "string" `
        -Value "$orgValue" `
        -Description "State of the Logic App when is being deployed. Makes it possible to override the name at deploy time."
    $armObj.resources[0].properties.state = "[parameters('logicAppState')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Tags.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all tags
-Creates an Arm parameter, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the default value (Arm parameter) to the original value from the tag
-Sets the value (Tag) to: [parameters('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Tags.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Tags.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].tags.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Tag" -Prefix $Tag_Prefix -Suffix $Tag_Suffix -Value $_.Name

        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" `
            -Type "string" `
            -Value "$($_.Value)" `
            -Description "Tag that is searchable inside the Azure platform, either with the GUI ( or with scripting tools."

        $_.Value = "[parameters('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Tags.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all tags
-Creates an Arm variable, with prefix & suffix
--Sets the value (Arm variable) to the original value from the tag
-Sets the value (Tag) to: [variables('XYZ')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Tags.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Tags.AsVariable" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $armObj.resources[0].tags.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        $namePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Tag" -Prefix $Tag_Prefix -Suffix $Tag_Suffix -Value $($_.Name)

        $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "$namePreSuf" -Value $($_.Value)
        $_.Value = "[variables('$namePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.EvaluatedRecurrence.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
    Creates an Arm parameter: trigger_EvalFrequency
    -Sets the default value to the original value, extracted from evaluatedRecurrence.frequency
    -Sets the evaluatedRecurrence.frequency value to: [parameters('trigger_EvalFrequency')]
    Creates an Arm parameter: trigger_EvalInterval
    -Set the default value to the original value, extracted from evaluatedRecurrence.interval
    -Sets the evaluatedRecurrence.interval value to: [parameters('trigger_EvalInterval')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.EvaluatedRecurrence.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.EvaluatedRecurrence.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.type -in @("ApiConnection", "Recurrence") -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence) {

        $frequencyPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "EvalFrequency"
        $intervalPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "EvalInterval"
        $startTimePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "EvalStartTime"
        $timeZonePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "EvalTimeZone"

        if ($null -eq @($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties)[0].Value.evaluatedRecurrence) {
            # Create the evaluatedRecurrence property if it does not exist
            @($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties)[0].Value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "evaluatedRecurrence" -Value $([ordered]@{
                    frequency = "Minute";
                    interval  = 1;

        # Handle the frequency property
        $orgFrequency = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.frequency
        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$frequencyPreSuf" `
            -Type "string" `
            -Value $orgFrequency `
            -Description "The frequency used for the trigger to evalutate."

        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.frequency = "[parameters('$frequencyPreSuf')]"
        # Handle the interval property
        $orgInterval = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.interval
        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$intervalPreSuf" `
            -Type "int" `
            -Value $orgInterval `
            -Description "The interval used for the trigger to evalutate."

        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.interval = "[parameters('$intervalPreSuf')]"

        # Handle the StartTime property
        $orgStartTime = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.startTime
        if (-not ($null -eq $orgStartTime)) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$startTimePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $orgStartTime `
                -Description "The start time used for the trigger to evalutate."

            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.startTime = "[parameters('$startTimePreSuf')]"

        # Handle the TimeZone property
        $orgTimeZone = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.timeZone
        if (-not ($null -eq $orgTimeZone)) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$timeZonePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $orgTimeZone `
                -Description "The time zone used for the trigger to evalutate."

            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.evaluatedRecurrence.timeZone = "[parameters('$timeZonePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.Recurrence.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: trigger_Frequency
-Sets the default value to the original value, extracted from recurrence.frequency
-Sets the recurrence.frequency value to: [parameters('trigger_Frequency')]
Creates an Arm parameter: trigger_Interval
-Set the default value to the original value, extracted from recurrence.interval
-Sets the recurrence.interval value to: [parameters('trigger_Interval')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.Recurrence.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Trigger.ApiConnection.Recurrence.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.type -in @("ApiConnection", "Recurrence") -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence) {

        $frequencyPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Frequency"
        $intervalPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Interval"
        $startTimePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "StartTime"
        $timeZonePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "TimeZone"

        # Handle the Frequency property
        $orgFrequency = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.frequency
        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$frequencyPreSuf" `
            -Type "string" `
            -Value $orgFrequency `
            -Description "The frequency used for the trigger to run."

        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.frequency = "[parameters('$frequencyPreSuf')]"
        # Handle the Interval property
        $orgInterval = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.interval
        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$intervalPreSuf" `
            -Type "int" `
            -Value $orgInterval `
            -Description "The interval used for the trigger to run."

        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.interval = "[parameters('$intervalPreSuf')]"

        # Handle the StartTime property
        $orgStartTime = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.startTime
        if (-not ($null -eq $orgStartTime)) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$startTimePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $orgStartTime `
                -Description "The start time used for the trigger to evalutate."

            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.startTime = "[parameters('$startTimePreSuf')]"

        # Handle the TimeZone property
        $orgTimeZone = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.timeZone
        if (-not ($null -eq $orgTimeZone)) {
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$timeZonePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $orgTimeZone `
                -Description "The time zone used for the trigger to evalutate."

            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.recurrence.timeZone = "[parameters('$timeZonePreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Trigger.Cds.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: apostrophe - with prefix & suffix
-Sets the default value to: '
--Used for making the concat function work properly
Creates an Arm parameter: Uri - with prefix & suffix
-Sets the default value to the original value, extracted from inputs.path
Sets the inputs.path value to: [concat('/v2/datasets/...., parameters('apostrophe'), parameters('Uri'), parameters('apostrophe'), /triggers/...')]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Trigger.Cds.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Trigger.Cds.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.type -eq "ApiConnectionWebhook" -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.path -like "*/tables/*" -and
        $armObj.resources[0] -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.queries.scope) {

        if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.path -Match "/.*(https://.*\.com)") {
            $uriValue = $Matches[1]
            $apostrophePreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "apostrophe"
            $uriPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Uri"

            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$apostrophePreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value "'" `
                -Description "Used for the trigger concat function, to make things work when deploying the template."
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$uriPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $uriValue `
                -Description "The uri for the Cds instance that the trigger should be configured to run against."
            $oldPath = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.path
            $parts = $oldPath.Replace($uriValue, "|").Split("|")

            $parts[1] = $parts[1].Replace("'", "''").Replace("''))}/tables", "'))}/tables")
            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.path = "[concat('$($parts[0]), parameters('$apostrophePreSuf'), parameters('$uriPreSuf'), parameters('$apostrophePreSuf'), $($parts[1])')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Trigger.Dataverse.CallBack.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Trigger.Dataverse.CallBack.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Trigger.Dataverse.CallBack.AsParameter" @parm -Action {
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.type -eq "ApiConnectionWebhook" -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.path -like "*/callbackregistrations" -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.headers.organization -and
        $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.entityname) {

        if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.headers.organization -like "https://*" -and
            -not ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.headers.organization -like "*[*]*")) {
            $uriValue = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.headers.organization
            $uriPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Uri"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$uriPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $uriValue `
                -Description "The uri for the Dataverse instance that the trigger should be configured to run against."
            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.headers.organization = "[parameters('$uriPreSuf')]"

        if (-not ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.entityname -like "*[*]*")) {
            $entityValue = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.entityname

            $entityPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Entity"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$entityPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $entityValue `
                -Description "The entity in Dataverse that the trigger should be configured to run against."
            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.entityname = "[parameters('$entityPreSuf')]"

        if ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.filteringattributes -and
            -not ($armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.filteringattributes -like "*[*]*")) {
            $attValue = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.filteringattributes

            $attPreSuf = Format-Name -Type "Trigger" -Prefix $Trigger_Prefix -Suffix $Trigger_Suffix -Value "Attributes"
            $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "$attPreSuf" `
                -Type "string" `
                -Value $attValue `
                -Description "The attributes/columns/properties on the entity in Dataverse that the trigger should be configured to run against."
            $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.triggers.PsObject.Properties.Value.inputs.body.filteringattributes = "[parameters('$attPreSuf')]"

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm parameter: userAssignedIdentityName
-Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/XYZ
Sets the value for all references to: [resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/', parameters('UserAssignedIdentityName'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $raw = Get-TaskWorkRaw

    if ($raw -match '"/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/.*/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/(.*)"') {
        $temp = $raw.Replace($Matches[0], "`"[resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/', parameters('UserAssignedIdentityName'))]`"")

        $armObj = $temp | ConvertFrom-Json

        $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name "userAssignedIdentityName" `
            -Type "string" `
            -Value $Matches[1] `
            -Description "The name of the Managed Identity (UserAssignedIdentity) that will be utilized inside of the Logic App. Should be name of the object and not the id."
    else {
        $armObj = $raw | ConvertFrom-Json

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsVariable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates an Arm variable: userAssignedIdentityName
-Sets the default value to the original name, extracted from Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/XYZ
Sets the value for all references to: [resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/', variables('UserAssignedIdentityName'))]

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsVariable"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.UserAssignedIdentities.ResourceId.AsVariable" @parm -Action {

    $raw = Get-TaskWorkRaw

    if ($raw -match '"/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/.*/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/(.*)"') {
        $temp = $raw.Replace($Matches[0], "`"[resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/', variables('UserAssignedIdentityName'))]`"")

        $armObj = $temp | ConvertFrom-Json

        $armObj = Add-ArmVariable -InputObject $armObj -Name "userAssignedIdentityName" -Value $Matches[1]
    else {
        $armObj = $raw | ConvertFrom-Json

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Workflow" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {

            if ($ -match "/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/.*/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "workFlowId$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"

                $orgName = $Matches[1]
                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('$parmName'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$orgName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the WorkFlow (LogicApp) that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.WithTrigger.AsParameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"

    Alias       = "Arm.Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.WithTrigger.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Arm.Workflow.IdFormatted.Simple.WithTrigger.AsParameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $counter = 0
    $actions = $armObj.resources[0].properties.definition.actions.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Workflow" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if (-not ($ -like "*``[*``]*")) {

            if ($ -match "/subscriptions/.*/resourceGroups/.*/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/(.*)") {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "workFlowId$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $parmTrigger = "workFlowId$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))Trigger"

                $orgName = $Matches[1]
                $ = "[format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/{2}', subscription().subscriptionId, resourceGroup().name, parameters('$parmName'))]"

                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$orgName" `
                    -Description "The name / id of the WorkFlow (LogicApp) that is referenced by the Logic App."

                $orgValue = $
                $ = "[parameters('$parmTrigger')]"
                $armObj = Add-ArmParameter -InputObject $armObj -Name $parmTrigger `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$orgValue" `
                    -Description "The Trigger name of the WorkFlow (LogicApp) that is referenced by the Logic App."

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Audience.AsParm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all actions
-Identifies all HTTP
--Creates a LogicApp parm (parameter), with prefix & suffix
---Sets the default value (LogicApp parm) to the original value, extracted from authentication.audience
---Sets the authentication.audience value to: @{parameters('XYZ')}

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Audience.AsParm"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Audience.AsParm" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $counter = 0
    $actions = $ | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Http" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if ($item.Value.inputs.authentication -and (-not ($item.Value.inputs.authentication.audience -like "*parameters('*')*"))) {
            if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($item.Value.inputs.authentication.audience)) {
                $counter += 1
                $orgAudience = $item.Value.inputs.authentication.audience
                $parmName = "EndpointAudience$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $lgObj = Add-LogicAppParm -InputObject $lgObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value $orgAudience
                $item.Value.inputs.authentication.audience = "@{parameters('$parmName')}"

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Uri.AsParm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all actions
-Identifies all HTTP
--Creates a LogicApp parm (parameter), with prefix & suffix
---Sets the default value (LogicApp parm) to the original value, extracted from inputs.uri
---Sets the inputs.uri value to: @{parameters('XYZ')}

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Uri.AsParm"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Actions.Http.Uri.AsParm" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $counter = 0
    $actions = $ | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "Http" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if ($item.Value.inputs.uri -like "*http*") {
            if ($item.Value.inputs.uri -match "^.+?[^\/:](?=[?\/]|$)" -and (-not ($item.Value.inputs.uri -like "*parameters('*')*"))) {
                $counter += 1
                $parmName = "EndpointUri$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                $lgObj = Add-LogicAppParm -InputObject $lgObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value $Matches[0]

                $item.Value.inputs.uri = $item.Value.inputs.uri.Replace($Matches[0], "@{parameters('$parmName')}")

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Actions.Servicebus.Queue.AsParm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all actions
-Identifies all Servicebus
--Creates a LogicApp parm (parameter), with prefix & suffix
---Sets the default value (LogicApp parm) to the original value, extracted from inputs.path
---Sets the inputs.path value to: ...encodeURIComponent(parameters('XYZ')))}/messages/...

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Arm.Connections.ManagedApis.AsParameter"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Actions.Servicebus.Queue.AsParm" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $counter = 0

    $actions = $ | ForEach-Object { Get-ActionsByType -InputObject $_ -Type "ApiConnection" }

    foreach ($item in $actions) {
        if ($item.Value.inputs.path -like "*messages*") {
            if (-not ($item.Value.inputs.path -like "*parameters('*')*")) {

                if ($item.Value.inputs.path -match "'(.*)'") {
                    $counter += 1
                    $parmName = "Queue$($counter.ToString().PadLeft(3, "0"))"
                    $lgObj = Add-LogicAppParm -InputObject $lgObj -Name $parmName `
                        -Type "string" `
                        -Value "$($Matches[1])"
                    $item.Value.inputs.path = $item.Value.inputs.path.Replace($Matches[0], "parameters('$parmName')")

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.ApiVersion.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates / assigns the ApiVersion property in the LogicApp json structure
-Sets the value to: `$ApiVersion (property passed as argument)

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.ApiVersion"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.ApiVersion" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $lgObj.apiVersion = $ApiVersion

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Id.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Sets connectionId to the name of the connection, extracted from the connectionName

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Id"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Id" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*") {
            $conName = $_.Value.connectionId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $_.Value.connectionId = $_.Value.connectionId.Replace($conName, $_.Value.connectionName)

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Name.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all `$connections children
-Sets connectionName to the name of the connection, extracted from the connectionId

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Name"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Connections.ManagedApis.Name" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $'$connections'.value.PsObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
        if ($ -like "*managedApis*") {
            $conName = $_.Value.connectionId.Split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1
            $_.Value.connectionName = $conName

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.State.Disabled.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates / assigns the state property in the LogicApp json structure
-Sets the value to: Disabled

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.State.Disabled"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.State.Disabled" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $ = "Disabled"
    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.State.Enabled.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates / assigns the state property in the LogicApp json structure
-Sets the value to: Enabled

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.State.Enabled"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.State.Enabled" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $ = "Enabled"
    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.Trigger.Servicebus.Queue.AsParm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Creates a LogicApp parm (parameter): TriggerQueue
-Sets the default value to the original value, extracted from inputs.path
--Sets the inputs.path value to: ...encodeURIComponent(parameters('TriggerQueue')))}/messages/...

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.Trigger.Servicebus.Queue.AsParm"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.Trigger.Servicebus.Queue.AsParm" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    if ($ -eq "ApiConnection" -and
        $ -like "*messages*") {
        if (-not ($ -like "*parameters('*')*")) {
            if ($ -match "'(.*)'") {
                $parmName = "TriggerQueue"
                $lgObj = Add-LogicAppParm -InputObject $lgObj -Name $parmName `
                    -Type "string" `
                    -Value "$($Matches[1])"

                $ = $$Matches[0], "parameters('$parmName')")

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Set-Raw.UserAssignedIdentities.EmptyValue.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all identity childs, which are UserAssigned
-Sets the value to an empty object

    Alias       = "Raw.Set-Raw.UserAssignedIdentities.EmptyValue"

Task -Name "Set-Raw.UserAssignedIdentities.EmptyValue" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $lgObj.identity | Where-Object type -eq UserAssigned | ForEach-Object {
        Foreach ($item in $_.userAssignedIdentities.PsObject.Properties) {
            $item.Value = @{}

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Sort-Arm.Parameter.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all Arm parameters
Identity known parameters and gives them a sorting value
-Custom parameters are assigned a "neutral" sorting value
Sorts parameters and re-assign them to the Arm template

    Alias       = "Arm.Sort-Arm.Parameter"

Task -Name "Sort-Arm.Parameter" @parm -Action {

    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $PrefixConnection = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.connection.prefix
    $connectionPattern = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $PrefixConnection -Value "*"

    $PrefixParm = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.parm.prefix
    $parmPattern = Format-Name -Type "Parm" -Prefix $PrefixParm -Value "*"

    $PrefixTag = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PsLogicAppExtractor.prefixsuffix.tag.prefix
    $tagPattern = Format-Name -Type "Tag" -Prefix $PrefixTag -Value "*"
    $sorted = @(foreach ($item in $armObj.parameters.PsObject.Properties) {
            switch -Wildcard ($item.Name) {
                "logicApp*" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 0; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "trigger*" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 100; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "userAssignedIdentityName" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 200; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$connectionPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 300; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$parmPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 100000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$tagPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                default { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
        }) | Sort-Object -Property Sort

    $orderedParms = [ordered]@{}

    $groups = $sorted | Group-Object -Property Sort

    foreach ($item in $groups) {
        $item.Group | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
            $orderedParms."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value

    $armObj.parameters = [PsCustomObject]$orderedParms

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Sort-Arm.Variable.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all Arm variables
Identity known variables and gives them a sorting value
-Custom variables are assigned a "neutral" sorting value
Sorts variables and re-assign them to the Arm template

    Alias       = "Arm.Sort-Arm.Variable"

Task -Name "Sort-Arm.Variable" @parm -Action {
    $armObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $connectionPattern = Format-Name -Type "Connection" -Prefix $Connection_Prefix -Suffix $Connection_Suffix -Value "*"
    $parmPattern = Format-Name -Type "Parm" -Prefix $Parm_Prefix -Suffix $Parm_Suffix -Value "*"
    $tagPattern = Format-Name -Type "Tag" -Prefix $Tag_Prefix -Suffix $Tag_Suffix -Value "*"

    $sorted = @(foreach ($item in $armObj.variables.PsObject.Properties) {
            switch -Wildcard ($item.Name) {
                "logicApp*" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 0; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "trigger*" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 100; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "userAssignedIdentityName" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 200; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$connectionPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 300; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$parmPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 100000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                "$tagPattern" { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                default { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
        }) | Sort-Object -Property Sort

    $orderedParms = [ordered]@{}

    $groups = $sorted | Group-Object -Property Sort

    foreach ($item in $groups) {
        $item.Group | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
            $orderedParms."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value

    $armObj.variables = [PsCustomObject]$orderedParms

    Out-TaskFileArm -InputObject $armObj

#Original file: Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Parm.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all LogicApp parm (parameter)
Sorts parms (parameters) and re-assign them to the Logic App json structure

    Alias       = "Raw.Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Parm"

Task -Name "Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Parm" @parm -Action {
    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject
    $sorted = @(foreach ($item in $ {
            switch -Wildcard ($item.Name) {
                '$connections' { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 0; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
                default { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
        }) | Sort-Object -Property Sort

    $orderedParms = [ordered]@{}

    $groups = $sorted | Group-Object -Property Sort

    foreach ($item in $groups) {
        $item.Group | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
            $orderedParms."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value

    $ = [PsCustomObject]$orderedParms

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj

#Original file: Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Tag.task.ps1
$parm = @{
    Description = @"
Loops all LogicApp tag
Sorts tags and re-assign them to the Logic App json structure

    Alias       = "Raw.Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Tag"

Task -Name "Sort-Raw.LogicApp.Tag" @parm -Action {

    $lgObj = Get-TaskWorkObject

    $sorted = @(foreach ($item in $lgObj.tags.PsObject.Properties) {
            switch -Wildcard ($item.Name) {
                default { [PsCustomObject]@{Sort = 1000; Name = $item.Name; Value = $item.Value } }
        }) | Sort-Object -Property Sort

    $orderedParms = [ordered]@{}

    $groups = $sorted | Group-Object -Property Sort

    foreach ($item in $groups) {
        $item.Group | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object {
            $orderedParms."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value

    $lgObj.tags = [PsCustomObject]$orderedParms

    Out-TaskFileLogicApp -InputObject $lgObj