
Short description
Long description
Instruct the cmdlet which template type you want to have outputted
Path to were the Task template file will be persisted
The path has to be a directory
The file will be named: _set-XYA.Template.ps1
PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskTemplate -Category "Arm"
Outputs the task template of the type Arm to the console
PS C:\> Get-PsLaTaskTemplate -Category "Arm" -OutputPath "C:\temp\work_directory"
Outputs the task template of the type Arm
Persists the file into the "C:\temp\work_directory" directory
Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-PsLaTaskTemplate {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Arm', 'Converter', 'Raw')]
        [string] $Category,

        [string] $OutputPath

    if ($OutputPath) {
        Copy-Item -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\tasks\_Set-$Category.Template.tmp" -Destination "$OutputPath\_Set-$Category.Template.ps1" -PassThru -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    else {
        Get-Content -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\internal\tasks\_Set-$Category.Template.tmp" -Raw